controversial issues in america

Controversial Issues in America

Controversies form an integral part of any democratic setup, and America certainly isn't spared of them. We've brought you some of the most contentious list of topics that divide America.

Controversies are born out of disagreements. They are bound to occur in every country, considering the fact that every opinion has a counter-opinion. These are the issues that push people to debate, discuss and resolve things that ultimately lead to the development of the country. In fact, the mark of a genuine democracy is freedom of speech, which allows its citizens to be proactive in voicing their opinions. However, there are certain topics that are disputatious to the extreme, owing to their sensitive nature. It certainly becomes tough to come to a consensus, as rationality and emotions don't always go hand-in-hand. Those in power try to brush these issues under the carpet, but find it hard to keep them concealed for long. It just takes a spark to ignite the debate, and soon enough, it escalates into a full-fledged divide.
Healthcare system There is no question about how expensive healthcare is in the US. It's a contradiction of sorts, when you consider that the US is the home of cutting-edge medical services, however, citizens here have always had issues regarding its affordability. As the debate raged on about the contents of the healthcare bill, Democrats and Republicans found it hard to stay on the same platform. This bill didn't find favor with the unemployed, or those who didn't have the means to pay hefty insurance premiums. Lawsuits were filed against the bill, the moment it came into effect as a law, terming it 'unconstitutional'. There is no doubting the fact that this law will be under close public scrutiny in the days to come.
Abortion Pro-choice? Or Pro-life? Abortion has always been controversy fueled, with a lot of moral implications at the center of it. It was the historic Roe v. Wade case challenging Texan laws that criminalized abortion, that the abortion debate came out in the open. The pro-choice movement advocates that a woman should have the right to terminate her pregnancy, considering it involves her physical, mental, and financial well-being. The pro-life movement, on the other hand, brings the moral issues into the picture. They oppose abortion on the principle that any form of life, including the human embryo, has a right to life. It is impossible to find a middle ground in cases like these, as both sides present valid arguments, supporting their cause.
Gun Control The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads, A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Classified correctly as an 'epidemic' by president Obama, gun violence in the United States presents a disturbing statistic. From assassinations of prominent personalities, to massacres in schools, gun violence spells controversy like nothing else. The US Constitution gives its citizens the right to possess arms for the purpose of self-defense, but it is alarming how 66.9% of all homicide cases involve the use of firearms (according to UNODC). One cannot say that the preventive programs are not in place, but their efficacy is definitely questionable. As gun violence incidents perpetrated by juveniles increase, it is becoming increasingly important to call upon measures to provide easier access to counseling services and other mental health care facilities.
Human Rights What can best be described as an extremely touchy topic, the US has had a checkered human rights record. While shootouts at public places have appropriately raised instant outrage, there have hardly been any voices berating US drone attacks that kill several innocent civilians worldwide, in the name of abolishing terrorism. Then there is the infamous detention facility at Guantánamo Bay that stands as a definitive proof of human rights abuse. This, coming from a country that heralded the cause of human rights is certainly disturbing.
Homosexuality In recent times, people in the US are increasingly turning in favor of legalizing same-sex marriages. Indeed, homosexuality has come a long way since it was labeled as a criminal activity. It is a welcome change, but has the decriminalization brought about any changes in the attitudes of the general public? It's hard to say, really. For a member of the LGBT community in the US, things could not be more uncertain than they are at the moment. Episodes of hate crimes against homosexuals may have gone down, but it does not disguise the simmering disdain that lies beneath the tolerant exterior. Things are definitely changing for better, but it's going to be a long wait for the LGBT community to be well and truly accepted in mainstream society.
Recreational Drugs Recently, citizens of Colorado and Washington voted to legalize the sale and use of recreational marijuana in their states. Federal law, however, retains the same punitive outlook on recreational drugs, deeming them illegal. Supporters of recreational drugs rejoiced at the positive change, putting forth the argument that marijuana is lesser of an evil, compared to alcohol or tobacco. As they await for the federal government to take notice of their opinion, it would be interesting to see how the government responds to their plea.
As the controversies rage on, they bring along a pressing need to introspect. The issues mentioned here, along with others require healthy discussions, if they are to be resolved. Having said that, it certainly isn't child's play to come to a peaceful consensus, looking at the various challenges they present.

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