protein diet plan for men

Protein Diet Plan for Men

Protein, a macro nutrient, is an essential building block of a healthy diet. A prescribed selection of food items for both men and women is quite different. The upcoming article provides a comprehensive protein diet plan for men.

Proteins, a large group of nitrogenous organic compounds, are essential for the growth, repair of cells and tissues. These form the basic unit of bones, muscles, and cartilage. The various biochemical processes of our body depend on them, as enzymes, hormones are all nothing but proteins. A planned protein diet, complemented with a balanced exercise regime, helps in getting you the desired muscle build up. Women and men are recommended a different intake. Men, aged between 20 - 80, should consume 56 grams of protein per day, while women in that age group should consume around 46 grams per day. Diet Plan for Men A balanced intake of proteins for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is recommended. An optimum intake of calories is very crucial while following this diet. An intake of 1800 calories is the suggested amount. Breakfast This meal must constitute at least 440 calories. The breakfast can include granola cereal (½ cup), one chopped banana, and fat-free milk. This accounts for 400 calories. You can have fruits like melon or berries which will complete the remaining 40 calories. A cup of tea or coffee can also be included in this meal along with strawberry or banana shake. You can consume half of this shake before a workout and the remaining after that. Mid-morning Snacks It is recommended to consume protein and fiber-rich snacks every 2 to 3 hours. This will constitute around 230 calories. This helps in maintaining sugar levels. Fruits like grapes are also recommended. A ham slice with fat-free cheese is also a good option. Lunch An appropriate lunch must be rich in proteins and should have a healthy fat (that is HDL or omega-3 fatty acids) content as well. It should also have a low glycemic index. Lunch must account for around 420 calories. A tuna sandwich with whole wheat bread and mustard is a perfect choice. You can complement this with celery, tomatoes, lettuce, and chopped onions. Another option is chef's salad that contains chopped romaine lettuce, a large hard-boiled egg, turkey breast, cherry tomatoes (6), and sliced almonds(1/2 ounce). Mid-afternoon Snacks As the day passes, the body does not utilize carbohydrates for energy, therefore, the excess amount gets converted to fats. Therefore, avoid the intake of carbohydrates in your mid-afternoon meal. This snack should ideally consist of cheese sticks or 1 ounce of walnuts. A low-carb protein bar is the best choice for a snack at this time. This meal constitutes around 240 calories. Dinner It is necessary to include proteins in dinner as well, because it keeps you full for a longer time and also the sense of satiety is lowered at night. Fish are the best option for a high-protein diet plan. Salmon with vegetables like broccoli and beans make for a nice dinner. Meat loaf with beans is also a good option. A pudding that has whey protein is a healthy dessert option. The dinner constitutes around 420 calories. List of Protein-rich Foods
  • Eggs
  • Soya Milk
  • Tofu
  • Roasted Beef
  • Roasted Chicken
  • Bacon
  • Lentils
  • Fresh fruits and Vegetables
Always remember that one can benefit from a diet strategy plan only when it is complemented with a regular workout regime. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.

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