different types of vegetarians

Different Types of Vegetarians

There are different types of vegetarians. Are you one? Considering switching? Let's find out what the hype is all about...

The world is slowly catching on with the vegetarian-switch diet, where vegan regime followers and the likes, are becoming increasingly popular. Not a lot of us can abstain from meat and dairy products especially if we've been used to eating these two dietary elements for years. When one decides to say, become a vegan or adopt one of the many methods of releasing meat in all its forms from a diet, it is to say the least, a challenge. But over time you will realize that meat isn't everything, and that it can in fact be probably the worse thing you've ever put into your body consciously or in some cases, subconsciously. Let's take a look at why different forms of vegetarianism are picking up speed as 'the' diet.
Types of Vegetarians
There are so many terms that fall under what one thinks vegetarianism entails, with many outlining their own rules as to what each one embodies as part of the diet.
Vegans A vegan is one who rejects all forms of animal product, including those that fall under dairy. Eggs are also a strict no-no as part of the diet. There are two kinds of vegans, ethical and dietary/strict. The former kind of vegan is one who doesn't entertain anything that would include an animal as part of the process, be it in clothes, accessories or food. Even products that have been tested on animals is avoided. The latter term stands for vegans who only eliminate animal produce from their diet, avoiding all kinds of dairy, including as mentioned earlier, eggs. Fruitarians As the name suggests, fruitarians only indulge in food sources that qualify as fruits although including add-ons like seeds and nuts in some cases. Grains, veggies and animal produce are avoided, where a true fruitarian is one whose diet is largely based on eating fruit only. The term is thrown around to mean a lot of things. Like for instance, some fruitarians do eat peas/legumes or beans, being one in the botanical if not the culinary sense. Some avoid grains because they feel it is unnatural to do so, where even seeds are avoided since some feel like they stunt the growth of new life if the seed is consumed. Others believe in eating fruits that fall from trees, and harvested in a way that doesn't require a plant to be killed/subjected to harm. Lacto-ovo Vegetarians
This kind of vegetarian believe in eating only vegetable-based food but indulge in eggs/dairy products. Like vegans they don't believe in eating meat of any sort, but consume dairy products/eggs; this doesn't make them a 100% vegan as the diet suggests. Lacto Vegetarians These vegetarians (aka lactarians) allow dairy products into their diet, but exclude the inclusion of eggs as part of the diet. They stay clear of foods that contain gelatin (which is made from the connective tissue of animals) and rennet. There are substitutes for animal rennet that are vegetable-based, making it suitable for lacto vegetarians to consume. Ovo Vegetarians These vegetarians include eggs in their diet but no dairy products of any kind. They prefer consuming free-range eggs as opposed to those that are produced from caged hens. Even unfertilized eggs are an eating form that is looked down upon, since eggs are consumed while the embryo is still very much alive (balut). The process that goes into making dairy is questionable, making ovo vegetarians stick to free-range eggs and a dairy-free diet. Pescetarian
A pescetarian is one who consumes anything that they wish to, but abstains from meat of all kinds except fish and in some cases, shellfish. They do consume dairy products, eggs and other food ingredients but they stay clear from animal meat. Some may not call this a vegetarian diet since fish is in fact considered a form of 'white meat', but definitions vary and thus the ideas behind each diet. Flexitarians This form of vegetarianism is also called semi-vegetarianism simply because a flexitarian chooses to eat meat on not-so-several occasions. There are other diets like the pesce-pollotarian where vegetarians of this sort eat only 'white meat', that is poultry and fish. A pesce-pollotarian excludes red meat that is obtained from mammals, but includes those from non-mammals like emu and ostrich. Pollo Vegetarians A pollotarian as this form of vegetarianism is also called, is where poultry and in some cases fish, is consumed. Like the pesce-pollotarian diet, mammal related red meat is not eaten.
What Are the Benefits of Being a Vegetarian?
The benefits of switching to a diet that doesn't contain meat is definitely something worth thinking over, although essential vitamins like b12 is deficient from vegetable and fruit produce. Because of this deficiency, vegetarians find it difficult to sustain their system with foods rich in this vitamin. It is important to include big portions of fruits/vegetables including legumes/grains that are high in this vitamin. Those who have a diet that does include some form of meat are better off, although it would be wise to cut down on eating these meats as well, seeing that even white meat like fish and poultry can contain injected steroids and harmful chemicals that cannot be destroyed through freezing/cooking. Vegetarians have a greater chance of curbing away from health issues that are brought on by meat lovers, especially thse who love red meat. Seeing that it is high in saturated fat, it is a number one contributor to heart disease and obesity. A diet that is free from red meat is a safer one, where white meat can be indulged in, but then again only once in a while. Degenerative disease in humans is a situation that is increased when meat is a primary source of food. It lacks fiber and cannot cleanse the system as vegetables/fruits can, being rich sources of what meat lacks. Cancer is a major disease that kills millions every year, and if one cannot cure it, they can at least avoid its presence. Meats contain nothing that can help prevent cancer (all important elements that aid in preventing cancer are absent), where meat when cooked releases what is known as 'benzenes',including carcinogenic elements that aid in cancer-cell growth. You cannot fall sick from plant life going bad, but when meats become stale it can prove to be quite injurious to one's health. Meats also contain a high concentration of agricultural chemicals, more so than plants. To increase b complex vitamin consumption vegetarians can increase vegetable/fruit substitutes that are high in b12. Even grains and legumes are high in this vital vitamin which one can take advantage of when on a meat-free diet. Vegetarianism sounds like such a healthy option and those that lack an agreeable lifestyle should think of not giving up meat completely, but cutting down consumption of this not-so-safe food source. Encourage kids to eat their greens and be an example to them when eating healthy foods. It will help keep you and others safe, and physically fit and active (since meat lovers are more lethargic and fatigued than those that consume less of this).

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