line cook job description

Line Cook Job Description

The job of a line cook is very interesting, and can be a great career if you are really interested in culinary arts. Here's what you need to know about being a line cook.

Line cooks are service and hospitality industry professionals, who work in the kitchens of hotels and restaurants. Their duties and responsibilities are diverse, and to become successful in this field, being fully aware of them is essential. Jobs as line cooks are available in plenty, and applicants need to have the expected level of experience and ability to render their services in a good way. Job Description A line cook in a restaurant set up has the primary responsibility of preparing food items that are both presentable as well as palatable. While doing so, he should be perfectly aware of the proportion of ingredients to be used, and the exact method of preparing food items. He needs to be aware of the guidelines regarding food preparation, and fulfill them completely for 100% customer satisfaction. In order to maintain proper hygiene, keeping the kitchen area clean is of great importance, and this task is also carried out by line cooks. Since cooking material would be used extensively during the course of the day, cooks have to refill the material as and when necessary. They are also responsible for preventing the food from getting spoiled. Line cooks are known to keep a tab on wastage of food and report it to the restaurant manager. They may also have to render some other services as ordered by the management of the restaurant from time to time. Sincerity, honesty in work, hardworking nature, and a pleasing personality is essential. Good presence of mind, ability to learn new things, and effective communication skills prove to be extremely handy for success in this field. Knowledge of cooking and handling the kitchen well is a must. Theoretical knowledge can be gained by completing a course from a reputed institute. Getting certifications which are recognized by state authorities, and being aware of the rules and regulations of the state can be an added advantage. Salary The salary depends on several factors, ranging from years of practical experience to location of work. The hospitality industry is a tough area to work in, and you need to be very skilled and competent to emerge victorious here. This is mainly because of the fierce competition, and the policy of top employers to hire extremely talented and deserving candidates. For getting a job, you will have to go through three stages―written examination, group discussion, and the final personal interview. Salaries can vary between $20,000 to $30,000 per year in the initial stages. Though this figure is not very high, you need not be disappointed. This is because, the growth potential here is simply great, and you can get higher salaries with growing experience. With an experience of five to seven years, the salary can be in the range of $35,000 to $50,000 per year. The median salary is believed to be around $30,000 per year in the United States. The salary range of a chef, on the other hand, is believed to be between $50,000 to $100,000 per year.

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Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
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