types of snakes with pictures

Types of Snakes with Pictures

Do the cold, creepy crawlers called snakes interest you? If yes, then let's quietly slither our way through some interesting information on the types of snakes along with some amazing pictures of these fascinating reptiles.

Snake -- a messenger of doom for the uninformed; on the flip side, one of the most magnificent wonders of nature. From ancient myths and folklore to documentaries and motion pictures, snakes have always been a much talked-about phenomenon and a strong center of attention for reptile enthusiasts. These cold-blooded creatures not only don an air of mystery and uncertainty in their appearance, but their very existence remains an unsolved puzzle. As many as 2900 species of serpents are known to wriggle in every corner on the Earth, except for Antarctica. For most, these many snakes could only mean a cauldron of deadly venom. But believe it or not, most types of snakes are non-venomous. Furthermore, snakes that possess venom use it to kill and subdue their preys and less commonly for self-defense.
Different Types of Snakes with Their Pictures
Let's take a look at the different families of snakes and understand a few basic facts about them.
Elapidae (Elapids) The Elapidae family comprises the most venomous species of snakes in the world. These snakes (elapids) are mostly found in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. An important characteristic feature of the elapids is their fixed, hollow fangs, which are used to inject venom. Their venom is neurotoxic, which causes severe damage to nervous tissues, and thus it can be potentially deadly. Some popular snake species in the Elapidae family are:
• Black Mamba
• Indian Cobra
• King Cobra
• Cape Cobra
• Green Mamba
• Egyptian Cobra
• Red Spitting Cobra
• Mozambique Spitting Cobra
• Inland Taipan (the most venomous land snake in the world)
King Cobra
Scientific Name: Ophiophagus hannah
Black Mamba
Scientific Name: Dendroaspis polylepis
Eastern Green Mamba
Scientific Name: Dendroaspis angusticeps
Western Green Mamba
Scientific Name: Dendroaspis viridis
Red Spitting Cobra
Scientific Name: Naja pallida
Indian Cobra
Scientific Name: Naja naja
Cape Cobra
Scientific Name: Naja nivea
Egyptian Cobra
Scientific Name: Naja haje
Mozambique Spitting Cobra
Scientific Name: Naja mossambica
Texas Coral Snake
Scientific Name: Micrurus tener
Red-bellied Black Snake
Scientific Name: Pseudechis porphyriacus
Snouted Cobra
Scientific Name: Naja haje annulifera
Viperidae (Vipers) Another important family of venomous snakes is Viperidae. Snakes in this family (vipers) are known for their long, hinged hollow fangs. Unlike the elapids, which have fixed fangs, the vipers have fangs that can retract and extend. When inactive, these fangs stay folded back against the roof of the snake's mouth. When the mouth opens, the fangs extend and get into a biting position. Commonly known vipers include:
• Copperheads
• Rattlesnakes
• Water Moccasin
• Bushmaster
• Russell's Viper
• Saw-scaled Viper
• Temple Viper
• Gaboon Viper
• Rhinoceros Viper
Scientific Name: Agkistrodon contortrix
Water Moccasin
Scientific Name: Agkistrodon piscivorus
Red Diamond Rattlesnake
Scientific Name: Crotalus ruber
Rough-scaled Bush Viper
Scientific Name: Atheris hispida
Common European Adder
Scientific Name: Vipera berus
Puff Adder
Scientific Name: Bitis arietans
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Scientific Name: Crotalus atrox
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
Scientific Name: Crotalus adamanteus
Timber Rattlesnake
Scientific Name: Crotalus horridus
Black-tailed Rattlesnake
Scientific Name: Crotalus molossus
Gaboon Viper
Scientific Name: Bitis gabonica
Rhinoceros Viper
Scientific Name: Bitis nasicornis
South American Bushmaster
Scientific Name: Lachesis muta
Eyelash Viper
Scientific Name: Bothriechis schlegelii
Temple Pit Viper
Scientific Name: Tropidolaemus wagleri
Mojave Rattlesnake
Scientific Name: Crotalus scutulatus
Pacific Rattlesnake
Scientific Name: Crotalus oreganus
Colubridae (Colubrids) The Colubridae family comprises snakes (colubrids), most of which are non-venomous or possess venom that is too weak to cause any harm to human life. However, there are some exceptions, such as the boomslang and twig snake, whose bites have been reported to cause fatalities. Colubrids have their fangs located not at the front of the mouth but angled at the back. Hence, they are also noted as rear-fanged snakes. Unlike the elapids and vipers, the fangs of the colubrids are not hollow, but simply grooved to channel the venom when a bite is laid. The family of colubrids is known as the largest family of snakes, some common examples of which include:
• Scarlet Snake
• Corn Snake
• Desert Kingsnake
• California Kingsnake
• Western Coachwhip
• Rough Green Snake
• Ribbon Snake
• Red Milk Snake
• Grey-banded Kingsnake
• King Ratsnake
• Baird's Rat Snake
• Black Rat Snake
Southern Black Racer
Scientific Name: Coluber constrictor priapus
Banded Water Snake
Scientific Name: Nerodia fasciata
Corn Snake
Scientific Name: Pantherophis guttatus
Desert Kingsnake
Scientific Name: Lampropeltis getula splendida
California Kingsnake
Scientific Name: Lampropeltis getula californiae
Western Coachwhip
Scientific Name: Masticophis flagellum testaceus
Rough Green Snake
Scientific Name: Opheodrys aestivus
Western Hognose Snake
Scientific Name: Heterodon nasicus
Coast Garter Snake
Scientific Name: Thamnophis elegans terrestris
Common Garter Snake
Scientific Name: Thamnophis sirtalis
Blue-striped Ribbon Snake
Scientific Name: Thamnophis sauritus nitae
Red Milk Snake
Scientific Name: Lampropeltis triangulum syspila
Grey-banded Kingsnake
Scientific Name: Lampropeltis alterna
Glossy Snake
Scientific Name: Arizona elegans
Pacific Gopher Snake
Scientific Name: Pituophis catenifer
Baird's Rat Snake
Scientific Name: Pantherophis bairdi
Black Rat Snake
Scientific Name: Pantherophis obsoletus
Everglades Rat Snake
Scientific Name: Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni
Red-tailed Green Ratsnake
Scientific Name: Gonyosoma oxycephalum
Bull Snake
Scientific Name: Pituophis catenifer sayi
Taiwanese Beauty Rat Snake
Scientific Name: Orthriophis taeniura friesei
Flatbread Snake
Scientific Name: Oxybelis fulgidus
Speckled Kingsnake
Scientific Name: Lampropeltis getula holbrooki
Texas Indigo Snake
Scientific Name: Drymarchon melanurus erebennus
Green Vine Snake
Scientific Name: Ahaetulla nasuta
Brown Vine Snake
Scientific Name: Oxybelis aeneus
Tiger Snake
Scientific Name: Telescopus semiannulatus
Yellow Rat Snake
Scientific Name: Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata
Scientific Name: Dispholidus typus
Boidae This family comprises non-venomous but big and powerful constrictors, which can swallow a fully-grown buck apart from other large animals! These snakes rely on their strength to suffocate their prey, unlike the venomous ones which use venom as their primary weapon. They do not have fangs but rows of teeth in their upper and lower jaws. It is quite interesting to know how these large reptiles kill their preys. When they coil around their prey, they seem to tighten their grip every time the prey breathes out. Furthermore, they also know when it's time to stop working on their "death-squeeze." Scientists say, snakes can sense their prey's heartbeat and let go when it stops. Some popular examples in this family include:
• Anaconda
• Emerald Tree Boa
• Rosy Boa
• Yellow Snake
Scientific Name: Eunectes murinus
Rosy Boa
Scientific Name: Lichanura trivirgata
Emerald Tree Boa
Scientific Name: Corallus caninus
Yellow Snake (Jamaican Boa)
Scientific Name: Epicrates subflavus
Pythonidae Similar to the Boidae family, the Pythonidae family also comprises large non-venomous snakes, which kill their prey by constriction. Most people easily confuse between pythons and boas. While they are similar-looking and have almost the same feeding habits, there are certain characteristic features that set them apart. Pythons are oviparous or egg-laying reptiles, while most boas give birth to live young (ovoviviparous) ones. Also, the geographical distribution of pythons is different from or less extensive than that of boas. Common examples of pythons include:
• Reticulated Python
• Burmese Python
• The African Rock Python
• Green Tree Python
• White-lipped Python
• Ball Python
• Carpet Python
Reticulated Python
Scientific Name: Python reticulatus
Burmese Python
Scientific Name: Python molurus bivittatus
African Rock Python
Scientific Name: Python sebae
Green Tree Python
Scientific Name: Morelia viridis
Ball Python
Scientific Name: Python regius
Hydrophiidae Hydrophiidae could be a subfamily of Elapidae according to some taxonomists. The family comprises sea snakes, which are extremely venomous but account for rare human encounters. Their venom contains neurotoxins and mycotoxins and is considered to be more potent than land snakes. This family again could be subdivided into the Hydrophiinae and Laticaudinae. Note that the association of Hydrophiidae to Elapidae is an inconclusive subject. Some taxonomists consider it to be a subfamily of the Elapidae, while some continue regarding it as a different species of venomous snakes altogether. Common examples in this family include:
• Belcher's Sea Snake
• Spiny-headed Sea Snake
• Olive Sea Snake
• Spiny-tailed Sea Snake
• Turtlehead Sea Snake
• Beaked Sea Snake
• Yellow-bellied Sea Snake
• Yellow-lipped Sea Krait
• The Arabian Gulf Sea Snake
Although non-venomous snakes are harmless, even venomous snakes pose no threat to human beings, unless they are provoked. In fact, all creatures in the animal kingdom do not bear any grudge against mankind. If we give them their space and let them be, they do not have any reason to reciprocate this feeling!

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