essay topic ideas

Essay Topic Ideas

Looking for some interesting essay topic ideas? Read this write-up for a useful list of essay topics for college students as well as younger kids.

Essay writing is a very important part of education, both in schools and colleges. Writing essays on various topics develops the writing as well as thinking abilities of an individual. These days, even to get admission to a college, a student has to submit an essay which is then assessed by the college authorities to understand the opinions and values of the student. On the basis of these, he is admitted into the college. Besides writing a good essay, a student should be skilled in choosing the perfect topic as well. Here are some topics which will prove useful to a lot of students when they are selecting topics for essay writing. Persuasive Topics
  • Sexual abuse and incest in our society.
  • Domestic violence: where is the justice?
  • Single parenting and child's overall development.
  • Human cloning: Pros and cons.
  • Women in media.
  • Gambling in sports.
  • Importance of family values.
Cause and Effect Topics
  • Reasons behind high drop out rate that is seen in American colleges.
  • Effects of the civil rights movement on the status of minorities in USA.
  • Harmful effects of global warming.
  • Effect of terrorism on world politics.
  • Influence of Internet on teenagers.
  • How does weather affects our moods?
  • What were the reasons behind the "Great Depression"?
Argumentative Topics
  • Should animals be used for experiments in the field of science?
  • Is technology a blessing for mankind?
  • Should there be a uniform in schools?
  • Should sex education be made compulsory in schools?
  • Is exposure of children to the various forms of media such as Internet, TV, etc, at such a young age, good?
  • Are men and women equal in today's modern society?
  • Are gay marriages against the law of nature?
Compare and Contrast Topics
  • Compare and contrast Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.
  • Compare and contrast Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.
  • Compare and contrast Idealism and Realism.
  • Compare and contrast school and college.
  • Compare and contrast Democracy and Socialism.
  • Compare and contrast emotional make up of men and women
  • Compare and contrast Roger Federer and Pete Sampras.
Essay Topics for Kids Essay topics for kids should be about things that they already have information on, such as their school, friends, family, teachers, pets, neighborhood, etc. Writing on such topics helps children to organize their thoughts constructively. Below is a list of topics especially meant for kids.
  • My Dog
  • My Brother or My Sister
  • My Father or My Mother
  • My Favorite Bedtime Story
  • My Favorite Animal
  • My Last Birthday
  • When I grow up, I ll ....
  • My Favorite Cartoon Character
  • Should Homework be Given to Students?
  • Should Mothers Stay at Home or go to Work?
  • My Room
  • How to spend Sundays?
Writing an essay is an art, and the more creatively it is done, the more engrossing the essay will be. Remember to always understand the topic thoroughly before beginning to write an essay. Prepare an outline about how you will go about writing it, before actually beginning to write one. The essay should have an introduction, body, and a conclusion. And lastly, present your ideas and opinions as easily and briefly as possible.

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