psychology test questions and answers

Psychology Test Questions and Answers

Psychology test questions and answers are tough to find on the net. That is what inspired me to help out the readers. So, here is an interesting list of questions with their answers, that will help you get the basic knowledge about psychology.

Psychology is the science of the mind. As such, it cannot be defined in a definite manner. The results may fluctuate from patient to patient and circumstance to circumstance. I am not trying to dramatize psychology. Trust me, it can be that complicated. So, if you are planning to get into psychology as a career, then the best way to know if you can do it or not is to answer these basic questions. Even if you don't score highly on this psychology test, the questions and answers will help you know what you don't. Be it educational or general psychology test questions, the psychological test will equip you for the long journey that you are looking to embark upon. So, enough of introductions; let's get down to business. I'd just like to tell you, you need to be attentive and focused. Do not get disheartened if you do not get the answers to any question at the first instance. Try your answers for each question before clicking on the "Show Answer" button. Do Not cheat yourself!
Psychological Test Questions to Test Yourself!
➊ Which is the most popular definition of psychology as a science?
(a) Psychology is the science of the mind. (b) Psychology is the science of consciousness. (c) Psychology is the science of computers. (d) Psychology is the science of behavior. (e) Psychology is the science of philosophy.
The most popular definition of psychology defines it as a science of the mind. This definition was given by John Watson. In fact, this answer was already there at the start of the article. If you still didn't get it, you need to improve your reading method.
➋ What is the typical symptom of schizophrenia?
(a) Nightmares (b) An obsession with cleanliness (c) Excessive "checking" heart palpitations (d) Hallucinations (e) Dual behavior
Typically a person suffering from schizophrenia, of any sort, would encounter hallucinations. This person will not mind these hallucinations, as they are, ordinarily, positive in nature. However, due to these hallucinations, they tend to retreat from "the real world".
➌ How would you describe the condition called dyslexia?
(a) Any impairment of language processing (b) An impairment of language processing due to minimal brain damage (c) Inability to retrieve difficult vocabulary words, on command (d) A group of symptoms including stuttering and letter-reversals (e) Specific problems with reading
Dyslexia is a condition in which a person has specific problems with reading. However, it is often coupled with other cognitive problems. Nonetheless, the only definite problem caused by dyslexia, is a problem with reading. It is, ordinarily, a condition noticed in children and can be treated with corrective measures.
➍ Hypnosis is a debated treatment technique. What is the popular opinion about what it involves?
(a) Synchronization of brain waves (b) Eye fatigue (c) The locus coeruleus (d) Split personality (e) Hyper-suggestibility
Hypnosis or hypnotism is a debated treatment method, as it is not very easy to perform and results may or may not be tangible. Basically, hypnosis (also known earlier as mesmerism) involves hyper-suggestibility. This is characterized by allowing the individual to tap into their subconscious and unconscious minds to bring out hidden (a.k.a., long forgotten) information.
➎ Schizophrenia, mania and obsessive compulsive disorder are a part of which stream of psychology?
(a) Criminal psychology (b) Abnormal Psychology (c) Normal Psychology (d) Cognitive Psychology (e) Health Psychology
Schizophrenia, mania and obsessive compulsive disorders are all included in Abnormal Psychology. However, an understanding of these conditions is required in other fields of psychology as well. Criminal psychology and cognitive psychology also require extensive knowledge of abnormal psychology.
➏ Who is the father of modern psychology?
(a) Sigmund Freud (b) Kurt Goldstein (c) Abraham Maslow (d) John B. Watson (e) Kurt Lewin
Sigmund Freud is the father of modern psychology. Freud's approach to human psychology was considered wrong earlier. However, his studies have contributed in explaining several phenomena of the human psyche, that earlier remained a mystery.
➐ In an ordinary sleep cycle, how many stages does an individual go through?
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four (e) Five
A person ordinarily goes through four stages in an ordinary sleep cycle. These four stages include: 2 types of sleep; REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement). Each sleep cycle is around 90-100 minutes long; as such, a person goes through four or five complete sleep cycles.
➑ In psychological reference, what does ESP stand for?
(a) Enhanced super-parallel planning (b) Extrasensory perception (c) English for specific purpose (d) Extended streamflow prediction (e) Effective sensory projection
ESP, in psychology or neurology, stands for extrasensory perception. It is a branch of psychology that deals with paranormal phenomena. It is not entirely proved or substantiated yet. However, its existence is acknowledged, mostly as psychic abilities.
➒ How many types of stimuli-response combinations does an individual have?
(a) One (b) Two (c) Four (d) Ten (e) Infinite
There are four kinds of stimuli-response combinations. They are: conditioned stimuli-conditioned response, unconditioned stimuli-conditioned response, conditioned stimuli-unconditioned response and unconditioned stimuli-unconditioned response.
➓ Do psychological conditions have any physiological manifestations?
(a) Yes (b) No
Yes, more often than not, psychological conditions will develop physiological manifestations. However, these manifestations (known as physical side effects) are not always tangible immediately. Mostly, the manifestations are noticed after the appearance of behavioral abnormality.
Well, these are the basic psychology test questions that you need to know, if you hope to pursue any job in this field (with a Bachelor's degree). Keep in mind, the precise answer is there, right in front of you! Carefully mull over each choice offered, before you hit upon the right answer. If you come up with the maximum number of correct answers, then psychology is an interesting field you can explore. These questions will help you brace yourself for what lies ahead in the vast field of psychology. This is where I sign off! Stay cool!

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