Статьи 47
Статьи категории «Статьи 47»
what can you do with a biology degree
Career Options in BiologyBiology is a field with immense opportunities and there are many things one can do with a degree...
what can you do with a psychology degree
What Can You Do With a Psychology Degree?Psychology degree can give you an opportunity to work in various fields and domains....
what can you do with a sociology degree
What Can You Do With a Sociology DegreeSociology is a great subject to master in, and it opens opportunities in several professionals...
what can you substitute for cloves
What can You Substitute for Cloves?Cloves and other spices are an important part of our cooking. Mainly coming from Asia,...
what car should i buy
What Car Should you Buy?Buying a car can be a confusing decision to make for many, and the wide range of options available...
what causes asthma
What Causes Asthma?Asthma is a condition that affects the respiratory system. Though the exact cause of this condition is...
what causes bank runs and how to prevent them
What Causes Bank Runs and How to Prevent ThemWhat causes bank runs? What happens during a bank run? How are they prevented?...
what causes brain freeze
What Causes Brain Freeze?Who could have imagined that gorging on a good ol' ice cream can knock you out completely for a...
what causes coconut allergy and how to treat it
What Causes Coconut Allergy and How to Treat it?An allergic reaction to coconut is believed to be quite rare, as very few...
what causes constipation during pregnancy
What Causes Constipation During PregnancyAmong all reasons, it can also be due to hormonal changes, too much intake of prenatal...
what causes day and night
What Causes Day and NightEvery morning, when the alarm clock rings, the first thing you wonder is why has the day begun so...
what causes diabetes
What Causes Diabetes?Diabetes is a problem related to metabolism. It is a metabolic disorder, wherein, the blood sugar or...
what causes exploding head syndrome
What Causes Exploding Head SyndromeExploding head syndrome is an unusual sleep disorder that is characterized by the sensation...
what causes fading kitten syndrome
What Causes Fading Kitten SyndromeFading kitten syndrome, or FKS, is one of the biggest causes of premature deaths among...
what causes gallbladder sludge
What Causes Gallbladder SludgeDo you know that it is the presence of sludge in the bladder that can actually result into...
what causes headaches and high blood pressure
What Causes Headaches and High Blood PressureThe question here is what causes headaches and high blood pressure. In this...
what causes headaches in the back of your head
What Causes Headaches in the Back of Your HeadSevere pain in the back of the head is not a common type of headache. It can...
what causes high blood pressure in children
What Causes High Blood Pressure in ChildrenHigh blood pressure (HBP) has been linked to poor functioning of the heart and...
what causes high blood pressure in men
What Causes High Blood Pressure in MenHigh blood pressure, or hypertension, is more likely to affect men than women. This...
what causes high blood pressure in women
What Causes High Blood Pressure in WomenThere are several factors that lead to high blood pressure in women. Here is a list...
what causes lightning
What Causes LightningThe natural phenomenon of lightning that appears in a zigzag pattern in the sky has intrigued people...
what causes night terrors
What Causes Night TerrorsWhy do people have night terrors? What causes them? Read on to find out. Night terrors or sleep...
what causes obtunded behavior in humans
What Causes Obtunded Behavior in Humans?A number of medical disorders can cause a decrease in alertness, sometimes even posing...
what causes shingles
What Causes ShinglesShingles are painful skin rashes which are caused due to viral infection. The following article provides...
what causes sleep texting disorder
What Causes Sleep Texting DisorderYou might have heard about the many diseases and disorders that seem to be the 'gifts'...
what causes the common cold
What Causes the Common ColdThere are various misconceptions with regard to what causes a common cold. Go through this article...
what causes thunder
What Causes Thunder?Thunder always follows a flash of lightning. But, what actually causes thunder? Read on to know more...
what causes thyroid problems in women
What Causes Thyroid Problems in WomenIf you are wondering what causes thyroid problems in women, then you have come to the...
what causes xenocentrism
What Causes XenocentrismTrying to figure out the causes for xenocentrism? The following Buzzle article will elucidate the...
what color shirts go well with blue pants
What Color Shirts Go Well with Blue PantsSteal a page from your favorite celebrity's or model's style book, and pair your...
what colors go well with purple pants
What Colors Go Well with Purple Pants?You just got yourself a purple pant, but don't know what to wear with it? Purple -...
what colors go well with red pants
What Colors Go Well With Red PantsApprehensive about wearing red? Don't be. This bold and beautiful color is a must in your...
what colors to wear with orange clothes
What Colors to Wear with Orange ClothesOh, so you finally got a very pretty orange blouse, but aren't sure what color to...
what computer is right for me
What Computer is Right for MeBefore purchasing a computer, it is essential to note down your requirements. If you are aware...
what cookware should you buy for an induction cooktop
What Cookware Should You Buy for an Induction CooktopInduction cooktops are gaining popularity across the globe; however,...
what countries make up north america
Which Countries Make Up North America?The continent of North America comprises the Caribbean Islands, Central America, and...
what credit score do i need to get a mortgage
What Credit Score do I Need to Get a Mortgage?The minimum credit score needed to get a mortgage is between 600 to 700, though...
what do aliens look like
What do Aliens Look Like?Aliens are the extraterrestrial beings that are believed to exist. Some give accounts of having...
what do birds eat
What do Birds Eat?The type of food a bird may eat could vary depending on the region, seasons or the type of beak it has....
what do box turtles eat
What Do Box Turtles EatBox turtles are a type of turtle that can be identified by their unique shell. This article provides...
what do camellia flowers symbolize
What Do Camellia Flowers Symbolize?There is something more to Camellia than being just a pretty flower. These come in various...
what do constant headaches mean
What do Constant Headaches MeanSuffering from persistent headaches can not only be a discomforting experience, but also be...
what do crocus flowers symbolize
What do Crocus Flowers Symbolize?Saffron flowers or popularly known as crocus have long been associated with the expensive...
what do crows and ravens symbolize
What Do Crows and Ravens Symbolize?Crows and ravens have found mention in most mythological traditions of the world. This...
what do different colors symbolize in the bible
What Do Different Colors Symbolize in the Bible?Everything that we see around is God's glory, and His glory is copious with...
what do different flowers symbolize
What do Different Flowers Symbolize?Each flower has a color, a fragrance, and a personality of its own. Red roses symbolize...
what do eagles eat
What do Eagles EatYou must have seen eagles feasting on their prey, either on the ground or high up on tree tops. This article...
what do fish eat
What Do Fish Eat?A great diversity is observed in the diet of fish depending the types and species. Some of the fish are...
what do food expiration dates really mean
What do Food Expiration Dates Really MeanEver wondered what does the mention of 'MFG Date' or 'Exp Date' on food products...
what do garden snakes eat
What do Garden Snakes Eat?With the blooming of spring flowers, you may have noticed a garden snake slip by and wondered what...
what do giraffes eat
What do Giraffes EatWhenever we think of the giraffe, we tend to think of its great height. As known to all, this mammal...
what do hamsterseat
What do Hamsters Eat?A well-balanced hamster mix is often recommended as the best food for these critters. However, you must...
what do hawks eat
What do Hawks Eat?The eating habits of a hawk are influenced by several factors, including the species in question, native...
what do hippos eat
What do Hippos EatIf you were not aware of the fact that hippos are herbivores, this Buzzle article on their eating habits...
what do horses eat
What do Horses Eat?Horses basically eat pasture and hay. However, you can also feed them fruits and vegetables occasionally....
what do imaginary conversations with yourself signify
What do Imaginary Conversations with Yourself Signify?Loneliness, preparation, dissatisfaction, childhood habit or a psychological...
what do minnows eat
What Do Minnows Eat?Minnows are small fishes which are often called 'bait-fishes'. They adapt to any climate and condition....
what do moles eat
What Do Moles Eat?Moles are small creatures that make extensive tunnels in the ground. This Buzzle article provides information...
what do mollusks eat
What Do Mollusks Eat?The question here is, what do mollusks eat? Well, depending upon the species and taking their habitat...
what do monkeys eat
What do Monkeys EatWe know that monkeys love fruits, especially bananas. However, their diet varies according to the species....
what do piranhas eat
What do Piranhas EatPiranha is a freshwater fish. It is known for its extremely sharp teeth. What do piranhas eat? What do...
what do polar bears eat
What do Polar Bears EatNative to the Arctic and its surrounding areas, polar bears are considered the largest land carnivores....
what do scientologists believe in
What Do Scientologists Believe In?Every faith has a set of doctrines to guide its followers. This Buzzle article brings to...
what do sea turtles eat
What Do Sea Turtles EatSea turtles! Herbivores, carnivores or omnivores? Well, the answer to this question depends on various...
what do seals eat
What do Seals Eat?With the diversity one gets to see in seal species, it's no surprise that most people know little about...
what do sharks eat
What do Sharks Eat?Sharks were known as "sea dogs" until the 16th century. Although the history behind the origin...
what do snakes eat
What Do Snakes Eat?The diet of snakes depends on various factors, like their size, type, season, and habitat. This article...
what do squirrels eat
What do Squirrels EatWe often come across squirrels around our homes, but seldom do we pay attention to what they eat. Not...
what do stingrays eat
What Do Stingrays Eat?Stingrays have an unfair reputation of being aggressive, thanks to their venomous spines. The severe...
what do taino symbols mean
What Do Taino Symbols Mean?Ancient inhabitants of Puerto Rico were known as Taíno Indians. They left behind a lot of their...
what do the lines on your hand mean
What do the Lines on Your Hand Mean?Reading the lines on your hand is known as palm reading. Palmistry or palm reading is...
what do turtles eat
What do Turtles EatTurtles are often kept as pets. They can be carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. Here are a few tips...
what do we need for camping
What Do We Need for CampingWondering what to pack for your next camping trip? Fear not because Buzzle has just the answer...
what do we use oil for
What Do We Use Oil ForChildren often wonder as to why do we need oil? A quick glance around us will reveal the extent to...
what do you mean easter bunny isnt real
Is the Easter Bunny Real?Parents are doing themselves an injustice when they tell their children to believe in the Easter...
what do you need to know about wine investment
What Do You Need to Know About Wine InvestmentIt may be hard to believe, but investing in wine does make a good long-term...
what do your nails reveal about your health
What Do Your Nails Reveal About Your Health?An abnormality in the nails is often the first sign of a serious problem like...
what do your shoes say about your personality
What Do Your Shoes Say About Your Personality?In a world where it's inappropriate to judge people on the basis of their race,...
what does 3g mean
What Does 3G MeanIf you are clueless about what 3G means, this article will be a revelation. Read to know all about the third...
what does a commonwealth state mean
What Does a Commonwealth State Mean?Commonwealth can be conceived as a system of government that executes itself to the welfare...
what does a crane bird symbolize
What Does a Crane (bird) Symbolize?Throughout Asia, the crane is considered as a bird of happiness and prosperity. The Japanese,...
what does a dharma wheel dharmachakra mean
What does a Dharma Wheel (Dharmachakra) Mean?It is one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism. It is commonly seen on...
what does a dogwood tree symbolize
What Does a Dogwood Tree Symbolize?Dogwood trees are a joy for home gardeners due to their manageable size and availability...
what does a forehead kiss symbolize
What does a Forehead Kiss Symbolize?To kiss and tell is the perfect way to express your feelings, and perhaps an ideal example...
what does a forensic pathologist do
What Does a Forensic Pathologist Do?What exactly is forensic pathology and what does a forensic pathologist do? To get the...
what does a goblin shark eat
What Does a Goblin Shark EatWhat does a goblin shark eat? This article will take you to this creature's diet later in the...
what does a heron symbolize
What does a Heron Symbolize?Herons, known for their beauty and grace, reflect different meanings in different cultures. Peruse...
what does a kiss on the hand signify
What does a Kiss on the Hand Signify?Hand-kissing could be many things to many people, but we somehow feel that it is the...
what does a kuan yin statue in your garden symbolize
What Does a Kuan Yin Statue in Your Garden Symbolize?In East Asia, Kuan Yin is known as the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy....
what does a linden tree symbolize
What does a Linden Tree Symbolize?Most of us take delight in studying various types of trees. While we understand its uses...
what does a love hate relationship mean
What does a Love–hate Relationship Mean?We have come across the term "love-hate" quite a lot of times, haven't...
what does a mourning dove symbolize
What Does a Mourning Dove Symbolize?Since ages, the habitual patterns of animals and birds have been linked to natural elements,...
what does a mutagen mean in biology
What Does a Mutagen Mean in Biology?Mutagens can cause disastrous effects on organisms.This Buzzle article explains what...
what does a no host bar mean
What Does a No-host Bar Mean?If you're hosting a wedding reception, a party, or a corporate function, then you may have to...
what does a peacock feather symbolize
What Does a Peacock Feather SymbolizePeacock is a splendiferous bird. Its feather is a considered a powerful and mythical...
what does a praying mantis symbolize
What does a Praying Mantis Symbolize?Is a Praying Mantis making its presence felt in your life, a bit too much lately? It...
what does a raccoon symbolize
What Does a Raccoon Symbolize?Raccoons are interesting and one of the most resourceful animals on Earth known for their secrecy...
what does a rebuttal witness mean
What does a Rebuttal Witness Mean?The meaning of the word rebuttal is, "to refute or disprove, especially by offering...
what does a team building consultant do
What does a Team Building Consultant DoThe importance of team building in the workplace cannot be undermined. If an organization...
what does a variable mean in science
What Does a Variable Mean in Science?There are various parameters that need modifications during the course of an experiment....
what does a ward of the state mean
What Does a Ward of the State Mean?As the name rightly suggests, the state is the guardian of a person who is declared by...
what does a water lily symbolize
What Does a Water Lily Symbolize?The beautiful water lily has different meanings in different cultures. It has its own spiritual...
what does a winged lion symbolize
What does a Winged Lion Symbolize?The winged lion is a mythological symbol, which represents the patron saint, the Evangelist,...
what does a writ of mandamus mean
What does a Writ of Mandamus Mean?It is the discretion of the court to issue a prerogative writ to do justice in extraordinary...
what does a yellow butterfly symbolize
What Does a Yellow Butterfly Symbolize?Butterflies represent hope, courtship, wedlock, love and reincarnation as per the...
what does a yew tree symbolize
What Does a Yew Tree Symbolize?Who would have thought that an old, large, and mysterious Yew tree that we see in some churchyards...
what does ad hoc mean
What Does Ad Hoc Mean?There is often a lot of confusion surrounding the term ad hoc and what it stands for. In this following...
what does aggravated robbery mean
What Does Aggravated Robbery Mean?In most US states, the culprits of armed robberies are charged for aggravated robbery....
what does an ash tree symbolize
What Does an Ash Tree Symbolize?Tree lore is an olden concept that is identified with many cultures and traditions. Commonly...
what does an egalitarian marriage mean
What Does an Egalitarian Marriage Mean?Changing trends in society always come across through changed patterns of lifestyle....
what does an infinity ring symbolize
What Does an Infinity Ring Symbolize?Many couples are opting for infinity rings, not only because of their appealing design...
what does an open bar mean
What Does an Open Bar Mean?If you are invited for a party which specifies it has free booze, you would definitely make it...
what does an upside down inverted cross symbolize
What Does an Upside Down (Inverted) Cross Symbolize?The upside down cross is akin to the devil. This Buzzle article clears...
what does angel number1111 mean
What Does Angel Number 1111 Mean?Is the repeated sighting of the number sequence 1111 confusing you? Do you believe this...
what does angel number333 mean
What Does Angel Number 333 Mean?Seeing the number 333 everywhere? It may not be just a coincidence, it could be a divine...
what does angel number444 mean
What Does Angel Number 444 Mean?If you keep sighting the number sequence 444 everywhere you look, there is a possibility...
what does angel number777 mean
What Does Angel Number 777 Mean?When you casually peeked outside the window you saw a car with 777 on its license plate pass...
what does arpanet stand for
What does ARPANET Stand For?How did the Internet evolve? What is ARPANET? What does it stand for? For a quick look at ARPANET...
what does atavism mean in biology
What does Atavism Mean in Biology?In biology, the term 'atavism' refers to the reappearance of an ancestral trait in an individual,...
what does blog stand for
What Does Blog Stand ForBlogging was a rage some time ago. It is still practiced but on a lower scale as compared to past....
what does breaking the sound barrier mean
What Does Breaking the Sound Barrier Mean?When an object moves faster than the speed of sound, the object is said to have...
what does circa mean
What Does Circa MeanWhat does circa mean? Have you been asked this question but not been able to answer? That's about to...
what does classical liberalism mean
What Does Classical Liberalism Mean?Though the definition of classical liberalism stresses on the freedom of an individual...
what does cradle to grave mean
What Does 'Cradle-to-grave' Mean?If reducing carbon footprint is in your interest, then cradle-to-grave is a technique which...
what does deleterious mutation mean
What Does Deleterious Mutation Mean?Any change in the normal sequence of DNA is called a mutation. Most mutations in organisms...
what does displacement mean in psychology with examples
What Does Displacement Mean in Psychology?Displacement is a defense mechanism whereby a person directs their negative emotions...
what does enlightenment mean in buddhism
What Does Enlightenment Mean in Buddhism?Does enlightenment mean only to gain wisdom in the religion of Buddhism? Or does...
what does establish justice mean
What Does Establish Justice Mean?The founding fathers laid the foundation of an independent nation through the Constitution,...
what does fiscal responsibility mean
What does Fiscal Responsibility Mean?Fiscal responsibility is a term related to government spending and taxation. The Buzzle...
what does found object art mean
What Does Found Object Art Mean?'Found Object Art' literally means finding everyday objects or trash and converting them...
what does free range chicken farming mean
What does Free-range Chicken Farming Mean?Free-range chicken farming allows chickens to roam freely for some part of the...
what does functional fixedness mean in psychology
What Does Functional Fixedness Mean in Psychology?Functional fixedness is a cognitive bias, limiting the person to use an...
what does gross misdemeanor mean
What Does Gross Misdemeanor Mean?Under the law of the United States, a gross misdemeanor is a crime which is considered to...
what does ground shipping mean
What Does Ground Shipping Mean?Literally speaking, ground shipping means 'shipped by ground', i.e., cargo that is delivered...
what does hiv do to the body
What does HIV do to the BodyOne of the effects of HIV on the human body is that it weakens the immune system and exposes...
what does hmu mean
What does HMU Mean?Acronyms are an interesting way of cutting down long words into a shorter, and an easier way of mentioning...
what does insure domestic tranquility mean
What Does Insure Domestic Tranquility Mean?The phrase, 'insure domestic tranquility', appears in the Preamble, and simply...
what does it mean to be educated
What Does It Mean to be Educated?For many individuals, the word 'education' conjures up an image of a classroom. Yet, for...
what does it mean to have the bear as a spirit animal
What Does it Mean to Have the Bear as a Spirit Animal?There are several connotations to have an animal as a spirit animal....
what does it mean to walk in the spirit
What does it Mean to Walk in The Spirit?How many times have we come across this term, "Walk in the Spirit!" We...
what does it mean when you dream about snakes
What Does it Mean when you Dream about Snakes?Dreaming about snakes can be highly disturbing. However, all such dreams are...
what does it mean when your ex wants to be friends
What Does it Mean When Your Ex Wants to Be FriendsSo what does it mean when your ex wants to be friends? From the simple...
what does it mean when your girlfriend wants a break
What Does it Mean When Your Girlfriend Wants a BreakEverything in your relationship was a dream come true. Everyday you woke...
what does it take to be a leader
What Does it Take to Be a Leader?There's a reason why we can have only one prominent figure to lead and inspire the masses....
what does lavaliering a girl mean
What Does Lavaliering a Girl Mean?A girl outta junior year in a serious relationship, and a beautiful necklace with Greek...
what does liberal democracy mean
What Does Liberal Democracy Mean?While the term liberal democracy is widely used to describe the political systems typical...
what does lorem ipsum mean in graphic design
What does 'Lorem Ipsum' Mean in Graphic Design?Have you noticed the gibberish text on many design templates and wondered,...
what does malicious intent mean
What Does Malicious Intent Mean?Malicious intent denotes the evil motive of the actor, while doing the wrongful act. Here...
what does missense mutation mean
What Does Missense Mutation Mean?Missense mutation changes the amino acid in the polypeptide sequence and may render a protein...
what does multidomestic strategy mean in business
What Does Multidomestic Strategy Mean in Business?A multidomestic strategy is used by companies to make their product more...
what does nirvana mean in buddhism
What Does Nirvana Mean in Buddhism?'Nirvana' is the term that has been explained (often misinterpreted) by many spiritual...
what does nixtamalization mean
What does Nixtamalization Mean?When maize (corn) is cooked in an alkaline solution, we say that the corn grain is nixtamalized....
what does no bootable device found mean
What Does "No Bootable Device Found" Mean?What does it mean, when you see 'No Bootable Device Found' on the screen?...
what does no taxation without representation mean
What Does 'No Taxation Without Representation' Mean?One of the most igniting factors that gave birth to the American revolution...
what does paradigm shift mean
What Does Paradigm Shift Mean?It is true, that the world cannot simply evolve - it has to experience change, every now and...
what does placebo effect mean
What Does Placebo Effect Mean?The placebo effect is a remarkable physiological and psychological phenomenon, in which a person...
what does preponderance of the evidence mean
What Does Preponderance of the Evidence Mean?Both civil and criminal cases have some legal standards that must be met in...
what does promote the general welfare mean
What Does 'Promote the General Welfare' Mean?The phrase 'promote the general welfare' appears in the Preamble of the United...
what does quality of life mean
What Does 'Quality of Life' Mean?We often hear people speaking of quality of life, but what is it exactly? Is it to do with...
what does reservation price mean in economics
What Does Reservation Price Mean in Economics?In economics, reservation price is the price at which the buyer is willing...
what does science say about perpetual motion machines
What Does Science Say About Perpetual Motion Machines?Perpetual motion machines, though nonexistent in reality, are those...
what does secure the blessings of liberty mean
What Does 'Secure the Blessings of Liberty' Mean?"The blessings of liberty" is one of the six goals of the US constitution...
what does separatism mean with examples
Separatism Explained with ExamplesThe concept of separatism has come into play numerous times during the course of history,...
what does shock probation mean
What Does Shock Probation Mean?In some cases, the judges may allow the convicted offenders to serve a short term in prison...
what does spiritual mean
What Does Spiritual Growth Mean?Being spiritual has nothing to do with religion. It means the overall growth and development...
what does stigmata mean in christianity
What does Stigmata Mean in Christianity?The phenomenon of Stigmata has been viewed in many contexts by the world. Many saints...
what does stp mean in the context of chemistry
What Does STP Mean in the Context of ChemistrySTP - short for Standard Temperature and Pressure, is a standard which is established...
what does the bible say about dreams
What does the Bible Say about Dreams?What does the Bible say about dreams? What according to the Bible are the causes of...
what does the bible say about exorcism
What Does the Bible Say about ExorcismYes, it is true that where there is good, evil follows. But the Bible tells us we need...
what does the bible say about fortune tellers
What Does the Bible Say about Fortune TellersWe live in the modern age, but still believe in God. Do we believe in his powers...
what does the bible say about guardian angels
What does the Bible Say about Guardian Angels?The image that one conjures up when one speaks of angels are cherubic creatures...
what does the bible say about loneliness
What Does the Bible Say About LonelinessLoneliness brings with it unsaid sadness and grimness. The Bible however, gives strength...
what does the bible say about marriage
What the Bible Says About MarriageThis article will tell you what the Bible says about marriage. We'll have a look at some...
what does the bible say about organ donation
What Does the Bible Say about Organ DonationAll life comes from God, and each of us is called to be a good Samaritan. This...
what does the bible say about racism
What Does the Bible Say about Racism?We have always heard that God is just and loving. Would God then like to discriminate...
what does the bible say about tattoos
What the Bible Says About TattoosThinking about getting a tattoo but worried about violating the Bible? Find out what the...
what does the bible say about the judgment day
What Does the Bible Say About the Judgment DayWith Harold Camping making the claim that 21st of May is the Judgment Day that...
what does the bible say about vegetarianism
What Does the Bible Say About Vegetarianism?To be, or not to be a vegetarian is a question that often hounds a Christian....
what does the bible say about wormwood
What Does the Bible Say About Wormwood?Wormwood is an extremely bitter plant that has been mentioned in the Old Testament...
what does the flower of life symbolize
What Does the Flower of Life Symbolize?The 'flower of life' is a religious and spiritual symbol that shows evidence worldwide....
what does the future hold for advertising
What does the Future Hold for Advertising?The moment you start to think about advertisements, your mind flashes pictures...
what does the idiom playing possum mean
What Does the Idiom 'Playing Possum' MeanWe always have people around and also situations that we'd love to zone out from....
what does the italian horn symbolize
What Does the Italian Horn Symbolize?The Italian horn is an amulet that is worn by Italians to ward off the evil eye. This...
what does the law of superposition mean
What Does the Law of Superposition Mean?The law of superposition is one of the most fundamental laws in the fields of geology...
what does the lion of judah represent
What Does the Lion of Judah Represent?The Bible is full of characters and symbolism. The Lion of Judah, for example, is an...
what does the literary device foreshadowing mean
What Does the Literary Device 'Foreshadowing' MeanForeshadowing, a literary method won its popularity, due to the hints,...
what does the number888 symbolize
What does the Number 888 Symbolize?Has the number 888 been constantly trying to grab your attention a lot these days? If...
what does the phrase beauty is in the eye of the beholder mean
What Does the Phrase 'Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder' Mean?Beauty means different things to different people. Everyone...
what does the phrase let them eat cake mean
What Does the Phrase 'Let Them Eat Cake' Mean?'Let them eat cake!' We've all heard this phrase quite a significant number...
what does the phrase love is blind mean
What Does the Phrase 'Love is Blind' Mean?The phrase 'Love is Blind' has been quoted by men and women alike for ages. But...
what does the phrase the medium is the message mean
What Does the Phrase 'The Medium is the Message' Mean?If we look at this phrase from a literal point of view, then perhaps,...
what does the phrase wake up and smell the roses mean
What Does the Phrase 'Wake Up and Smell The Roses' Mean?The phrase 'Wake up and smell the roses' is most usually taken as...
what does the resolution of a story mean
What Does the Resolution of a Story Mean?The resolution of the story is that part where the plot unravels and the main issue...
what does the seated scribe symbolize
What Does the Seated Scribe Symbolize?The seated scribe is an unknown artifact found in Egypt, which represents a copyist...
what does the sideways cross necklace mean
What Does the Sideways Cross Necklace Mean?A sideways cross necklace is the latest trend in religious jewelry that has hit...
what does the star and crescent mean
What does The Star and Crescent Mean?Use of the star and crescent together as emblems by ancient empires had no religious...
what does the term playing hard to get mean
What Does the Term 'Playing Hard To Get' Mean?The idiom 'playing hard to get' is often seen being used in context to relationships....
what does tmz stand for
What Does TMZ Stand ForYou must have seen the popular television series called TMZ. But do you know what TMZ stands for?...
what does tone mean in literary terms
What Does Tone Mean in Literary Terms?Book reviews always have a word to say about the 'tone' of the prose. What does 'tone'...
what does umbrella branding mean with examples
Understanding the Meaning of Umbrella Branding with ExamplesWhen it comes to marketing your product, brand awareness is a...
what does wishful thinking mean
What Does Wishful Thinking Mean?Wishful thinking is loosely based on the belief that positive thinking leads to positive...
what does your birthday reveal about your career
What does your Birthday Reveal about your Career?You don't need a magic ball, palm reader, or tarot cards to know your future...
what does your choice of music say about you
What does your Choice of Music Say about You?Why do you listen to the music, you listen to? What does your choice of music...
what does your hair color say about you
What Does Your Hair Color Say About You?Every hair color has its own story. Does yours have one? Discover secrets about your...
what does your hairstyle say about you
What Does Your Hairstyle Say About You?Are you planning to get a new hairstyle, which will complement your personality, but...
what does your zodiac sign say about your hobbies
What does your Zodiac Sign Say about your Hobbies?Hobbies that people choose to pursue depend on their basic nature, temperament...
what does zero population growth zpg mean
What Does Zero Population Growth (ZPG) MeanWhile demographers are concerned about the population explosion, various population...
what does zone of inhibition mean
What Does Zone of Inhibition Mean?Zone of inhibition is found with the help of disk diffusion method. This Buzzle article...
what economic crisis take a vacation anyway
What Economic Crisis? Take a Vacation Anyway!The stress of your everyday routine is tough enough―don't let a tighter...
what effect does personification have on the reader
What Effect does Personification Have on the Reader?Emotions are an integral part of human beings. We emote our way through...
what every adult should know about self esteem
What Every Adult Should Know About Self-EsteemAdults deal with low self-respect as often as adolescents do. Developing a...
what every baby needs to thrive
What Every Baby Needs to ThriveChildren require very basic things from their caregivers, like time and affection, for their...
what exactly does the vice president do
What Exactly Does the Vice President Do?Funny how we pay so much attention to running mates during election years, but so...
what exercise burns the most calories
Exercises that Burn the Most CaloriesDid you know that our bodies constantly burn calories in order to keep it functioning...
what gifts to put in a hope chest
What Gifts to Put in a Hope ChestA hope chest is presented to a young girl who can collect a variety of items that will come...
what happens after bankruptcy discharge
What Happens after a Bankruptcy Discharge?While a bankruptcy discharge may free an individual from the headaches of repaying...
what happens to retired police dogs
What Happens to Retired Police Dogs?K-9 police dogs spend most of their lives risking life and limb in protecting human law...
what happens to us as we age
What Happens To Us As We AgeOur body is constantly put through a series of changes every minute, we call it the process of...
what happens when you die
What Happens When You DieWhat happens when you die? The following article will take you through some of the theories that...
what happens when you file bankruptcy
What Happens When You File Bankruptcy?It is important to be aware of what happens when you file bankruptcy before you take...
what happens when you quit smoking cold turkey
What Happens When You Quit Smoking Cold TurkeyIf you are considering the method and want to know, what happens when you quit...
what happens when you stop smoking
What Happens When you Stop Smoking?Quitting smoking may cause some withdrawal symptoms, but think of the benefits it can...
what if there was a single worldwide currency
What If There Was a Single Worldwide Currency?Implementing a single currency for the entire world is, no doubt, an uphill...
what is 4g network
What is a 4G Network?4G, a successor to 2G and 3G, enables faster and better Internet speed with many more services to make...
what is a bad credit score
What is a Bad Credit Score?The chances of getting approval for a loan increase with a good credit score. This article provides...
what is a balanced health triangle
What is a Balanced Health Triangle?A balanced health triangle suggests that all the 3 aspects of life - physical, mental...
what is a balk in baseball
What is a Balk in Baseball?This article will give you a low down on what 'balking' is all about in the game of basketball....
what is a bit
What is a BitBits and bytes are terms that you often come across on the internet. The article below will explain to you what...
what is a blog and how does it work
What is a Blog and How Does it WorkOne hears the term 'blog' on television, during meetings, seminars, social gatherings,...
what is a climax community with examples
Climax Community: Definition and ExamplesIn ecology, there are pioneer communities and climax communities. In this Buzzle...
what is a computer server
What is a Computer Server?Most of us are acquainted with the word "server". In many places, such as schools, offices,...
what is a cow share
What is a Cow Share?The local food movement has been a boon to small farmers, and has also benefited us consumers through...
what is a formal region with examples
Definition and Examples of Formal RegionsRegions are formed to help us understand, manage, and interpret the diversity of...
what is a gag order in legal terminology
What is a Gag Order in Legal Terminology?Regardless of the field, a gag order, as its name suggests, is a diktat that prohibits...
what is a gene pool
What is a Gene Pool?Apart from a healthy habitat, the survival of a species depends on the genetic diversity among its members....
what is a good act score
What is a Good ACT Score?ACT (American College Testing) is a test that measures your potential to gain admission to college....
what is a good credit score rating
What is a Good Credit Score RatingA good credit score enables you to acquire credit easily. The interest rates that will...
what is a good credit score
What is a Good Credit Score?Arguably one of the most important figures of your adult life, a credit score indicates creditworthiness...
what is a good fico score in2011
What is a Good FICO ScoreSome concepts relating to the credit score and what constitutes a good FICO score has been discussed...
what is a good gre score
What is a Good GRE Score?The GRE is conducted for testing the eligibility of students aspiring to enter some of the best...
what is a healthy relationship
What is a Healthy Relationship?How do you know that the relationship that you are in is for keeps? How to distinguish between...
what is a jnlp file and how to open it
What is a JNLP File and How to Open it?Have you ever stumbled upon this file extension and wondered what a JNLP file could...
what is a low angle shot in photography
What is a Low-angle Shot in Photography?A low-angle shot is used to give a different and unique perspective to an image....
what is a magnet school
What is a Magnet SchoolMagnet schools are growing in number within the US and the world at large, with thousands of students...
what is a mexican standoff
What is a Mexican Standoff'Mexican Standoff' is a situation of stalemate or impasse wherein no further movement can be made....
what is a moon pool and how does it work
What is a Moon Pool and How Does it Work?The moon pool on a ship is a specially engineered hole which is designed to increase...
what is a motherboard
What is a MotherboardWithout a motherboard, we wouldn't be able to play games, watch movies, listen to music, and do any...
what is a no win situation
What is a No-Win SituationIn his book "On War", Carl von Clausewitz asks the reader to never start a war if you're...
what is a notarized letter and how to write it
What is a Notarized Letter and How to Write It?A letter which is signed in the presence of a notary officer, to authenticate...
what is a palate cleanser
What is a Palate Cleanser?Palate cleansers act as buffer foods between strong and gentle flavors, preventing the former from...
what is a peninsula
What is a PeninsulaRead this article to gain some information about the geological landform called peninsula, and its formation...
what is a pink collar job
What is a Pink-collar Job?From nursing to teaching and childcare, pink-collar jobs refer to the jobs that are held by women....
what is a plasma ball and how does it work
What is a Plasma Ball and How Does it Work?Plasma balls are a fun accessory to have in your room. Not only do they add an...
what is a plateau
What is a Plateau?This article provides you with useful information about the plateau landforms.Explanation Plateaus are...
what is a pluralistic society
What is a Pluralistic Society?People with different backgrounds, belief systems, opinions, likes, and dislikes co-exist in...
what is a podcast and how does it work
What is a Podcast and How Does it Work?Podcasting, made popular by Apple, has now become an everyday term. With all of us...
what is a portable hardness tester
What is a Portable Hardness TesterA portable hardness tester is a handy equipment used to test the hardness of metals. This...
what is a predicate
What is a PredicateWhat is a predicate? What role does it play in the formation of a grammatically correct sentence? Let's...
what is a press pass and how to get one
What is a Press Pass and How to Get One?Freelance journalists and photographers have a hard time getting press passes which...
what is a prime number
What is a Prime NumberThe question of what prime numbers are, takes us deep into mathematics territory. In this article,...
what is a pronoun
What is a Pronoun?This article gives the definition and types of pronouns, along with examples to help you understand the...
what is a rebreather and how does it work
What is a Rebreather and How does it Work?Inefficiency of the conventional SCUBA (acronym for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing...
what is a selective default
What is a Selective DefaultThe term 'Selective Default' is quite intriguing. What does it actually mean? The following article...
what is a self fulfilling prophecy and how does it work
What is a Self-fulfilling Prophecy and How does it Work?Self-fulfilling prophecy is a concept which states that by predicting...
what is a single purpose credit card
What is a Single Purpose Credit CardSingle purpose credit cards are types of consumer credit cards available in the market...
what is a spectrum analyzer
What is a Spectrum AnalyzerA spectrum analyzer is an instrument used in the electronics domain. This article specifies its...
what is a subprime loan
What is a Subprime LoanA way of making easy money, the subprime loans have been debated since they were originated. It was...
what is a target audience
What is a Target AudienceIn this article, we shall understand what a target audience is, and how to identify it.Every product...
what is a triple net lease
What is a Triple Net LeaseThe term triple net lease is often used in commercial real estate. You may have heard about it...
what is a vat invoice
What is a VAT InvoiceAll that you need to know about VAT invoices is presented in the following article.Perhaps, one of the...
what is a verb
What is a VerbVerbs are an irreplaceable components of the English language. Read on to know more about this crucial part...
what is a vested account balance
What is a Vested Account Balance?A vested account balance is one of the two retirement account balance components that forms...
what is a w9 irs tax form and what is its purpose
What is a W-9 IRS Tax Form and What is Its Purpose?The W-9 form is used to provide your correct Taxpayer Identification Number...
what is a whole food diet
What is a Whole Food DietWhat is a whole food diet? Which food to consume in this diet? Are these diet recipes different...
what is a whole number
What is a Whole Number?If you are curious about whole numbers, this article will be an insightful read. In what follows,...
what is acceleration
What is Acceleration?An important physics concept that every student must grasp is acceleration, which has been explained...
what is accounts payable
What is Accounts PayableThis article is a brief explanation of what the term, accounts payable means in accounting parlance....
what is advergaming all about
What is Advergaming all About?Advergaming, which features in-game ads and sponsored video games, is an advertising and marketing...
what is air turbulence and is it dangerous
What is Air Turbulence and is it Dangerous?If you are a frequent flyer, we don't need to tell you what air turbulence feels...
what is altitude sickness
What is Altitude Sickness?Acknowledging the symptoms of altitude sickness is the first step towards normalcy. HAPE (High-Altitude...
what is amlodipine besylate
What is Amlodipine BesylateAmlodipine besylate belongs to a class of drugs called calcium channel blockers. This write-up...
what is an antecedent
What is an AntecedentIf you are a literature student, then you must be knowing what an antecedent is. If not, then this article...
what is an api
What is an APIApplication programming interfaces (APIs) are platforms on which new software programs are built. Here is an...
what is an asp
What is an Asp?Asp is a term that is used to refer to venomous snakes. This article provides some information on the same.Asps...
what is an endodontist
What does an Endodontist Do?What is an endodontist? When to see an endodontist? The following article describes the difference...
what is an internet filter
What Is an Internet Filter?Due the Internet allowing access to all kinds of information, Internet filters were born. As their...
what is an isthmus with examples
Meaning of Isthmus Explained with ExamplesWhen we speak of the Panama Canal, we often refer to the fact that it was built...
what is an ntuserdat file
What is an NTUSER.DAT File?NTUSER.DAT is an important system file which is present in every Windows operating system. In...
what is an open relationship
What is an Open RelationshipAn open relationship has its own pros and cons, and there are many reasons people opt to get...
what is an orphan
What is an Orphan?It is not an easy task to be an orphan. However, there is another category of orphans nowadays - the workaholics'...
what is an out of body experience
What is an Out-of-body Experience?An out-of-body experience occurs when the brain perceives conditions seeming like one has...
what is an rf modulator
What is an RF Modulator?Signals sent from a television station to our TV's antenna, travel long distances without losing...
what is an srt file extension and how to open it
What is an SRT File Extension and How to Open it?The SubRip tool creates subtitle files containing the timing and subtitles...
what is an ulcer
What is an UlcerThis article is an in-depth analysis of the causes and symptoms of the different types of ulcers and their...
what is an unsubsidized loan
What is an Unsubsidized LoanThis article provides some valuable insights into the important characteristics of unsubsidized...
what is analysis paralysis and how to overcome it
What is Analysis Paralysis and How to Overcome It?In simple terms, analysis paralysis is a person's tendency to over-analyze...
what is arrabbiata sauce and how to make it
What is Arrabbiata Sauce and How to Make It?This Italian sauce is used as a taste-maker in several recipes, the most popular...
what is ashlar masonry
What is Ashlar Masonry?Ashlar masonry pertains to finely cut rock, or the masonry using fine stonework usually with squared...
what is attitude
What is Attitude?Attitude is an individual's expression towards his surrounding situations. This expression is different...
what is balancing selection in biology with examples
What is Balancing Selection in Biology?Natural selection is a key mechanism of evolution, and a primary explanation for adaptive...
what is beauty
What is Beauty?How do you define beauty? Is there an objective way to define attractiveness? We try and determine what beauty...
what is bhp brake horsepower
What is Brake Horsepower (BHP)?Brake horsepower is the unit used for the calculation of an engine's capacity of doing work....
what is biology
What is Biology?Biology is not something we just study, but an important part of our life. Here's more...Biology is the study...
what is bose einstein condensate
What is Bose-Einstein CondensateBose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) theory is named after its theorists, Satyendra Nath Bose and...
what is brucellosis
What is Brucellosis?Domesticated animals are perilous when they develop brucellosis. The prevention is exacting and treatment...
what is buyers remorse and how to deal with it
What is Buyer's Remorse and How to Deal with ItHave you ever felt anxiety after you have checked off a much-awaited purchase...
what is career networking
What is Career NetworkingWhat is career networking? How does it work? How to be successful at networking? Read on to find...
what is check kiting
What is Check Kiting?Check kiting involves transferring funds between two accounts before either of the checks can be cleared....
what is chronic depression dysthymia
What is Chronic Depression (Dysthymia)Chronic depression, also known as dysthymia, is a kind of depression that lingers for...
what is clinical depression
What is Clinical Depression?Are you not feeling like yourself lately? Have you been sad and having bad thoughts for a long...
what is cognac
What is Cognac?Cognac is one of the best varieties of Brandy produced in France. This article gives you a brief summary about...
what is comparative advantage
What is Comparative Advantage?Absolute and comparative advantage are two of the introductory topics of international economics....
what is compartment syndrome
What is Compartment Syndrome?Compartment syndrome is a painful medical condition that is characterized by increased pressure...
what is considered high blood pressure
What is Considered High Blood PressureBlood pressure is the pressure in the arteries when the heart is beating and when the...
what is considered to be an immediate family
What is Considered to be an Immediate Family?When we think of "family", we think parents, children, spouses, and...
what is consumer sovereignty
What is Consumer Sovereignty?Consumer sovereignty refers to that market where production of goods and services is as per...
what is contribution margin
What is Contribution MarginAll you ever wanted to know about a contribution margin has been explained in this article. By...
what is cookie technology
What is Cookie Technology?The cookie technology facilitates the identification of users based on their information and preferences,...
what is copper sulfate
What is Copper Sulfate?Copper sulfate, which is also known as cupric sulphate, is a chemical compound and salt having applications...
what is corporate communication
What is Corporate CommunicationCompanies follow different means of communication to put forth their perspective and goals...
what is cost accounting
What Is Cost AccountingWhen one indulges in business, cost accounting is the most essential component that systematically...
what is crepe fabric
What is Crepe Fabric?One of the most popular fabrics of today, Crepe or crape is a crinkled, crisp, and lightweight fabric...
what is criminology
What is Criminology?What is criminology theory? Criminology is the analysis of different factors conducing to committing...
what is cscexe error and how to fix it
What is csc.exe Error and How to Fix it?Among the many obscure error messages that the Windows operating system throws at...
what is csrssexe virus and how to remove it
What is Csrss.exe Virus and How to Remove it?It is quite disheartening, not to mention bothersome when one sees a critical...
what is culture
What is Culture?Culture is a complex system of behavior, values, beliefs, traditions and artifacts, which is transmitted...
what is cyber insurance
What is Cyber InsuranceSeveral types of insurance products are available in the market to protect against significant financial...
what is deja vu
What is Deja Vu?Deja vu translates to 'something already seen'. Even when seeing or experiencing something for the first...
what is depressive realism
What is Depressive Realism?There are many concepts in the field of mental health such as optimism bias and locus of control....
what is developmental psychology
What is Developmental Psychology?Developmental psychology deals with the study of human behavior and the changes that follow...
what is distributive justice
What is Distributive JusticeThe theory of Distributive Justice deals with the distribution of 'equal material goods and services'...
what is divorce insurance and why you should buy one
What is Divorce Insurance and Why You Should Buy OneWant to apply for a divorce insurance? Oh yes, you heard it right! Insurance...
what is dominance hierarchy
What is Dominance HierarchyEver wondered what a pecking order amongst chickens was? Or how wolves hunt together and live...
what is due diligence
What is Due Diligence?If you've recently come across the term "due diligence" and are wondering what it means,...
what is dutch angle shot in photography
What is Dutch Angle Shot in Photography?Dutch angle is one of the simple camera techniques that will help you click better...
what is ecological succession
What Is Ecological Succession?Ecological succession is an inevitable process for any locale. Read on to know more about the...
what is economic growth
What is Economic GrowthYou may not know how economic growth affects you, or what it is for that matter, which isn't surprising,...
what is economics
What is Economics?Understanding economics is not just understanding how money flows in today's world; the scope of the science...
what is emotional exhaustion and how to recover from it
What is Emotional Exhaustion and How to Recover From It?You should never let your emotions control you. But what about having...
what is environmental ethics
What are Environmental Ethics?Environmental ethics is a branch of environmental philosophy that studies the ethical relationship...
what is environmental science
What is Environmental Science?This Buzzle article will answer your question about what environmental science is all about.As...
what is epiphany
What is EpiphanyIn the following article we will take you through the concept of epiphany and help you understand its importance...
what is existentialism
What is Existentialism?How do you define existentialism? What is the central gist of this school of thought and what is the...
what is false imprisonment
What is False ImprisonmentFalse imprisonment is a term used for illegal or forceful detention of a person by another person...
what is fashion forecasting and why is it important
What is Fashion Forecasting and Why is it Important?There's something about which we all are alarmingly conscious about all...
what is fermentation
What is FermentationBeer, wine, curd, are some of the products of fermentation. But do you actually know what is fermentation?...
what is ferritin
What is FerritinRead this article to understand what ferritin is, how its levels affect your body, and what are the implications...
what is figurative language
What is Figurative Language?The subtlety of the English language is not unknown to anybody. What can be said literally can...
what is flexural strength and why is it important
What is Flexural Strength and Why is it Important?Buzzle introduces you to flexural strength and its importance in constructional...
what is forensic accounting
What is Forensic Accounting?Auditing and accounting is an unlikely combination, but that's what forensic accounting is all...
what is forensic science
What is Forensic Science?Does criminology interest you? Ever wondered what is forensic science all about? Well, then you've...
what is friction
What is Friction?The concept of friction is an essential part of physics. This article discusses its basic concept, as well...
what is full employment
What is Full EmploymentEvery economy aims for 'full employment'. The term sounds like a happy situation when everyone is...
what is gabapentin used for
What is Gabapentin Used ForBasically an anti seizure medicine, gabapentin is known by the brand name, 'Neurontin' in the...
what is globalization
What is GlobalizationDevelopment or degradation? Good or bad? Bliss or bane? What is globalization actually up to? Let us...
what is glucose intolerance
What is Glucose IntoleranceGlucose intolerance is a condition that may lead to the development of diabetes if not taken care...
what is gluten intolerance
What is Gluten IntoleranceGluten is basically a composite of two proteins, which are known as glutenin and gliadin. An intolerance...
what is gluten
What is Gluten?Gluten is often confused as a protein from animals, but it actually comes from the cereal family. Here's more...
what is gorilla glass and how does it work
What is Gorilla Glass and How Does it Work?Gorilla Glass from Corning has found its way to almost all the screens of mobile...
what is green tea good for
What is Green Tea Good ForGreen tea is widely used as a beverage, as well as a medicine. This article talks about its various...
what is gyroscopic effect
What is Gyroscopic Effect?What is a gyroscope? What is a gyroscopic effect? Read on to find the answers. A gyroscope is a...
what is hatha yoga
What is Hatha YogaOne of the forms of yoga to be practiced all around the world is hatha yoga. Scroll down to know more about...
what is historical revisionism and how does it influence history
What is Historical Revisionism and How Does it Influence History?Historical revisionism pertains to the act of altering historical...
what is hivaids
What is HIV/AIDSThe human history has been traumatized by the most deadly disease, HIV/AIDS since ages. What is HIV AIDS?...
what is hominy
What is Hominy?One of the popular corn products, hominy is widely used as a breakfast cereal. This article provides some...
what is horsepower
What is Horsepower?HP, short for horsepower, can be defined as the amount of work completed in a unit or specified amount...
what is human resource management
What is Human Resource Management?Human Resource Management (HRM) is considered as the heart of a company. This article tells...
what is imagery
What is Imagery?Imagery is a tool which enables readers to visualize that which he is reading despite the absence of illustrations....
what is impression management
What is Impression ManagementImpression management is a sociology theory which states that an individual or an organization...
what is information technology
What is Information TechnologyAs a concept, information technology has evolved from the basic usage of computers, to the...
what is instructional technology
What is Instructional Technology?The use of technology to improve the way instructions are delivered is termed as instructional...
what is interactive advertising
What is Interactive AdvertisingIn our everyday life, we are always surrounded by new buzzwords or jargons about a particular...
what is internet relay chat irc
What is Internet Relay Chat (IRC)?Internet Relay Chat, or IRC, is a means of chatting online in real-time through a client...
what is iridology and does it really work
What is Iridology and Does it Really Work?Have you ever marveled at why your doctor first checks your eyes when you go for...
what is isuspmexe and how to remove it
What is ISUSPM.exe and How to Remove it?If you are annoyed by the constant pop-ups by InstallShield asking you to install...
what is javascript used for
What is JavaScript Used for?The internet houses millions of web pages hosted by websites that serve different purposes. Some...
what is jucheckexe and is it safe
What is Jucheck.exe and is it Safe?The jucheck.exe is a frequently seen pop-up on many Windows based systems. But with a...
what is jury nullification
What is Jury NullificationJury Nullification is the power rested in the hands of the jury to pronounce a guilty-accused person...
what is kaseya agent and how does it work
What is Kaseya Agent and How Does it Work?For those frustrated with their management programs, Kaseya Agent is an all-rounder...
what is kleptomania
What is Kleptomania?We look into what is kleptomania, and what people with this disorder go through when that strong compulsion...
what is leadership
What is Leadership?Are you pondering over the definition of leadership? Here's a brief description of various leadership...
what is leprosy
What is Leprosy?Leprosy is a bacterial disease that leads to disfigurement of the limbs and facial tissues. The following...
what is linguistic determinism in context of psychology
What is Linguistic Determinism in Context of Psychology?Modern language has evolved to such an extent that we express our...
what is managerial accounting
What is Managerial Accounting?Accountancy is a pretty vast domain and has much more to it than just arithmetic calculations....
what is marginal benefit
What is Marginal BenefitWhat exactly is marginal benefit and how does it affect our choices? How is it calculated? Read to...
what is marginal propensity to consume
What is Marginal Propensity to ConsumeThe marginal propensity to consume is a pretty important part of the Keynesian theory,...
what is marketing mix
What Is Marketing MixWhat is marketing mix? Commerce graduates will know the answer in a jiffy. (I presume!) And if you don't,...
what is matter
What is Matter?Quick, define "matter". You were probably wrong, unless you're taking a coffee break from your job...
what is mcdonaldization theory
What is McDonaldization Theory?McDonaldization theory developed by George Ritzer draws on sociology's concept of rationalization....
what is meant by economic nationalism
What is Meant by Economic Nationalism?Economic nationalism, very simply stated, is the imposition of economy control to protect...
what is meant by god complex in psychology
What is Meant by God Complex in Psychology?Though not officially labeled a personality disorder, the God complex is very...
what is meant by predictive validity
What is Meant by Predictive Validity?Predictive validity is a term in psychometrics that calculates the future behavior of...
what is media convergence
What is Media ConvergenceThe confluence of different media through the use of technology is termed as convergence of media....
what is mens rea
What is Mens Rea?Mens rea is a very important aspect of criminal law because it helps in determining the outcome of a case....
what is missing white woman syndrome
What is Missing White Woman Syndrome?What is depicted or shown on TV, radio and other media platforms can fascinate, disgust...
what is momexe windows process
What is MOM.exe Windows Process?Thanks to its tendency to cough up errors, there is a lot of speculation regarding the MOM.exe...
what is myalgia
What is Myalgia?What is myalgia? Do you feel frequent neck and shoulder pain? Have you been experiencing muscle pain? If...
what is needle felting
What is Needle Felting?If you're into knitting, then this unique and popular fiber craft might interest you. Read the Buzzle...
what is numerology chart
What is Numerology Chart?In order to learn what your life path and name numbers are, we have to understand how a numerology...
what is oem software
What is OEM Software?OEM software programs are economically-priced versions which could save you a few hard-earned dollars....
what is open source software
What is Open Source Software?These days we keep hearing about software which can be altered, as per one's needs. In this...
what is opportunity cost
What is Opportunity Cost?If economics sends you in a quizzical tailspin and you're currently scratching your head over what...
what is organic chemistry
What is Organic ChemistryChemistry is largely classified into two groups, organic and inorganic. This article focuses on...
what is pancetta
What is PancettaPancetta is an Italian meat that is very similar to bacon. This article tells you what exactly it is, along...
what is pessimism bias
What is Pessimism BiasThere are different forms of being biased and it can range from being a personality quirk (favoring...
what is plasma
What is Plasma?The word plasma has significant importance in both physics and biology, though the term in physics is derived...
what is pneumonia and how do you get it
What is Pneumonia and How Do You Get ItPneumonia is a lung infection that is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi....
what is political spectrum
What is Political SpectrumA political spectrum classifies the political ideologies on the basis of their beliefs and origins....
what is pregnancy brain
What is Pregnancy Brain?'Pregnancy brain' is characterized by short-term memory loss or forgetfulness, which some women experience...
what is qigong
What is Qigong?You may have heard a lot about it, but what exactly is Qigong? An ancient healing procedure followed by the...
what is quantitative easing
What is Quantitative EasingQuantitative easing is often considered the "last resort" monetary policy to revive...
what is quicklime and how is it made
What is Quicklime and How is it Made?The production of quicklime is one of the oldest chemical processes developed by mankind....
what is real time bidding and how does it work
What is Real-time Bidding and How Does it Work?Real-time bidding (RTB) is being touted as the future of Internet advertising....
what is recession fatigue and how to fight it
What is Recession Fatigue and How to Fight it?Recession fatigue is a situation of economic-helplessness wherein a person...
what is relationship anarchy
What is Relationship AnarchyLove is what we make of it and relationships are settled in the casting of social norms and definitions...
what is reverse marketing
What is Reverse MarketingReverse marketing is a concept wherein clients approach the marketer, instead of the contrary. The...
what is reynolds number and what are its applications
What is Reynolds Number and What are its Applications?Reynolds number plays an important role in the study of fluid mechanics....
what is rope a dope boxing style
What is Rope-a-dope Boxing Style?The rope-a-dope boxing style was one of the prominent reasons for the then 32-year-old Muhammad...
what is rule 49o
What is Rule 49-O?The Constitution of India gives the right to every Indian citizen who is a voter, to abstain from voting...
what is sabbath mode in home appliances
What is Sabbath Mode in Home Appliances?With a lot of brands in the market going head-over-heels about their Sabbath-compliant...
what is seaportexe
What is Seaport.exeAmong the many executable files that run on Microsoft's Windows operating system, seaport.exe is one....
what is second person point of view in literature
What is Second-person Point of View in Literature?The point of view in which a story is presented by its creator changes...
what is secured debt
What is a Secured Debt?Debts can be broadly classified into secured and unsecured types. Here is a brief overview about secured...
what is sedona method
What is the Sedona Method?A proven solution to all the problems and miseries in life-The Sedona method. Have a look...The...
what is shark finning
What is Shark FinningThe level of hunting sharks for commercial gains has increased rapidly, and one method followed is shark...
what is shopkeepers privilege
What is Shopkeeper's PrivilegeShopkeeper's privilege gives shopkeepers the right to detain a customer for a reasonable amount...
what is sikhism
What Is Sikhism?The attack in a Wisconsin Sikh temple raised questions as to who could possibly have a problem with these...
what is slow fashion movement
What is Slow Fashion Movement?They say, fashion fades. But nowadays, fashion is fading so fast that, before buying a new...
what is slow gardening
What is Slow Gardening?How would you react when someone told you to adopt a slow approach in your life. Your first reaction,...
what is social studies and why is it important
What is Social Studies and Why is it ImportantThis article provides information about social studies, and the reasons why...
what is solstice
What is SolsticeA concise write-up on solstice, which will help you get rid of numerous misconceptions associated with it....
what is stage4 cancer
What is Stage 4 CancerStage 4 cancer is the final stage of cancer, which is irreversible in nature. This is a dreaded disease...
what is stagflation
What is Stagflation?No nation would like to find itself in an economic situation that represents slow or negative growth...
what is stewardess diet and does it really work
What is Stewardess Diet and Does it Really Work?Your friend is getting married next weekend, and you can't fit into that...
what is stockholm syndrome
What is Stockholm Syndrome?Attachment is usually relative and unique from one person to another and also depends on circumstances....
what is stoichiometry
What is Stoichiometry?A good command on stoichiometry can help students deal with variety of mathematical problems in chemistry....
what is streptococcus pneumoniae
What is Streptococcus Pneumoniae?Streptococcus pneumoniae is the main causal factor for community acquired pneumonia disease....
what is success in life
What is Success in LifeDo you think you are leading a successful life? What is success in life? Are these the questions that...
what is swype
What is Swype TextingSay adios to the tapping text technology in cell phones and move on to know what is Swype! One of the...
what is symbolism
What is Symbolism?An art movement of the late 19th century, symbolism affected art and literature in a very significant way....
what is syntax
What is SyntaxIf you are curious about what syntax means and what role it plays in the formation of language structure, this...
what is teatimerexe and how to remove it
What is TeaTimer.exe and How to Remove it?It is often the case that while downloading and installing a free software, a few...
what is the balfour declaration
What is the Balfour Declaration?This article describes what exactly was the motive behind the Balfour Declaration and why...
what is the birds eye view in photography
What is the Bird's-eye View in Photography?All enthusiastic photographers always require a different angle to shoot their...
what is the bradley effect
What is the Bradley Effect?The Bradley effect is a famous term used as part of the elections only when a non-white candidate...
what is the climax of a story
What is the Climax of a Story?A climax, be it in a novel, drama, movie, or even a joke, always stands out as the highlight...
what is the clothing etiquette for golf
What is the Clothing Etiquette for GolfGolf has always been considered a gentleman's game and a lot of that has to do with...
what is the concept of social clock and how has it changed
What is the Concept of Social Clock and How has It Changed?When should one leave home and take up a job? What is the right...
what is the concept of social constructionism
What is the Concept of Social Constructionism?What we view as real in this world is actually a social construct or rather...
what is the difference between a cake and a torte
What is the Difference Between a Cake and a Torte?Torte or cake, now that's a question any foodie would ask? Food experts...
what is the difference between a public and private corporation
What is the Difference Between a Public and Private CorporationPublic corporations differ from private corporations in many...
what is the difference between affect and effect
What is the Difference Between Affect and Effect?Understanding the difference between affect and effect can be a little difficult....
what is the difference between american and french manicure
What is the Difference between American and French Manicure?Need some stylish yet sophisticated look for your nails? Then...
what is the difference between an equation and an expression
What is the Difference Between an Equation and an ExpressionIf you are wondering what the difference between an equation...
what is the difference between apostle and disciple in christianity
What is the Difference Between Apostle and Disciple in Christianity?During his three years of preaching, Jesus had acquired...
what is the difference between chinos and khakis
What is the Difference Between Chinos and Khakis?Tapered khakis can resemble chino-styled pants. Since they have a lot of...
what is the difference between cropped and capri pants
What is the Difference Between Cropped and Capri Pants?Capri pant or cropped pant, confused? I am going to sort out this...
what is the difference between crumpets and english muffins
What is the Difference Between Crumpets and English Muffins?When offered with a choice between a crumpet or an English muffin,...
what is the difference between distance and displacement
What is the Difference Between Distance and Displacement?Distance and displacement are two words which seem to have the same...
what is the difference between domain and range
What is the Difference Between Domain and RangeIf you are curious about the difference between domain and range, this article...
what is the difference between food chain and food web
What is the Difference Between Food Chain and Food WebEcological community is the collection of individuals belonging to...
what is the difference between jam and jelly
What is the Difference Between Jam and Jelly?Regardless of what the label reads, have you ever wondered what the actual difference...
what is the difference between potato starch and potato flour
What is the Difference Between Potato Starch and Potato Flour?Understanding the basic concept of potato starch vs. potato...
what is the difference between prednisone and prednisolone
What is the Difference Between Prednisone and Prednisolone?Prednisolone is a precursor and an active form of prednisone....
what is the difference between prilosec and zantac
What is the Difference Between Prilosec and Zantac?Although both drugs inhibit secretion of stomach acids, Prilosec and Zantac...
what is the difference between subconscious and unconscious mind
What is the Difference Between Subconscious and Unconscious Mind?When you ask someone to recall the most painful event of...
what is the easiest way to lose weight
What is the Easiest Way to Lose WeightFollowing proper diet and exercise regime helps in quick weight loss. Here are some...
what is the exposition of a story
What is the Exposition of a Story?The first paragraph of a story is always the place where we get to know a lot about the...
what is the first amendment
What is the First Amendment?When it comes to the US constitution, it is important to know what the first amendment is as...
what is the french paradox
What is the French ParadoxThe French eat cheese, drink wine, and essentially live only to eat. Yet, their body type remains...
what is the golden rule
What is the Golden RuleThe golden rule is one of the most basic rules of human behavior, and is advised by every major faith...
what is the higgs boson
What is the Higgs Boson?While the sobriquet of 'God particle' is a media generated hyperbole at best, the Higgs Boson is...
what is the hydrosphere and why is it important
What is the Hydrosphere and Why is it Important?Hydrosphere is the liquid water component of Earth. It includes the water...
what is the impact of technology on our society
What is the Impact of Technology on Our Society?How has technology affected society? How has it influenced life? Read on...
what is the importance of public opinion in media
The Importance of Public Opinion in MediaThe public is what fuels the media's strength in the world, and without it we'd...
what is the importance of traveling
What is the Importance of Traveling?Traveling is a favorite hobby for thousands of people across the globe. It also offers...
what is the invisible web and how we can find it
What is the Invisible Web and How We Can Find ItThe Invisible Web is a popular Internet term used these days. The database...
what is the kiss principle
What is the KISS PrincipleWhat is the KISS principle? Can you apply it in every field? Go through the article to learn more!Alexander...
what is the law of increasing opportunity cost in economics
What is the Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost in Economics?Opportunity cost is something that is foregone to choose one...
what is the logan act of1799
What is the Logan Act of 1799?The Logan Act is a federal statute which disallows American citizens from negotiating with...
what is the mean in math
What is the Mean in Math?If you are curious about what 'Mean' is in mathematical terms, this article will be a helpful read....
what is the meaning of fishers of men phrase
What is the Meaning of 'Fishers of Men' PhraseJesus showed us the way through many sermons, using phrases that were left...
what is the meaning of fixed expenses
What is the Meaning of Fixed Expenses?Fixed expenses do not vary with the change in production; they remain constant. This...
what is the meaning of maranatha in the bible
What is the Meaning of 'Maranatha' in the Bible?The word 'maranatha' gains the attention of many Christians due to the ambiguity...
what is the meaning of moral fiber
What is the Meaning of Moral Fiber?The idiom 'moral fiber' is drawn from the concept of morality, which in turn, is based...
what is the meaning of rashomon effect
What is the Meaning of Rashomon Effect?The Rashomon effect is a phenomenon that describes how a single entity is described...
what is the meaning of the number666 in the bible
What is the Meaning of the Number 666 in the Bible?The number 666 is considered to be very unlucky and is called the number...
what is the median in math
What is the Median in MathWhile 'median' refers to the middle value of an ordered set of values in math, 'mode' refers to...
what is the midnight sun phenomenon
What is the Midnight Sun Phenomenon?The polar regions of the world are home to several amazing natural phenomena, and the...
what is the necessary and proper clause
What is the Necessary and Proper ClauseNot many people know the meaning and significance of the necessary and proper clause...
what is the nsis error and how to resolve it
What is the NSIS Error and How to Resolve It?NSIS error occurs while installing a new program if the original file is modified...
what is the purpose of immigration laws
What is the Purpose of Immigration Laws'To control the influx of people in the country' will be your prompt reply if somebody...
what is the purpose of life in christianity
What is the Purpose of Life in Christianity?Have you ever wondered what is the purpose of your life on this planet? If you...
what is the purpose of the constitution of united states
What is the Purpose of the Constitution of the United States?The Constitution of the United States of America was drafted...
what is the rapture in the bible
What is the Rapture in the Bible?One of the most important and most divisive topics in the Bible is the Rapture. Read on...
what is the right way to wear a toe ring
What is the Right Way to Wear a Toe RingWearing toe rings is one of the latest fashion trends that has its origins in Eastern...
what is the role of government in society
What is the Role of Government in SocietySince the demise of colonialism and advent of democracy, the role of government...
what is the setting of a story
What is the Setting of a Story?A story without a setting is like eating four flavors of ice cream without being able to enjoy...
what is the spoiled child syndrome
What is the Spoiled Child SyndromeAll of us are familiar with the signs of a spoiled child, but what is it about the syndrome?...
what is the streisand effect
What is the Streisand Effect?The Internet has always been a playground for all kinds of people, governed by rather unusual...
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С судьбой нельзя не считаться, мы не можем просто стереть ее или заменить чем-то другим. Но мы можем выбирать, как нам отвечать нашей судьбе, используя дарованные нам способности.
Единственное, что человек не теряет в течение всей своей жизни, – это возможность переживания настоящего момента.
Любовь существует, когда удовлетворение и безопасность другого человека становится так же значима, как собственное удовлетворение и безопасность.
Там, где господствует любовь, отсутствует воля к власти; там, где первостепенно стремление к власти, любовь отсутствует. Одно не является тенью другого.