what exactly does the vice president do

What Exactly Does the Vice President Do?

Funny how we pay so much attention to running mates during election years, but so little attention to Vice Presidents the rest of the time - unless he says something stupid. Learn more about this underappreciated role and the ways it serves the country.

If you only get your politics through popular media, you may be forgiven for thinking that the Vice President's job is to be the foil for the President's public image. The first George Bush came across as a wise statesman while Dan Quayle decidedly did not. Clinton was affable and charming, but Gore seemed stoic and almost wooden (he has loosened up considerably since leaving office, however). The second Bush was the guy next door while Cheney came across as Darth Vader, and gaffe-a-minute Biden is the perfect counteragent to Obama's cool, collected facade. This is no accident - part of choosing a running mate is to find someone who can connect with the portion of the electorate that the presidential candidate cannot. But the Vice President has other jobs, a few of which may surprise you. Next In Line You already knew this one - the Vice President is the next in line for the Oval Office if the President dies. This is his highest function and most important job, hands down. This is why it's so important for candidates to choose a running mate with "presidential qualities" - because s/he is literally a heartbeat away from the presidency. President of the Senate The Vice President also serves as the President of the Senate. He is not allowed to influence legislation or votes in any way, but he is allowed to vote in the case of a tie. In this capacity, one of his main functions is to preside over the joint session of Congress that counts the electoral votes. Interestingly, his position as President of the Senate also has a bearing on his retirement, theoretically. The office of the Vice President does not come with a pension - his pension is given as a member of the Senate instead, and he must serve five years to be eligible. In other words, one-term VPs are out of luck. In reality, this doesn't matter much. Retired Vice Presidents are so in demand as public speakers that they make an exceedingly comfortable living from speaking fees alone. They also write bestselling autobiographies, become lobbyists or consultants, or return to their pre-presidential career roots. They do just fine. Constitutionally speaking, this is the limit of the Vice President's responsibility. Until relatively recently, many VPs complained about their limited role, feeling powerless to influence policy. Now, however, he functions in unofficial roles to influence policy through numerous means. Presidential Advisor The President and Vice President have a pretty close relationship. The VP advises the President and helps draft policy, and may take the President's place during State functions when the President is unavailable. Oddly enough, the office of the Vice President is not assigned to any particular branch of government - he is assigned Executive duties by the President and Congress, but some argue that he could be seen as part of the Legislative branch due to his role as President of the Senate. This split assignment gives him a highly versatile capacity to support the President's policies in a variety of ways - many of which are only now being discovered as modern VPs branch out from the potential reach of their predecessors. Public Support Here's where the Vice President's "foil to the President" role comes in - the VP is frequently responsible for promoting the President's policies in the court of public opinion. If the President seems to be taking a softer, more moderate stance on an important issue, it's because the Vice President is out there taking a hard line. While the President may catch plenty of flak for expressing strong opinions about unpopular positions and may hurt his chances of re-election, the Vice President is free to word things as strongly as he likes. Here's a secret - most of Biden's "gaffes" aren't gaffes at all - they're carefully crafted masterpieces of speechwriting designed to get press attention and drum up the support of the people who would come to his defense. Brilliant. The Vice President is also an honorary member of the National Security Council and sits on the Smithsonian Institute's Board of Regents - and unlike the President, has no term limits. Which is great, because when you look into the job further than you normally would it sounds like way more fun than being President.

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