components of a golf club

Components of a Golf Club

A golf club has 3 main components, the grip, the shaft and the head. The following buzzle article provides information on the characteristics of these components.

It is surprising to know that people who have played golf for years, still do not know the exact components of a golf club. Every part of a golf club has a specific function. Knowing these components will help you in choosing the right club that suits your style of playing. The Grip: This is the area that lies on top of the club where the golfer places his hand. It allows the golfer to firmly hold the club, which is essential for a good swing. The grip that is usually made up of hardened rubber or leather, has a smooth surface with small depressions on it. As per the rules, the grip should be round without any poke marks. It is necessary to choose a proper grip that fits your play, ability and budget. Most importantly, you should be comfortable with the grip that you select, otherwise you may not be able to achieve the desired swing. There are also different styles of holding the grip. So choose one that helps you to play the game at your best. The Shaft: This component is the longest portion of a golf club that joins the grip and the head. It is a tube like structure that weighs between 45 and 150 grams, depending upon the length and the material used. Golf club shafts are generally manufactured from carbon-fiber, steel or resin composite. In order to play powerful strokes, golfers go for harder shafts. Presently, carbon-fiber is the most preferred material for making golf shafts. Shaft flexibility and length are the two important aspects that need to be considered before buying this golf equipment. For instance, if you are using a stiffer shaft, you will need more power to bend and hit the ball properly. As far as shaft length is concerned, it will vary according to your height, arm-length and wrist-to-floor dimension. The Head: A golf club's head is located at the bottom that makes contact with the ball after a swing. Depending on how you plan to strike the ball, golf heads are categorized into iron, woods and putters. For instance, the wood variety has a large head and is specifically used to hit the ball over long distances. The iron club head comes in two types; forged iron and cast iron. You need to choose one depending upon your skill level. Beginners usually prefer the forged irons with large club heads as they help to achieve better golf shots. Thus, amateurs using forged iron club heads enjoy playing golf, despite having lower skill levels. The club face, grooves, hosel and the socket also form an integral part of a golf club. The club face is the point of contact with the golf ball. The horizontal grooves that are on the club face are useful in creating a backspin, so that the ball flies higher after it is hit. To put it simply, the grooves impart spin to the ball, thus allowing the player to control the shot. The grooves also help disperse sand and water from the club face during the impact. The hosel and the socket are the components that connect the shaft to the head. The hosel is designed in such a way that it puts little weight and mass over the top of the club face. This helps in lowering the center of gravity of the golf club to cover a greater distance. Another part of a golf club, is the sole that is in contact with the surface of the grass during a swing. Soles can be flat, small or broad with rounded edges. They are designed to move over the turf smoothly so that you can strike the ball perfectly and hit good shots.

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