different types of corn

Different Types of Corn

Corn is one of the most popular and most cultivated cereals almost everywhere. There are so many ways in which corn can be eaten, but how many types of corn do you really know? Read this Buzzle post to know the different varieties of corn.

It is a variety of corn distinguished by its extraordinarily hard outer shell that covers the entire kernel. It has numerous applications. The dried ears are often used for decorative purposes because of its distinctive and colorful kernels that range from white to black in color. The hard shells are often removed to make the kernels suitable for animal and human consumption. It is most commonly used as polenta that is made by grinding the corn. It is also grown in farms for animal fodder. The more decorative and ornamental variety of flint corn is the Indian corn.
The most popular variant of flint corn is the popcorn that is adored in all parts of the world. It has a soft center containing starch, but a hard outer shell. When the popcorn is heated, the moisture inside the kernel converts into steam and causes enough pressure for the kernel to burst. The white part that you eat is the mass containing starch.
Blue Corn
Blue corn is one of the oldest varieties of corn and has a hard outer shell and soft center. It is high in nutrition and has a nuttier taste as compared to others.
Sweet Corn
Sweet Corn
Sweet corn is a variety of maize that is high in sugar content. It is mostly eaten on the cob and is consumed as a vegetable rather than drying and using it as a grain. It is picked and consumed when it is in its immature or milk stage. It should be eaten fresh on the cob, canned, or frozen before the kernels become hard and starchy.
Flour Corn
Flour made from 'Flour Corn'
This type of corn is ground to make it into a flour. It is widely grown in South America. The kernels are soft, have thin outer shells, and contain starch throughout. Upon drying, the kernels tend to shrink, leaving it with little or no dents. It becomes easy to grind the corn after drying.
Pod Corn
Pod corn is an ornamental type of corn in which the kernels are covered by long, membranous husks called glumes. It is also called 'wild maize'. Since it had a ritual significance for the Native American tribes, it can be found all over the American continent. It can be either dent, flint, sweet, flour, or waxy in nature.
Most of the fields in the world produce corn, making it one of the most amazing creations of nature. Eat it however you want, it surely won't disappoint you.

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