Статьи 45
Статьи категории «Статьи 45»
types of parrots
Types of ParrotsParrots are fantastic, intelligent, quirky, and outrageously colorful birds, that have been our companions...
types of penalties in ice hockey
Types of Penalties in Ice HockeyIce hockey is a well-known and exciting sport which is played on ice. The game started in...
types of penguins
Different Types of PenguinsA group of flightless birds, penguins are of many types found in the Southern Hemisphere. This...
types of people you meet in college dorm life
16 Types of People You Meet in College Dorm LifeWhile staying in a dormitory is an exciting and challenging experience, it...
types of people you see at restaurants
18 Types Of People You See At RestaurantsWe all love to have a nice enjoyable meal at a restaurant, and along with the food,...
types of people you see at the mall
12 Types of People You See at the MallNo matter which part of the world you belong to, you'll always find one-of-a-kind peculiar...
types of perspective drawings
Types of Perspective DrawingsPerspective drawings make use of a few observed facts of how every object or target seems to...
types of pet food puzzles
Types of Pet Food PuzzlesIt goes without saying that pets need our attention, love, and care. And if you have a pet who loves...
types of pet sharks
Types of Pet SharksAre you aware of the types of pet sharks that most hobbyists enjoy keeping in their aquariums? Here is...
types of pet snakes
Types of Pet SnakesContemplating the idea of going for an exotic pet? Here's a short write-up on different types of pet snakes...
types of pet turtles
Types of Pet TurtlesTurtles can make great pets of the quiet kind. There are many different types to choose from, if you...
types of photographers
Types of PhotographersPhotography can be of anything and everything, and as such there are numerous branches in this field....
types of photography lighting
Types of Photography LightingTo master the art of capturing the moment the way it is in with a camera, it is extremely important...
types of photography
Types of PhotographyThe various types of photography are a clear indication of why this much-loved art form has reached epic...
types of pimples
Types of PimplesOne of the most common woes of puberty is the occurrence of pimples. The following article provides information...
types of pneumonia
Types of PneumoniaThere are a number of types of pneumonia, and the treatment varies according to which one a person has...
types of poisonous snakes
Types of Poisonous SnakesLet us take a tour of the types of poisonous snakes that trod upon the Earth. Also get to see some...
types of polyamides and their applications
Types of Polyamides and their ApplicationsPolyamide finds applications in fields ranging from the clothing business to the...
types of port wine
Types of Port WineSo often do we pick up a glass of port wine after dinner and relish it without ever paying much attention...
types of print media
Types of Print MediaPrint media is a medium through which printed matter is disseminated to the audience. Here are some of...
types of programming errors
Types of Programming ErrorsThere are various types of programming errors that can crop up during the development phase of...
types of psychic abilities
Types of Psychic AbilitiesPsychic ability is an extraordinary power that exists in each one of us. It gives us exceptional...
types of psychology
Types of PsychologyPsychology is a discipline that studies mental behavior and reactions, scientifically. It incorporates...
types of rabbits
Types of RabbitsThere are many varieties of rabbits in the world, all having different personalities and temperaments. This...
types of recreation
Types of RecreationThere are tons of recreational activities that people, regardless of age, can take part in and enjoy with...
types of relationships
Types of Love RelationshipsLove is a word that is used more often than meant, or, should we say that different folks have...
types of reptiles
Types of ReptilesCrocodiles, alligators, snakes, lizards, turtles ... There is no dearth of reptiles on the planet. These...
types of response bias explained with examples
Types of Response Bias Explained with ExamplesResponse bias is a type of bias which influences a person's response away from...
types of retirement plans
Types of Retirement PlansAlthough planning for retirement is not easy, a vast array of qualified retirement plans can help...
types of rice
Types of RiceAmongst all the grains, rice is the most popular one all over the world. It is cultivated in many parts of the...
types of ring guards for loose rings
Types of Ring Guards for Loose RingsReplacing a loose ring with a new one, especially if it is a wedding ring or a family...
types of satanism
Types of SatanismSatanism as a concept or ideology has been largely misinterpreted by the masses all over the world; what...
types of scientists
Types of ScientistsThere are different scientists who are experts in their chosen field of science. The following article...
types of scotch
Types of ScotchWhiskey that is distilled and matured in Scotland at least for three years in oak casks is called scotch whisky....
types of seals
Types of SealsSeals are fin-footed mammals that belong to the 'Pinnipedia' family. This Buzzle article sheds some light on...
types of sentences
Types of SentencesThere are 4 types of sentences that are generally used in the English language. These types help add some...
types of short term investments
Types of Short Term InvestmentsWhen you don't want your savings to be locked away for long, opting for short term investments...
types of sinusitis
Types of SinusitisSinusitis is basically divided into four types - acute, subacute, recurrent, and chronic. Out of these...
types of skewed distribution with real life examples
Types of Skewed Distribution with Real-life ExamplesSkewed distribution is that in which the mean deviates from the peak...
types of skin cancer melanoma
Information About Melanoma Skin CancerMelanoma is one of the most common type of skin cancers. Every year, around one million...
types of sleep disorders
Types of Sleep DisordersThis article dwells on the different types of sleep disorders that are seen to affect people. Sleep...
types of small businesses
Types of Small BusinessesSmall businesses provide an opportunity to investors with little money, to enter the market with...
types of snake venom
Types of Snake VenomSnake venom is very interesting as it has different types that affect different organs of the body when...
types of snakes with pictures
Types of Snakes with PicturesDo the cold, creepy crawlers called snakes interest you? If yes, then let's quietly slither...
types of social influence
Types of Social InfluenceWhether we realize it or not, our behavior and habits are influenced by other individuals in society....
types of social sciences
Types of Social SciencesSocial sciences are a vital branch in the field of science. Learn more about the types of social...
types of soffit vents
Types of Soffit VentsWe are always eager to construct storage places to stack the unused yet, important household items,...
types of software testing
Types of Software TestingSoftware testing is a process of executing software in a controlled manner. The article below elaborates...
types of spanish music
Types of Spanish MusicSpain has a long and vibrant musical history, with each region boasting of its unique traditional style....
types of spasms
Types of SpasmsSpasms are typical and most common discomforts. Do we know about the different spasms that trigger pain in...
types of speeches
Types of SpeechesVarious occasions require different types of speeches to be presented. In the following article, we will...
types of ssl certificates and their uses
3 Types of SSL Certificates and Their UsesAn SSL certificate is a data file that uses cryptography to secure an organization's...
types of stress you must know about
Types of Stress You Must Know AboutStress can be of different types, such as acute, chronic, and acute episodic stress. In...
types of survivorship curve with examples
Types of Survivorship Curve with ExamplesSurvivorship curves shows the decline of individuals with age. It can help us to...
types of system software
Types of System SoftwareThis article attempts to explain the various types of system software and their functions. Read the...
types of tarot cards
Types of Tarot CardsThere are different types of tarot cards. Although used as a kind of playing cards in ancient Italy,...
types of team building activities
Types of Team Building ActivitiesTeam building is an essential component when it comes to the working of any organization....
types of technology in the classroom
Types of Technology in the ClassroomTo know more about the different types of technology in the classroom, that are slowly...
types of tents for camping
Types of Tents for CampingFrom the good ol' tepees to the very spacious trailer tents, camping gear has come a long way....
types of time deposits
Types of Time DepositsTime deposits are preferred types of investments for several investors. The interests for all 3 forms...
types of tourism
Types of TourismThe tourism sector is one of the largest money-generating sectors in the world. It is an ever-developing...
types of travelers you come across while traveling
15 Types of Travelers You Come Across While TravelingWe come across different types of people from different walks of life,...
types of tropical fish
Types of Tropical FishThe fish found in tropical regions are known for their spectacular colors and variety. These magnificent...
types of tuna
Types of TunaTuna, one of the fastest swimming fish, is popular as a game fish. It is a prized food too. This Buzzle article...
types of ulcers
Types of UlcersUlceration is widely believed to be attributed to a stressful lifestyle and the dietary habits of the modern...
types of unemployment
Types of UnemploymentUnemployment is a global phenomenon. This article will brief you on various types of unemployment.Unemployment...
types of waterborne diseases
Types of Waterborne DiseasesWater contaminated by harmful micro-organisms and pollutants leads to various different types...
types of websites
Different Types of WebsitesThere are numerous websites based upon the purpose that they serve. Today, when we have an estimated...
types of wedding veils
Types of Wedding VeilsThe veil is not just an adornment or an accessory, it is the one thing that sets a bride apart from...
types of whiskey glasses
Types of Whiskey GlassesWhiskey connoisseurs would agree with us when we say that each type of whiskey glass gives a different...
types of women you should never date
Types Of Women You Should Never DateIt is very easy to fall for a girl. Everything feels dream-like in the beginning, but...
typhus symptoms and treatment
Typhus Symptoms and TreatmentTyphus refers to a group of infectious diseases caused by the bacteria of the genus 'Rickettsia'....
typing games for kids
Benefits of Typing Games for KidsTyping was an art a few decades ago. Today, it is an in-built talent among kids. The following...
tzatziki sauce recipe
Tzatziki Sauce RecipeTzatziki sauce is a very popular Greek sauce that is made with yogurt, cucumber and lemon juice. It...
ugly face of video gaming crossovers in film
The Ugly Face of Video Gaming Crossovers in FilmIt's not the ugly stepchild of pop culture any more, but it is still going...
ulcer diet list
Ulcer Diet Food ListFollowing a proper diet helps in quick recovery from ulcer. Here is the diet food list that will be helpful...
ulcer medication over the counter
Ulcer Medication Over the CounterMany non-prescription medications are available that help relieve pain and quicken the healing...
ulcer medication
Ulcer MedicationMedications can help in treating ulcer effectively. This article discusses them in detail.Ulcers are open...
ulcer remedies
Home Remedies for UlcersThe term 'ulcer' may refer to any kind of sore or lesion that forms on the surface of an organ or...
ulnar nerve surgery
Ulnar Nerve SurgeryUlnar nerve surgery is carried out when other non-surgical treatments do not work, and the compression...
ulnar neuropathy
Ulnar NeuropathyUlnar neuropathy is a condition that is caused by damage of the ulnar nerve―a nerve that originates...
ultimate ways to reuse a pizza box
Ultimate Ways to Reuse a Pizza BoxLate-night snacks or game sessions, whatever be the occasion, ordering-in a pizza serves...
ultrabook vs tablet vs laptop which one to choose
Ultrabook Vs. Tablet Vs. Laptop: Which One to Choose?Laptops, tablets, and Ultrabooks are perfect examples of how personal...
ultralight backpacking tips
Ultralight Backpacking TipsReducing your backpack weight to the minimum possible is the ultimate objective of ultralight...
ultrasonic jewelry cleaner
Ultrasonic Jewelry CleanerUltrasonic jewelry cleaners are a good and efficient way to come up with sparkling clean jewelry....
umbrella cockatoo
Umbrella Cockatoo FactsHey! this is umbrella cockatoo on board. If you are interested in knowing all about me, then you must...
umbrella plant care
Umbrella Plant CareThe umbrella plant is one of the most common houseplant you will find that is quite easy to maintain....
umbrella tree the umbrella plant facts
Umbrella Tree FactsUmbrella tree or Umbrella plant may refer to five disparate types of trees. Each of these differ as far...
unbelievable things dogs can smell
Unbelievable Things Dogs Can SmellThe fact that dogs have a very good sense of smell is common knowledge. However, few realize...
unbelievably bizarre animal defense mechanisms
Unbelievably Bizarre Animal Defense MechanismsAnimals do not possess high-end warfare techniques to defend themselves from...
uncertainty avoidance
Uncertainty AvoidanceUncertainty avoidance started off as a study on human psychology. But today, when the whole world has...
uncommon baby girl names
Uncommon Baby Girl NamesNaming your little baby girl is fun, exciting, and equally stressful. You want to give her a name...
uncontrollable muscle spasms
Uncontrollable Muscle SpasmsDealing with uncontrollable muscle spasms can be very annoying..., even more annoying when you...
uncontrolled diabetes
Uncontrolled DiabetesDiabetes is a condition wherein your body is unable to produce enough insulin or is unable to utilize...
undenatured whey protein
Undenatured Whey ProteinThere are several health benefits associated with undenatured whey protein. Read this Buzzle article...
underarm whitening
Underarm WhiteningRead this article to get some underarm whitening tips if you are scared to flash those not-so-perfect underarms...
undercut hairstyles for men
Undercut Hairstyles for MenUndercut hairstyles aren't just for runway models and punk rock stars, but also for ordinary folk...
undercut hairstyles for women
Undercut Hairstyles for WomenOur cogent plea to try the sensuous, androgynous undercut hairstyle will leave you with zero...
underground homes wave of the future
Are Underground Homes the Wave of the Future?Why would a person want to live underground? Are underground homes just large...
underrated horror movies
Underrated Horror MoviesHorror is a particularly populous genre in the history of film-making, and some gems of the genre...
understanding a capricorn males behavior
Understanding a Capricorn Male's BehaviorA Capricorn male is a strong personality who doesn't really reveal his innermost...
understanding a run on sentence with examples
Understanding a Run-on Sentence with ExamplesThe sentence "he ran she walked" may make sense when read out loud....
understanding acid base reactions
Understanding Acid-Base ReactionsAcid-base reactions are often the first reactions covered in organic chemistry classes....
understanding all about barrel vaults
Understanding All About Barrel VaultsA barrel vault is a type of vault with its semicylindrical arched surface elongated...
understanding animism with examples
Understanding Animism With ExamplesAnimism is a belief that even the non-living things have souls. Let us try to understand...
understanding aspect ratio pan and scan vs letterbox
Understanding Aspect Ratio: Pan and Scan Vs. LetterboxAspect ratio is the ratio of the width of the image to its height....
understanding aversive conditioning with examples
Understanding Aversive Conditioning with ExamplesAre you plagued by a bad habit that you just can't seem to get rid of? Understanding...
understanding batesian mimicry with examples
Understanding Batesian Mimicry with ExamplesBatesian mimicry is a very interesting adaptation seen in our animal kingdom....
understanding carbon nanotubes
Understanding Carbon NanotubesCarbon nanotubes are the strongest materials known till date. They are widely used in electronic...
understanding catachresis with examples
Understanding Catachresis with ExamplesImagine reading 'He was happy as a corpse' or 'Her laughing feet fell overboard with...
understanding conscious uncoupling
Understanding Conscious UncouplingConscious uncoupling is a process of separation that encourages self-reflection. In this...
understanding corporatocracy with examples
Understanding Corporatocracy With ExamplesCorporatocracy can be defined as a system that is indirectly controlled by huge...
understanding cultural bias with examples
Understanding Cultural Bias with ExamplesCultural bias is the interpretation of any phenomena based on one's own cultural...
understanding cultural landscape with examples
Understanding Cultural Landscape with ExamplesThe human-nature interaction reflected through natural landforms and human...
understanding cultural region with examples
Understanding Cultural Region With ExamplesThe diversity of the world we inhabit cannot be measured in terms of physical...
understanding deindividuation with examples
Understanding Deindividuation With ExamplesIt has been observed that individuals in a group tend to deindividuate or simply...
understanding different interpretations of dynamic equilibrium
Understanding Different Interpretations of Dynamic EquilibriumThe term 'equilibrium' denotes a state at which a system is...
understanding different interpretations of synesthesia
Understanding Different Interpretations of SynesthesiaSynesthesia is a very interesting neurological condition in which people...
understanding dog anatomy with labeled diagrams
Understanding Dog Anatomy With Labeled DiagramsDog anatomy is not very difficult to understand if a labeled diagram is present...
understanding doublethink with examples
Understanding Doublethink with ExamplesThe term 'doublethink' is often confused with being hypocritical; however, once you...
understanding enthymeme with examples
Understanding Enthymeme with ExamplesLanguage is beautiful. It is more beautiful when we are able to comprehend the hidden...
understanding episodic memory with examples
Understanding Episodic Memory With ExamplesEpisodic memory is a type of long-term memory. It is the memory of autobiographical...
understanding ethical theory
Understanding Ethical TheoryEthics is generally thought of as a type of philosophy that determines what is right and wrong....
understanding excess capacity with examples
Understanding Excess Capacity with ExamplesIn simple terms, excess capacity is the situation where there is more capacity...
understanding experiential marketing with examples
Understanding Experiential Marketing with ExamplesMarketing has undergone a sea change ever since the days of 'what you see...
understanding glass escalator effect in sociology
Understanding Glass Escalator Effect in SociologyThe glass escalator effect in sociology is a reflection of the gender inequality...
understanding gordon allports trait theory of personality
Understanding Gordon Allport's Trait Theory of PersonalityGordon Allport was one of the pioneer trait theorists who attempted...
understanding government monopoly with examples
Understanding Government Monopoly with ExamplesA government monopoly has the advantage of offering essential services at...
understanding headaches triggered by alcohol consumption
Understanding Headaches Triggered by Alcohol ConsumptionIf you want to save yourself from alcohol-induced headaches, staying...
understanding hindsight bias with examples
Understanding Hindsight Bias with ExamplesHindsight bias is the tendency to view events as being more predictable than they...
understanding imaginary audience with examples
Understanding Imaginary Audience With ExamplesThough the term imaginary audience seems a bit eerie, it is a psychological...
understanding intertextuality with examples
Understanding Intertextuality with ExamplesOftentimes, we borrow phrases, concepts, or ideas from other works to be reflected...
understanding learned helplessness with examples
Understanding Learned Helplessness with ExamplesLearned helplessness is a behavioral trait where a person feels he/she has...
understanding legal positivism with examples
Understanding 'Legal Positivism' With ExamplesThis Buzzle article takes a closer look at the theory of legal positivism....
understanding material and non material culture
Understanding Material and Non-material CultureMaterial and non-material culture make up the overall culture of any society....
understanding mechanical isolation with examples
Understanding Mechanical Isolation with ExamplesIf not for structural differences in reproductive organs of species, interbreeding...
understanding men
Understanding MenAsk any woman "Can men be understood?" and the instant response you can get is a "Can we?"...
understanding nonrepresentational art with examples
Understanding Nonrepresentational Art with ExamplesNonrepresentational art is one of the forms of figurative art. It reflects...
understanding observational learning with examples
Understanding Observational Learning With ExamplesThe study of 'learning' has been gaining increasing attention in psychology...
understanding pluralistic ignorance in social psychology
Understanding Pluralistic Ignorance in Social PsychologyGoing through the examples of pluralistic ignorance provided in this...
understanding positive and negative connotative words with examples
Understanding Positive and Negative Connotative Words with ExamplesThe terms 'connotation' and 'denotation' refer to ways...
understanding probable cause with examples
Understanding Probable Cause with ExamplesThe legality of a warrantless arrest or search is decided mainly on the basis of...
understanding proxemics in different cultures
Understanding Proxemics in Different CulturesEvery culture in the world is unique in the way that the people of a culture...
understanding reciprocal pronouns with examples
Understanding Reciprocal Pronouns with ExamplesA pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun or a noun phrase. But...
understanding representational art with examples
Understanding Representational Art with ExamplesArt is complex. Art is beauty. Art is varied. Visual art is divided into...
understanding satire with examples
Understanding Satire with ExamplesSatire is and always has been a widely used tool of expression through various media. Read...
understanding self perception theory with examples
Understanding Self-perception Theory With ExamplesThe definition of self-perception asserts that attitude development takes...
understanding self serving bias with examples
Understanding Self-serving Bias With ExamplesHaving a tough time trying to understand what self-serving bias is, or how it...
understanding situational ethics with real life examples
Understanding Situational Ethics with Real-life ExamplesSituational ethics dictate that the moral path be decided by the...
understanding social darwinism with examples
Understanding 'Social Darwinism' with ExamplesSocial Darwinism applies the biological laws of evolution and natural selection...
understanding spontaneous recovery in psychology with examples
Understanding Spontaneous Recovery in Psychology With ExamplesSpontaneous recovery is a vital phenomenon in learning, and...
understanding stocks and bonds
Understanding Stocks and BondsIf the purpose of your online visit is understanding stocks and bonds, this article will be...
understanding telegraphic speech with examples
Understanding Telegraphic Speech With ExamplesTelegraphic speech refers to the two-word stage of language development in...
understanding the alphabetic principle with examples
Understanding the Alphabetic Principle With ExamplesThe alphabetic principle refers to the systematic relationship between...
understanding the basic differences between hedge funds and mutual funds
Understanding the Basic Differences Between Hedge Funds and Mutual FundsWhile hedge funds provide maximum returns, mutual...
understanding the clincher sentence with examples
Understanding the Clincher Sentence with ExamplesAs a part of academic writing, a clincher sentence plays an important role...
understanding the cohort effect in various fields with examples
Understanding the Cohort Effect in Various Fields with ExamplesThe cohort effect plays an important role in population studies....
understanding the concept of bottle episode with examples
Understanding the Concept of 'Bottle Episode' with ExamplesBottle episodes are also known as 'single-location' episodes....
understanding the concept of collective unconscious
Understanding the Concept of Collective UnconsciousCollective unconscious is a common belief system that every human inherits...
understanding the concept of cultural capital with examples
Understanding the Concept of 'Cultural Capital' with ExamplesThe famous sociologist Pierre Bourdieu talks about non-financial...
understanding the concept of cultural hegemony with examples
Understanding the Concept of Cultural Hegemony with ExamplesCultural hegemony is a philosophical and sociological concept...
understanding the concept of deficit spending with examples
Understanding the Concept of Deficit Spending with ExamplesDeficit spending occurs when the expenses incurred are more than...
understanding the concept of religious pluralism with examples
Understanding the Concept of Religious Pluralism with ExamplesReligious pluralism is basically accepting that all religions...
understanding the concept of sublimation in psychology
Understanding the Concept of Sublimation in PsychologySublimation is a subconscious process whereby certain negative urges...
understanding the crowding out effect in economics
Understanding the Crowding Out Effect in Economics'Crowding out' in economics is an impact of an increase in the government...
understanding the dietary habits of baby turtles
Understanding the Dietary Habits of Baby TurtlesBaby turtles are incredibly cute animals, and they make superb pets. However,...
understanding the difference between knowledge and belief
Understanding the Difference Between Knowledge and BeliefKnowledge and belief are two concepts that can really make you get...
understanding the difference between morals and values
Understanding the Difference between Morals and ValuesThe morals and values that one possesses determines the type of individual...
understanding the difference between tort and criminal law
Understanding the Difference Between Tort and Criminal LawThe basic purpose of tort law and criminal law is to maintain an...
understanding the different types and shapes of surfboards
Understanding the Different Types and Shapes of SurfboardsThere are various types of surfboards that are used on different...
understanding the eating habits of crocodiles
Understanding the Eating Habits of CrocodilesWhat do crocodiles eat? Crocodiles are carnivorous and dine on a variety of...
understanding the edge effect with examples
Understanding the Edge Effect with ExamplesIncreasing deforestation around the world has led to a rise in the 'edge' of forests,...
understanding the endowment effect in economics with examples
Understanding the Endowment Effect in Economics With ExamplesIn the field of behavioral economics, a fairly interesting phenomena...
understanding the gemini man
Understanding the Gemini ManThe day a Gemini man decides to settle down, he would prefer a partner who is logical and practical....
understanding the ingredients in tattoo ink before getting yourself inked
Understanding the Ingredients in Tattoo Ink Before Getting Yourself InkedModern-day permanent tattoo ink contains ingredients...
understanding the job of a porter in different industries
Understanding the Job of a Porter in Different IndustriesA porter greets gusts, assists with luggage, arranges items, and...
understanding the jury sequestration rules
Understanding the Jury Sequestration RulesJury sequestration is a strategy often used by judges to increase the chances of...
understanding the legal term hung jury with examples
Understanding the Legal Term Hung Jury with ExamplesThough a jury trial is sometimes preferred to a bench trial, a hung jury...
understanding the lewis dot structure with examples
Understanding the Lewis Dot Structure With ExamplesThe Lewis dot structure is a way of representing the nature of the bonds...
understanding the literary term cacophony with examples
Understanding the Literary Term 'Cacophony' with ExamplesCacophony is a literary term used to describe words with harsh and...
understanding the literary term chiasmus with examples
Understanding the Literary Term 'Chiasmus' with ExamplesChiasmus is a literary term that we come across every day without...
understanding the literary term peripeteia with examples
Understanding the Literary Term 'Peripeteia' with ExamplesThe Greeks are rightly called the creators of tragedy, with their...
understanding the litmus paper test for acids and bases
Understanding the Litmus Paper Test for Acids and BasesThe litmus test is one of the easiest and most basic tests of chemistry....
understanding the little albert experiment
Understanding the Little Albert ExperimentSummary of the Little Albert experiment is presented in this Buzzle article. This...
understanding the meaning of a kindred spirit
Understanding the Meaning of a Kindred SpiritDéjà vu. Love at first sight. It all leads to one thing - kindred spirits. If...
understanding the meaning of dereliction of duty
Understanding the Meaning of Dereliction of DutyWhen an employee consciously makes himself unavailable to perform his duties,...
understanding the meaning of object permanence in infants
Understanding the Meaning of Object Permanence in InfantsHow do you know that things like your bag, a chair, keys, or any...
understanding the meanings of different colored orbs
Understanding the Meanings of Different Colored OrbsFloating spirits or specks of dust? This Buzzle post tries to unravel...
understanding the mechanism of plastic deformation
Understanding the Mechanism of Plastic DeformationHave you ever wondered why some objects regain their shape on bending,...
understanding the principle of factor sparsity with examples
Understanding the Principle of Factor Sparsity with ExamplesUsed for optimizing the efforts put in by an entity and accomplishing...
understanding the process of biological magnification
Understanding the Process of Biological MagnificationBiological magnification occurs when toxic substances concentrate in...
understanding the proper usage of indefinite pronouns with examples
Understanding the Proper Usage of Indefinite Pronouns with ExamplesPronouns that do not refer to a specific person or a thing...
understanding the proper usage of polysyndeton with examples
Understanding the Proper Usage of Polysyndeton With ExamplesPolysyndeton is a stylistic device that is often used in prose...
understanding the psychological phenomenon of groupthink with examples
Understanding the Psychological Phenomenon of 'Groupthink' with ExamplesHave you ever agreed with your friends on something...
understanding the psychological projection theory with examples
Understanding the Psychological Projection Theory with ExamplesProjection is a very common psychological defense mechanism...
understanding the psychology behind aversive racism
Understanding the Psychology Behind Aversive RacismEven well-intentioned people can be racist, without actually being aware...
understanding the reality principle in psychology
Understanding the Reality Principle in PsychologyHave you ever felt the urge to eat a lot when on a diet? You surely must...
understanding the rules of capitalization with examples
Understanding the 'Rules of Capitalization' with ExamplesWe all know that the first word of every sentence needs to be capitalized,...
understanding the sadistic personality disorder
Understanding the Sadistic Personality DisorderPeople with a sadistic personality disorder or sadists may come across as...
understanding the signs of teenage depression and dealing with adolescent depression
Dealing with Teen DepressionMore than 60 percent of teens never get help with depression even though they can be assisted...
understanding the sleeper effect with examples
Understanding the Sleeper Effect with ExamplesThe sleeper effect is a commonly observed psychological phenomenon that helps...
understanding the social exchange theory with examples
Understanding the Social Exchange Theory with ExamplesHumans are cold and calculating by nature. This is what the 'social...
understanding the social structure theory with examples
Understanding the Social Structure Theory With ExamplesThe social structure theory studies the way how a society is divided...
understanding the structure of a periodic sentence with examples
Understanding the Structure of a Periodic Sentence with ExamplesPeriodic sentences add emphasis and structural variety by...
understanding the theory of marketplace of ideas with examples
Understanding the Theory of 'Marketplace of Ideas' with ExamplesThe theory of 'Marketplace of Ideas' is a metaphor for freedom...
understanding the theory of social network
Understanding the Theory of Social NetworkA social network is the construct or structure that exists between interacting...
understanding the types of conflicts in literature with examples
Understanding the Types of Conflicts in Literature with ExamplesA conflict is an important element of literature. In this...
understanding the usage of facetious with proper examples
Understanding the Usage of Facetious with Proper ExamplesFacetious is an often confused word. Being facetious is sometimes...
understanding tonality in music
Understanding Tonality in MusicTonality is that principle in music which organizes musical compositions around a central...
understanding tortious interference with examples
Understanding Tortious Interference With ExamplesTortious interference is one of the fast-growing theories related to torts...
understanding transferred epithet hypallage with examples
Understanding Transferred Epithet (Hypallage) with ExamplesTransferred epithet is a figure of speech that is taught early...
understanding tv refresh rate
Understanding TV Refresh RateCan't understand what the refresh rate of your new TV means, exactly? This Buzzle article will...
understanding types of diction with examples
Understanding Types of Diction with ExamplesDiction is one of the most important characteristics of an author or his work....
understanding who you are not
Understanding Who You Are NotThe concept of "you" is vast and is one of those that every individual think about...
understanding women quotes
Quotes about Understanding WomenIs it possible to understand women completely? All the time? Here are quotes that will give...
understatement meaning and examples
Understatement: Meaning and ExamplesWhat can be said about a literary device which packs in a major punch, and yet remains...
underwater photography tips and ideas for underwater photography
Underwater Photography Tips and IdeasUnderwater photography provides all the chills and thrills of any fast paced film. Here...
unearned revenue
Unearned RevenueWhat is unearned or deferred revenue? How is the liability associated with it calculated? Read to find all...
unemployment causes and consequences
Unemployment Causes and ConsequencesWhat are the types and reasons of unemployment and how does it affect the individual...
unemployment compensation applying for the unemployment benefits
Unemployment CompensationUnemployment is a nightmarish scenario for most working people. Fortunately, there are mechanisms...
unemployment during the great depression
Unemployment During the Great DepressionThe Great Depression, which began around 1929 and lasted almost a decade, was a massive...
unemployment extension2010
Unemployment Extension 2012The economic recession and financial crisis that spanned from 2007 and continues even today, is...
unethical business behavior
Unethical Business BehaviorUnethical business behavior is one of the most challenging issues for organizations today. It...
unexplained weight gain in women
Unexplained Weight Gain in WomenSlowed down rate of metabolism, especially due to scarcity of thyroid hormones can result...
unhappy relationship advice
Relationship Advice for Unhappy CouplesInstead of feeling miserable in a bad relationship, find a definite solution to your...
unhappy relationship signs
Unhappy Relationship SignsMany times we ignore arguments as an obvious part of a relationship. However, did you know that...
unhealthy relationships signs
Unhealthy Relationships SignsSometimes a relationship doesn't work, no matter what you do. This article will help you to...
unhealthy ways to lose weight fast
Unhealthy Ways to Lose Weight FastTo ensure that you lose weight the natural and healthy way, it is important to understand...
unicellular organisms
Unicellular OrganismsUnicellular organisms refer to living entities that have only one cell, and the cell is responsible...
uniformitarianism vs catastrophism theories of geological evolution
Uniformitarianism Vs. Catastrophism - Theories of Geological EvolutionThe two main theories of geological evolution of the...
uninterruptible power supply
Uninterruptible Power SupplyIn our present age, which is dominated by electronics and computers, the UPS comes across as...
unique 4th of july gift ideas
Unique 4th of July Gift IdeasWhen it comes to gifts for the 4th of July the more unique they are, the better, don't you agree?...
unique 50th wedding anniversary gifts
Unique 50th Wedding Anniversary GiftsThere is no shortage of unique gift ideas for friends or family members celebrating...
unique and catchy names for your photography business
112 Unique and Catchy Names for Your Photography BusinessThe photography business is an artistic venture, and requires a...
unique baby girl names and meanings
Unique Baby Girl Names and MeaningsHere is a collection of unique baby girl names and meanings that you may consider for...
unique baby girl names
Unique Baby Girl NamesThe wish to divert from common trends has given boost to the search for unique names. Looking for an...
unique baby names and meanings
Unique Baby Names and MeaningsExpecting moms spend half their time thinking of a unique name for their little one. The following...
unique baby names for girls and meanings
Unique Baby Names for Girls and MeaningsEvery parent wants to choose a unique name for their newborn daughter. And so, the...
unique birthday cakes for adults
Unique Birthday Cakes for AdultsHow do you come up with some ideas for unique birthday cakes for adults? Still wondering...
unique birthday cakes
Unique Birthday CakesDo you want something really unique for your kid's upcoming birthday? If yes, then you should spend...
unique birthday gift ideas
Unique Birthday Gift IdeasA birthday is a special occasion to celebrate, an occasion to gift your loved ones with something...
unique boy names and meanings
Unique Boy Names and MeaningsSearching unique names for your baby boy is not just an important task, but it can leave any...
unique boy names list
Unique Boy Names ListEvery parent in this world wants a unique name for their baby. This article lists some of the popular...
unique boy names
Unique Boy NamesNames are the first identity you can give your baby. So, wouldn't you like it to be the best? Read on to...
unique boy names2010
Most Popular Boy Names of 2012Your son is going to arrive sometime soon and you want a name for him that is quite popular,...
unique brazilian baby names for girls and boys
Unique Brazilian Baby Names for Girls and BoysLooking for a Brazilian name for the apple of your eye? Buzzle puts forth a...
unique bridal bouquet designs
Unique Bridal Bouquet DesignsAgainst a wedding dress, a rich, colorful bouquet will only amplify the loveliness a bride imbues....
unique date ideas
Unique Date IdeasThe zephyr is plotting to bring the two of you together, and even the beautiful moon seems to have enlarged...
unique fall themed baby shower ideas
Unique Fall-themed Baby Shower IdeasA fall-themed baby shower is perfect if you're looking for a theme to coincide with the...
unique features of birds
Unique Features of BirdsThe ability to fly is one of the most unique features of birds. Apart from flying, there are other...
unique garden decor ideas
Unique Garden Decor IdeasDecorating a garden can be one of the most exciting and relaxing hobbies. If you have the passion,...
unique gift ideas for babies
Unique Gift Ideas for BabiesHere are some unique gift ideas for babies. Take a look."A baby will make love stronger, days...
unique gift ideas for boyfriend
Unique Gift Ideas for BoyfriendThe pressure to get something 'unique' for her boyfriend can make any girl frantic. Take a...
unique gifts for men romantic gifts ideas him
Unique Romantic Gift Ideas For HimGifts are only as good as the thought behind them. However, we should be careful enough...
unique girl names
Unique Girl NamesAre you looking for some unique names for girls that will help you name your darling? The following article...
unique hairstyles
Unique HairstylesParis Hilton has very rightly said, "Life is too short to blend in!" and we couldn't agree more....
unique halloween costume ideas
Unique Halloween Costume IdeasHere's presenting you with some unique ideas for Halloween costumes for kids and adults. Read...
unique handmade jewelry
Unique Handmade JewelryHandmade jewelry has its own beauty,appeal, and is unique. Read on to know why is it still preferred...
unique ideas to celebrate parents day
Unique Ideas to Celebrate Parents' DayDedicating a day solely to thank and revere our caretakers is a good way of showing...
unique last name ideas for fictional characters of your book
Unique Last Name Ideas for Fictional Characters of Your BookFlipping through phone books is the easiest way to coin innovative...
unique names for your pet horse
Unique Names for Your Pet HorseHorses make wonderful pets. Not only are they gorgeous, but they are also very intelligent,...
unique piercings
Unique PiercingsThinking of getting a piercing done but don't want it to be just any ordinary, run-of-the-mill piercing?...
unique quotes and sayings
Unique Quotes And SayingsUnderstanding the complexities of life is quite difficult. But, these unique quotes and sayings...
unique ways to entertain guests between wedding and reception
10 Unique Ways to Entertain Guests Between Wedding and ReceptionLike everything else involved with a wedding, you need a...
unisex gift ideas
Unisex Gift IdeasWhen gifts can be chosen without worrying about if either sex will be happy to see it, the problem of picking...
unisex names for babies
Unisex Names for BabiesLooking for a unique list of names for your little bundle of joy? Here is a list of unisex names for...
unitarianism and modern religious thought
Unitarianism and Modern Religious ThoughtDon't look now - you just might be a latent Unitarian! Feeling disillusioned with...
unitary system vs federal system
Unitary System Vs. Federal SystemThe development of Democratic and Republican states has sparked off a debate on the Unitary...
unitary system
Unitary System of GovernanceA unitary system of governance is probably the oldest political philosophy upon which the governments...
united states constitution facts
United States Constitution FactsCheck out some very interesting United States constitution facts in the following article,...
united states list of state abbreviations and capitals
United States: List of State Abbreviations and CapitalsAt the time of Independence, only thirteen states were a part of the...
united states presidential election of1800 summary and significance
United States Presidential Election of 1800: Summary and SignificanceModern political campaigning was first seen in the Presidential...
unplanned pregnancy statistics
Unplanned Pregnancy StatisticsWith education teaching us everything it can, the statistics in this article come as a surprise....
unpopped popcorn
Unpopped PopcornHave you ever wondered why all the popcorn kernels do not pop even when heated to the right temperature?...
unsecured credit cards after bankruptcy
Unsecured Credit Cards after BankruptcyA lot of people look for different lending options after filing for bankruptcy. This...
unsecured credit cards to rebuild credit
Unsecured Credit Cards to Rebuild CreditFacing bad credit problems? Want to rebuild it? Then go in for the unsecured credit...
untreated sinus infection
Untreated Sinus InfectionSinus infection is a common medical problem experienced by most people across the world. However,...
unusual animal facts
Unusual Animal FactsIf you think unusual is interesting, it's unlikely that you won't like the animal facts that we have...
unusual animals
Unusual AnimalsThe concept of unusual animals has been known to man for quite some time now. The term unusual animals consists...
unusual baby gifts
Unusual Baby GiftsThe birth of a baby is a joyous moment in every parent's life. Here are some gift ideas that you can choose...
unusual careers list
Unusual Careers ListThere are quite a few unusual careers in the industry which are generally required on a small scale....
unusual celebrity babynames
Unusual Celebrity Baby NamesThere's a vicious fight going on among celebrities of late. No, it's not about living in the...
unusual facts about science
Unusual Scientific FactsAn iceberg has inherently more heat than a match stick! Yeah, I'm not crazy. It's one of the most...
unusual facts about the declaration of independence
Unusual Facts About the Declaration of IndependenceFew people know about some unusual facts about the declaration of independence....
unusual gifts for 18th birthday
Unusual Gifts for 18th BirthdayThis article helps you find unusual gifts for the 18th birthday for both girls and boys. Find...
unusual girl names
Unusual Girl NamesEvery parent wants their child's name to be something different, something no one has heard of before....
unusual hobbies list
Unusual Hobbies ListEver wanted to step out of the crowd and do something different when it came to a hobby? Are you the...
unusual hot drinks around the world
Unusual Hot Drinks Around the WorldWant to try something other than the usual cappuccinos and chai-lattes? Read this article...
unusual sports that you should try
Unusual Sports That You Should TryWe all like to occasionally add a twist of taste, a quirky flavor to the mundane. Read...
unusual vacation spots
Unusual Vacation SpotsDo you wish to know about some unusual vacation spots where you can spend some of the best moments...
unusual vacations
Unusual VacationsBored with your everyday life and thinking of taking a vacation? How about trying some unusual vacations,...
unusual words
List of Unusual Words and their MeaningsEveryone knows that English is a funny language! It is a strange language with many...
up and coming careers2011
Up and Coming Careers 2012In today's turbulent times, it's better if you know about the up and coming careers 2012. The jobs...
upgrading computer hardware how to upgrade graphics card
Upgrading Computer Hardware - How to Upgrade Graphics CardThe graphics card is a must for computer games. As rapid advancement...
uplifting quotes about life
Uplifting Quotes About LifeAre you looking for some inspirational quotes about life that will help motivate you to live life...
uplifting quotes
Uplifting Quotes"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson. Scroll down to get...
upper abdominal pain during pregnancy
Upper Abdominal Pain During PregnancyThough pain in the upper abdomen is common during pregnancy, it can also be an indication...
upper back muscle spasms
Upper Back Muscle SpasmsUpper back muscle spasms can occur at any time without any warning. Age can be a common cause of...
upper back tattoos
Upper Back TattoosAn upper back tattoo looks exotic and breathtaking, if the design you choose complements your personality....
upper back workout
Upper Back WorkoutThe upper back workouts not only help in strengthening the lats, but also support the adjoining organs...
upper body workout at home
Upper Body Workouts at HomePaying special attention to your upper body is very important considering the fast-paced lives...
upper body workout without weights
Upper Body Workout Without WeightsAre you wondering if it is possible to perform upper body workout without weights? Yes,...
upper body workout
Upper Body WorkoutTo work out on the upper body, one needs to form a proper workout plan, that includes exercises which focus...
upper limb spasticity
Upper Limb SpasticityUpper limb spasticity is undoubtedly an agonizing condition. Many a time, it is left undiagnosed as...
urate crystals
Urate CrystalsUric acid crystals or urate crystals are formed due to the accumulation of uric acid. They are sharp crystalline...
urban fashion clothing
Urban Fashion ClothingThe street defines urban fashion clothing. However from its grungy origins, urban clothes are stepping...
uric acid crystals in urine
Uric Acid Crystals in UrineHigh levels of uric acid inside the body is often excreted in the form of crystals through urine....
uric acid levels and gout
Uric Acid Levels and GoutThe following article explores the relationship between uric acid levels and gout. Read on to know...
urinary retention in women
Urinary Retention in WomenUrinary retention is a problem that a lot of people face all across the globe. If you are a woman...
urinary tract infections kidney infection symptoms treatment
Urinary Tract Infections: Kidney Infection Symptoms and TreatmentWhile a bladder infection is the most common type of urinary...
urine crystals in humans
Urine Crystals in HumansKidney stone or urine crystals in humans do get formed under certain conditions. This article provides...
uruguay facts
Uruguay FactsUruguay, is a South American country that truly has the whole package. An interesting history, some breathtaking...
us army ranks in order
US Army Ranks in OrderIf you find the rank structure followed by the US Army, or any other branch of the armed forces for...
us bank holidays2011
US Bank HolidaysIn the United States, almost all federal holidays are observed by the banks as well. This Buzzle article...
us culture of the 1950s
US Culture of the 1950sAlthough the 60s is said to be the time when there was a resurgence in the American culture, the preceding...
us gaap generally accepted accounting principles
U.S. GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesU.S. GAAP is the standard platform of guidelines regarding rules for...
usain bolt biography
Biography of Usain BoltUsain Bolt is a world-famous Jamaican athlete. He has set the world records for the fastest time over...
usb ports not working
How to Fix USB Ports That Don't WorkIf you are looking for a quick fix to the problem of dysfunctional USB ports on computers,...
use internet make day extra special
Use the Internet to Make Your Special Day Extra SpecialYou're planning your wedding. How can you make sure that it is special...
use of colon
Use of ColonThe correct use of colon seems to baffle people even though it has only one major use. The following article...
use of computers in business
Use of Computers in BusinessThe widespread use of computers has successfully provided a certain ease, speed, and accuracy...
use of computers in education
Use of Computers in EducationComputers have become an inseparable part of our lives to a great extent. Particularly in the...
use of computers in the medical field
Use of Computers in the Medical FieldThink of all the important applications of computers, and the medical field is probably...
use of galvanized steel
Uses of Galvanized SteelRead the following article to gain more information about galvanized steel and its various uses. Galvanization...
use these commonly confused words correctly
Use These Commonly Confused Words CorrectlyEnglish language is a domicile to a legion of confused words. They are deceiving...
used commercial kitchen equipment
Used Commercial Kitchen EquipmentBuying used commercial kitchen equipment is a cost-effective solution. However, the following...
used computer deals laptop vs desktop computers
Used Computer Deals: Laptop Vs Desktop ComputersWhen it comes to buying a personal computer, there has always been a debate...
used golf carts for sale
Tips for Buying Used Golf CartA golf cart adds speed and style to your game. By saving you a few breaths, it keeps you fresh...
useful advice for choosing the best milk frother
Useful Advice for Choosing the Best Milk FrotherA milk frother can make all the difference; it gives your coffee a rich,...
useful advice to plan a trip to slovenia
Useful Advice to Plan a Trip to SloveniaWestern Europe has been done to death by millions of tourists visiting it each year;...
useful cinematography tips and tricks for beginners
15 Useful Cinematography Tips and Tricks for BeginnersCinematography is what you have seen in movies so far. Yes, we are...
useful guide to buy womens blazer
Useful Guide to Buy Women's BlazerClassic white shirt―check. Basic black trousers―check. Well-fitting denims―check....
useful guide to plan a trip to switzerland
Useful Guide to Plan a Trip to SwitzerlandA trip to Switzerland can be an experience of a lifetime; however, planning the...
useful russian words and phrases for travelers
Useful Russian Words and Phrases for TravelersAs a traveler, it is comforting to know that almost everyone in the service...
useful tips for hanging wall sconces
Useful Tips for Hanging Wall SconcesWall sconces are the perfect lighting options. They add to the décor and occupy less...
useful tips for satire writing
Useful Tips for Satire WritingSarcastic, funny, sometimes disturbing, satire indeed makes for an entertaining read. But writing...
useful tips for successful career planning
Useful Tips for Successful Career PlanningAfter completing formal education, the next task for students is to decide the...
useful tips for traveling alone
Useful Tips for Traveling AloneMaking plans to travel alone? It might turn out to be the most incredible experience of your...
useful tips on choosing a pet shipping service
Useful Tips on Choosing a Pet Shipping ServiceTransporting your pet can be stressful, and can go horribly wrong if not done...
useful tips to buy a steam iron
Useful Tips to Buy a Steam IronWith so many models boasting different features, choosing a steam iron that serves your purpose...
useful tips to choose a blush for your skin
Useful Tips to Choose a Blush for Your SkinAlthough some fashion rules are meant to be broken, it is crucial that you pick...
useful tips to choose safe baby bath products
Useful Tips to Choose Safe Baby Bath ProductsWith concerns about potentially harmful chemicals in baby products, parents...
useful tips to choose the best swim fins
Useful Tips to Choose the Best Swim FinsPlanning to buy swim fins? Long and short, open and closed, split and paddle, there...
useful tips to choose window well covers
Useful Tips to Choose Window Well CoversWindow wells are used to let natural light into the basement to make it less dingy....
useful tips to fight your daughters princess syndrome
Useful Tips to Fight Your Daughter's Princess SyndromeThere is nothing wrong in letting your daughter think that she is a...
useful tips to make a photo memory quilt at home
Useful Tips to Make a Photo Memory Quilt at HomeA photo memory quilt makes for an excellent gift. It can be as colorful and...
useful tips to plan a trip to istanbul
Useful Tips to Plan a Trip to IstanbulWhen you're thinking of an east-meets-west travel experience, the only destination...
useful tips to start an image consultant agency
Useful Tips to Start an Image Consultant AgencyWorking as an image consultant can help you fetch anywhere between USD 50-99...
useful urban photography tips
Useful Urban Photography TipsThey say a picture is worth a thousand words. Same could be said about a good photograph. But...
username ideas
Username IdeasWith so many people using the Internet, one has to come up with original username ideas because so many of...
uses and benefits of kojic acid soap
Uses and Benefits of Kojic Acid SoapKojic acid soap is an organic soap that helps in reducing dark spots and hyperpigmentation....
uses and side effects of ammonium lactate cream
Uses and Side Effects of Ammonium Lactate CreamIf the itching sensation due to very dry skin is constantly annoying you,...
uses and side effects of dmso
Uses and Side Effects of DMSODMSO, a sulfur compound, is a natural painkiller and an anti-inflammatory. It has received FDA...
uses and side effects of edta
Uses and Side Effects of EDTAThere are a few compounds that have the ability to bind to a metal ion of a substance more than...
uses and side effects of fluocinonide
Uses and Side Effects of FluocinonideFluocinonide is a prescription drug that belongs to the class of corticosteroids. It...
uses and side effects of lycopodium powder
Uses and Side Effects of Lycopodium PowderOne of the most important uses of lycopodium powder is in the pyrotechnic industry....
uses and side effects of mylan477
Uses and Side Effects of Mylan 477Mylan 477 (diazepam), a psychoactive drug, is recommended for the treatment of anxiety...
uses and side effects of naproxen
Uses and Side Effects of NaproxenPlaced in the category of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, naproxen is often prescribed...
uses and side effects of nystatin and triamcinolone acetonide cream
Uses and Side Effects of Nystatin and Triamcinolone Acetonide CreamNystatin and triamcinolone acetonide cream is a combination...
uses of a double boiler
7 Uses of a Double BoilerMany times while working with custards or chocolate, you prefer to have slow or moderate heating...
uses of chloroform
24 Uses of ChloroformYou may know chloroform as the liquid popular as an anesthetic. But the fact is, it has limited uses...
uses of computer
Uses of ComputersWhile all of us living in the developed world may find the title of this article "naive" after...
uses of computers in agriculture
Use of Computers in AgricultureComputers and their applications changed the face of most traditional occupations including...
uses of computers in hospitals
Uses of Computers in HospitalsOff late, computers are being included in hospitals and medical clinics throughout the world....
uses of computers in nursing education
Uses of Computers in Nursing EducationThe healthcare industry has been expanding, both in terms of jobs and technological...
uses of computers in society
Uses of Computers in SocietyInnumerable pages can be easily filled with the many uses of computers in society, and possibly,...
uses of computers in space exploration
Uses of Computers in Space ExplorationComputers play a critical role in space exploration. Right from analyzing data, to...
uses of computers in sports
Uses Of Computers in SportsComputers have become an essential commodity in the modern world. Find out how they are employed...
uses of mineral spirits
Uses of Mineral SpiritsMineral spirits or white spirit is a petroleum by-product, that is of great use to painters, cleaners...
uses of old computers
Uses of Old ComputersWith the availability of brand new laptops and desktop computers, people tend to discard their computers...
uses of polystyrene
Uses of PolystyreneUtilization of polystyrene is not restricted to a particular area. This polymer has proved its usefulness...
uses of quicklime you probably didnt know
Uses of Quicklime You Probably Didn't KnowQuicklime is a chemical compound which is widely used in the chemical industry....
uses of silica gel packets worth knowing
18 Uses of Silica Gel Packets Worth KnowingSilica gel, is produced synthetically from its compound, 'sodium silicate'. With...
uses of silicone grease
Uses of Silicone GreaseSilicone grease is a highly effective waterproof lubricant that is used by a wide range of consumers....
uses of volcanic ash
Uses of Volcanic AshVolcanoes are nature's one of the most remarkable phenomena. But did you know apart from being destructive...
using a scientific calculator how to use a scientific calculator
How to Use a Scientific CalculatorA scientific calculator can perform trigonometric and logarithmic functions. But, using...
using animals for research
Using Animals for ResearchThe entire debate surrounding the practice of using animals for scientific research can be traced...
using baking soda for acid reflux
Using Baking Soda for Acid RefluxAcid reflux is a medical condition that is experienced by a major part of the human population....
using compatible numbers for quick and easy arithmetic calculations
Using Compatible Numbers for Quick and Easy Arithmetic CalculationsA compatible number is close to an actual number in a...
using credit cards for money management
Using Credit Cards for Money ManagementIf you shy away from using your credit card because you fear going into debt, you...
using dbqs to teach history
Using DBQs to Teach HistoryDBQs, or Document Based Questions, are a great way to teach history using primary sources and...
using jigsaws to teach longer works
Using Jigsaws to Teach Longer WorksBreaking up larger pieces of text and having students teach each other about sections...
using manuka honey to treat acid reflux
Using Manuka Honey to Treat Acid RefluxConsumption of manuka honey is touted as an effective remedy for treating acid reflux....
using playing cards for tarot
Using Playing Cards for TarotThe gypsies of Europe were the first ones to start using playing cards for tarot-reading and...
using relaxation scenes in meditative stress management
Using Relaxation Scenes in Meditative Stress ManagementIf done correctly, creating a detailed mental image of a place that...
using rewards to motivate students
Using Rewards to Motivate StudentsDoes using rewards to motivate students actually help in achieving the desired results...
using the star method to answer behavioral interview questions
Using the STAR Method to Answer Behavioral Interview QuestionsAttending an interview can be stressful and nerve-racking....
uterine ablation
Uterine AblationIf your periods last too long or are heavy, your doctor may prescribe medications to curb the profuse flow....
utilitarianism examples
Utilitarianism ExamplesThe bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is a very prominent example of the philosophy of 'Utilitarianism'....
utp cable standards and their usage in networks
UTP Cable Standards and Their Usage in NetworksUTP cables are widely used in voice and data communication. These cables have...
uv tattoo
UV TattooIf you are thinking of doing something out of the box and are ready to experiment with body art, a UV tattoo may...
uvula piercing
Uvula PiercingPiercing the uvula is painful, nonetheless, many people are getting it done. The risk of infection is higher...
v shaped torso
V-Shaped TorsoGetting the perfect V-shaped torso is hard work and won't happen in a few days. It will require unflinching...
vacation bible school crafts ideas for vacation bible school
Craft Ideas for Vacation Bible SchoolVacation Bible school is a great place to teach children about the Bible and draw them...
vacation checklist things to bring for a vacation
Vacation Checklist: Things to Bring for a VacationA vacation is fun and exciting, if planned properly and after making the...
vacation home rentals and rental agreements
Information about Vacation Home Rentals and Rental AgreementsMany people are opting for vacation home rentals. Find information...
vacation hot spots around the world
Vacation Hot Spots Around the WorldLooking for hot vacation spots around the world? If you are thinking of taking your children...
vacation ideas for couples
Vacation Ideas for CouplesThe holiday season is approaching and everyone is looking for ideas and destinations to get away...
vacation ideas for december
Vacation Ideas for DecemberYippee! December vacations are around the corner! But wait...what are you planning to do exactly?...
vacation ideas for families with young children
Vacation Ideas for Families with Young ChildrenThere are countless destinations which cater to families traveling with young...
vacation ideas for families
Vacation Ideas for FamiliesNothing beats the joy of enjoying a vacation with your family. Here's an article that provides...
vacation ideas for kids
Vacation Ideas for KidsIt's vacation time and the kids want to go to some place and enjoy! However, the problem is "where"?...
vacation ideas for november
Vacation Ideas for NovemberVacation is the time to travel and unravel. Here are a few vacation ideas for November, just in...
vacation ideas for singles
Vacation Ideas for SinglesTraveling solo is an experience in itself. It can be enjoyable as well as educational. And the...
vacation spots for couples
Vacation Spots for CouplesThis article will give you the guide to the best vacation spots for couples. Read the content and...
vacation spots for kids
Vacation Spots for KidsVacations give children the much-needed recreation from daily routine activities and will help them...
vacation spots in alberta canada
Vacation Spots in Alberta, CanadaWant to know the best vacation spots in Alberta, Canada? Know all the interesting places...
vacation spots in arkansas
Vacation Spots in ArkansasThe state of Arkansas in the US with its geographic diversity, natural beauty, and a variety of...
vacation spots in canada
Vacation Spots in CanadaCanada is an ideal vacation spot for people of all age groups. Blessed with rich natural beauty,...
vacation spots in colorado
Vacation Spots in ColoradoDo you want to get completely mesmerized by the extreme sights of nature? Then do visit this colorful...
vacation spots in georgia
Vacation Spots in GeorgiaGeorgia, a US state, with beautiful landscapes, beaches, and lakes is ideal for an enjoyable vacation....
vacation spots in hawaii
Vacation Spots in HawaiiThe State of Hawaii is part of a Pacific archipelago. The island chain comprises eight islands that...
vacation spots in maine
Vacation Spots in MaineMaine happens to lure myriads of tourists every year. This enchanted land is studded with glorious...
vacation spots in michigan
Vacation Spots in MichiganPopularly known as the 'Great Lakes State', Michigan has a lot to offer to its residents as well...
vacation spots in ohio
Vacation Spots in OhioBelieve me, a visit to Ohio will be a 'joy for a lifetime'. For people planning a vacation to Ohio,...
vacation spots in texas
Vacation Spots in TexasTexas is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States with a long list of vacation...
vacation spots in the caribbean
Vacation Spots in The CaribbeanThe Caribbean is paradise on Earth. The unique tranquility and breathtaking beauty of these...
vacation spots in the united states us
Vacation Spots in the United StatesThe United States, without doubt, is amongst the biggest players in international tourism....
vacation spots in virginia
Vacation Spots in VirginiaThe beautiful state of Virginia has something for everyone. From nature trails to fishing adventures,...
vacation spots with personality
Vacation Spots with PersonalityEver look at a map and see weirdly named towns? One has to wonder about their origins and...
vacation trip planner template
Vacation Trip Planner TemplateGoing on a vacation this summer? Well, print a vacation trip planner template beforehand and...
vacations for young couples
Vacations for Young CouplesConfused as to where your next vacation should be? Fear not because this Buzzle article will give...
vacations on a budget
Vacations on a BudgetHolidays, while important for relieving stress, may cause tension because of expenses. Budget vacationing...
vacuum tube applications
Vacuum Tube ApplicationsThis article includes information regarding the uses and applications of vacuum tubes. They find...
vagus nerve stimulation vns
Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is a medical procedure that is employed to treat and manage the...
valance patterns to sew
Valance Patterns to SewValances are very short swaths of fabric that covers the top most part of the window. If you want...
valedictorian speech ideas
Valedictorian Speech IdeasGenerally, a student with the best grades is bestowed the honor of giving a valedictorian speech....
valedictorian speeches
Example of a Valedictorian SpeechIf you have graduated as the class valedictorian and want to make a speech, read this article...
valentines day gift guide for every stage of a relationship
Valentine's Day Gift Guide for Every Stage of a RelationshipIf this holiday has you completely stumped on what to get for...
validation testing
Validation TestingSoftware validation is the process of testing a software to check whether it satisfies the customer needs...
value of old chinese coins
Value of Old Chinese CoinsThe ancient Chinese coins have a long history with different dynasties minting them in different...
value of old coins
Value of Old CoinsMany people are aware of the value old coins have. But for some, the value of the coins is not important,...
vampire bat
Information About Vampire BatsThe vampire bat is a fascinatingly unique creature in many ways. Here's something more about...
vampire books for kids
Vampire Books for KidsWondering which are the good vampire books for kids so that you can keep up with your kids when they're...
vampire books for young adults
Vampire Books for Young AdultsVampire fiction has gained immense popularity among the young generation readers, since the...
vampire costume ideas
Vampire Costume IdeasNeed an idea for a costume party? Try the vampire costume ideas mentioned in this article and show the...
vampire costumes for kids
Vampire Costume Ideas for KidsIt is not new to run out of ideas for dressing up your kids for the upcoming Halloween season....
vampire names
Vampire Name Ideas for KidsAn obsession for vampires has grown exponentially as a worldwide phenomenon, what with the rise...
vanadyl sulfate and diabetes
Vanadyl Sulfate and DiabetesVanadium along like tungsten and molybdenum can mimic insulin. It is said that vanadyl sulfate...
vanilla cake recipe from scratch
Vanilla Cake Recipes From ScratchThe variations in a cake recipe can enhance its look and taste which any cake-lover will...
variable annuities vs mutual funds
Variable Annuities Vs. Mutual FundsIndividuals who are planning for retirement are on the lookout for investments that not...
varieties of flavored tea
Varieties of Flavored TeaThey say tea is liquid wisdom. But I believe in what Okakura says; "tea is the religion of...
various rites of passage rituals in different cultures
Various Rites of Passage Rituals in Different CulturesRites of passage rituals celebrate the transitions in one's lives....
vasco da gama childhood
Vasco Da Gama's ChildhoodVasco Da Gama, an explorer and a military naval commander, led the very first voyage from Europe...
vedic period costumes
Vedic Period CostumesHave you ever wondered what people wore during the Vedic period in India? If you are curious, find some...
vegan alternatives to fish oil supplements
Vegan Alternatives to Fish Oil SupplementsFish oil has some of the healthiest benefits and a regular intake of this oil can...
vegan butternut squash soup
Vegan Butternut Squash SoupIf you are bored of eating the same kind of soups, then you may want to use butternut squash to...
vegan cake recipes
Vegan Cake RecipesHere are some delicious cake recipes, which can be made without using animal products. If you are allergic...
vegan diet benefits
Vegan Diet BenefitsMore and more people are resorting to vegan diet due to its myriad advantages. Find out about the numerous...
vegan diet menu
Vegan Diet MenuIt is necessary to follow a healthy and balanced diet. Although many find it difficult, it is completely possible...
vegan diet plan to lose weight
Vegan Diet Plan to Lose WeightThese days, many people are going on a vegan diet plan to lose weight. This article provides...
vegan diet problems
Vegan Diet ProblemsWith the publishing of various studies in support of the vegan diet and the increased awareness of animal...
vegan food pyramid
Vegan Food PyramidA vegan food pyramid categorizes various kinds of vegetarian food that needs to be consumed to provide...
vegan protein powder
Vegan Protein PowderWhile there are many protein powders available in the market, the options for vegans are few. To learn...
vegan sugar cookies recipes
Vegan Sugar Cookies RecipesAdd small sugary treats to the vegan diet with vegan sugar cookies recipe. Read on to know how...People...
vegan vs vegetarian
Vegan Vs. VegetarianUnderstanding the basic concept of vegan vs. vegetarian can help you chose a better lifestyle for you...
vegetables high in protein
Vegetables High in ProteinIf you wish to meet your daily protein requirement without worrying about unhealthy fat or extra...
vegetarian dinner ideas
Vegetarian Dinner IdeasThe thought of a vegetarian dinner would make most people lose their appetite. However, there are...
vegetarian finger food
Recipes for Vegetarian Finger FoodVegetarian finger foods are not just healthy, but easy to make as well. Read the following...
vegetarian protein snacks
Vegetarian Protein SnacksTo curb the intense cravings, one can resort to a number of healthy vegetarian protein snacks. These...
vegetarian soup recipes
Vegetarian Soup RecipesVegetarian soups are not only healthy but also delicious. Here are some quick and easy vegetarian...
vegetative propagation
Vegetative PropagationVegetative propagation process helps to create new individual plants, without having to use any seeds....
vellum paper how to use vellum paper
How to Use Vellum PaperVellum paper has been used for eons with great effects. Let us find out more about this paper, how...
vending machine business plan
Vending Machine Business PlanA vending machine is a part-time or even a full-time profitable business, which involves selling...
venerable bede
Venerable BedeKnow about the life of a man who dedicated himself to God as he understood and lead an honorable life. This...
venezuela facts
Venezuela FactsDid you know that the name Venezuela literally means, 'Little Venice'. The nation was given this name after...
venezuela history and culture
Venezuela: History and CultureThe beautiful country of Venezuela lies on the coastline of the Caribbean sea. Read on to know...
venn diagrams explanation and free printable templates
Venn Diagrams: Explanation and Free Printable TemplatesThe usage of Venn diagrams in mathematics, statistics, science, and...
venomous snake identification identifying poisonous snakes
Identifying Poisonous SnakesSnake venom is a deadly toxin and hundreds of people are killed by snakes every year. However,...
venous insufficiency symptoms
Venous Insufficiency SymptomsThe venous insufficiency symptoms are noticeable enough to pinpoint where treatment for this...
venture capital
Venture CapitalLet us try and understand the world of venture capital in brief. Venture capital is a huge amount of money...
venture capitalists vs angel investors
Venture Capitalists Vs. Angel InvestorsIf you have a start-up and want to raise capital, you should know whether venture...
venus fly trap care
Venus Fly Trap CareNative to the eastern coast of United States, the Venus flytrap derives energy by feeding on insects and...
venus williams childhood
Venus Williams' ChildhoodVenus Williams has always been known for her aggressive style of play. Here is a look at her childhood...
venus williams facts
Venus Williams FactsA compilation of some Venus Williams facts which trace her journey in the realms of professional tennis...
vernacular region meaning and examples
Vernacular Region: Meaning and ExamplesA vernacular region is not defined on the basis of boundaries or distance, but is...
verses for engagement announcement cards
Verses For Engagement Announcement CardsVerses for engagement announcement cards convey the message of love and devotion...
vertebrates and invertebrates
Vertebrates and InvertebratesThe animal kingdom is classified under two major groups, the vertebrates and invertebrates....
vertical analysis
Vertical AnalysisVertical analysis is an integral part while carrying out the overall financial analysis of any firm. Here...
vertical gardening
Tips to Maintain a Vertical GardenVertical gardening is a method of growing plants in an upright form by making use of stakes,...
vertical integration
Vertical IntegrationIf you're a student of business management, you must have come across the term 'Management Control'....
vesicle function
Functions of VesiclesFunctions of vesicles include transporting substances within the cell and phagocytizing harmful materials...
vicarious reinforcement explained with examples
Vicarious Reinforcement Explained with ExamplesVicarious reinforcement is a form of learning behavior through rewards and...
vice president job description
Vice President Job DescriptionThe vice president of a country is one of the most important positions in the government. The...
victim precipitation theory explained with examples
Victim Precipitation Theory Explained with ExamplesThe victim precipitation theory posits that, in a given criminal act,...
victimless crimes definition types and examples
Victimless Crimes: Definition, Types, and ExamplesWhat we have in this Buzzle article, is some information on victimless...
victorian decorating ideas
Victorian Style Decorating IdeasSearching for some interesting and unique Victorian style decorating ideas? Read this article...
victorian era names and their meanings
Victorian Era Names and their MeaningsWe hear different names each day without even stopping to find out their meaning. A...
victorian fashion for women
Victorian Fashion for WomenIt is very ancient, yet, Victorian fashion still holds a special place in women's hearts (and...
victorian fashion
Victorian FashionIf you love elaborate dressing and vintage fashion, then you would surely love to take a trip through the...
victorian style houses
Victorian Style HousesThe Victorian period is considered the golden period of art and architecture. If you desire a house...
video cable types
Video Cable TypesVideo cables are an important component of visual electronic devices. And such cables come in various types...
video games childs health
Video Games and Your Child's HealthThere has been much debate about the harmful effects of the violence in video games. However,...
video games that are banned around the world
17 Video Games That are Banned Around the WorldCensorship has always played a major part in restricting art forms such as...
views and beliefs of a conservative democrat
Views and Beliefs of a Conservative DemocratTreading the middle path in politics is actually difficult but the conservative...
vincent van gogh biography
Vincent van Gogh BiographyA life rather short, but which had a great impact on the world even though it was impregnated with...
vine tattoo ideas
Vine Tattoo IdeasIf you are considering getting inked and are looking for something simple, yet eye-catching, try a vine...
vinegar and baking soda rocket
Vinegar and Baking Soda RocketAll parents do their best to create fun activities for their young children during the weekends....
vinpocetine benefits
Vinpocetine BenefitsVinpocetine is a nutraceutical (a health-promoting nutrient) extract derived from a substance called...
vintage baby names for girls with their meanings
Vintage Baby Names for Girls with their MeaningsThe old-fashioned names take us back to a simpler and classic world. Even...
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