physical characteristics of capricorn zodiac sign

Physical Characteristics of a Capricorn

The physical characteristics of Capricorns is one of the most sought after information, not only for the Capricornians themselves, but also for the people who are related to them. Why? Because, by nature, capricorns are friendly, and manage to strike a chord of friendship with genuineness, but there is this mystery that makes people think that people of this zodiac are rather stern and rigid.

Since the time of school days, youngsters have often been mystified about zodiac signs and horoscopes. Reading about a best friend's personality traits or knowing about compatibility issues and many such things have always their caught attention. Piling books based on astrology in lockers or consulting astrologers about many issues in life is not a new practice. Sneaking and reading snippets in magazines that dictate about a person's personality traits are some of the common things everybody has tried in their childhood days! People who belong to a particular zodiac sign often display certain common characteristics. This is used as a base to know about compatibility between two zodiac signs. Often, the traits are matched to predict the final outcome of a relationship. Apart from this, people who belong to any one particular zodiac sign even display certain common physical characteristics. Read to know about the common physical traits of a Capricorn. Capricorn People People born between 21st December and January 20th belong to the Capricorn zodiac sign. Basically, Capricorns can be spotted because of their ability to analyze a situation and show strong analytical skills in tough situations. Polite and always with a steady nature, Capricorns can also display a diplomatic side. But these are not the only points that will help you to spot Capricorns. The overall appearance of Capricorns is very attractive. In the childhood years, Capricorns may be on the slimmer side. It may be noticed that physically, they have a tendency to be on the weaker side. The lower area of the body is usually slender. Basically, typical Capricorns have a very serious look. Sometimes, this may make them look even older than their actual age. This is because of their facial features. Capricorns usually have a long nose and deep-set eyes. The forehead is on the narrow side. Capricorns also have marked cheekbones. Typical Capricornian men have stocky appearance. They also have sharp, penetrating eyes which may even make others around them feel a little uneasy. However, it is said that Capricorn males are conscious about their appearance. Capricorns may smile very rarely! Typical Capricornian women are on the slender side. Their basic body structure is petite. The deep-set, serious eyes may give a forlorn look, but the overall personality can make the woman quite appealing! Basic Traits of a Capricorn Known to be reticent, Capricorns will not converse too easily in a crowd. They take time to mingle with others. Capricorns also have a deep understanding of basic human nature. These personalities also have a very organized way of working. They also have a strong focus on their goals. Romance is always a part of their nature. This is the reason relationships with Capricorns will very rarely lack romance. Sometimes, Capricorns may tend to be a little suspicious by nature. At times, their slightly dominating nature may ruffle a few feathers.

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