vegetables high in protein

Vegetables High in Protein

If you wish to meet your daily protein requirement without worrying about unhealthy fat or extra calories, then this article on high protein vegetables is a must-read for you.

Foods Serving size (g) Protein Content (g)
Soybeans 100 36
Mung beans 100 24
Kidney beans 100 24
White beans 100 23
Navy beans 100 22
Black beans 100 22
Pinto beans 100 21
Lima beans 100 21
Sunflower seeds 100 21
Almonds 100 21
Cashews 100 18
Oat bran 100 17
Wheat flour, whole grain 100 14
Brazil nuts 100 14
Whole wheat bread 100 10
Pecans 100 9
Cornmeal whole grain 100 8
Brown rice, long grain 100 8
Garlic 100 6
Quinoa 100 4
Zucchini 100 3
Sweet corn 100 3
Potato 100 3
Mushrooms, white 100 3
Dandelion greens 100 3
Yam 100 2
Watercress 100 2
Sweet potato 100 2
Scallions 100 2
Okra 100 2
Chicory greens 100 2
Cauliflower 100 2
Beets 100 2
Turnip 100 1
Tomato 100 1
Squash 100 1
Rutabaga 100 1
Radish 100 1
Pumpkin 100 1
Parsnip 100 1
Onion 100 1
Lettuce 100 1
Endive 100 1
Eggplant 100 1
Celery 100 1
Carrot 100 1
Cabbage 100 1
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the daily protein requirement for men is 56 grams, and for women, 46 grams. The main benefits of following a low fat and high protein vegetarian diet are weight loss, low blood cholesterol levels, low incidences of heart disease, and overall, a healthy immune system. Take care!

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