landscaping with split rail fence

Landscaping with Split Rail Fence

A landscaped garden can be made more attractive by using different types of fences. Split rail fences are one of the most rustic looking fences which can be incorporated in your landscape. This article will give you an idea on landscaping with split rail fence.

If you though that fences are only installed to demarcate your property, then you couldn't be more wrong. Fences can also be used to give a landscaped garden an accent and provide interest to the garden. Whether you have a small front yard or a big lawn, fences can be used as garden accessories to create visual interest. Whenever we talk about fences, the ones that comes to mind are white picket fences and while white picket fences are one of the most aesthetically pleasing fence options, there are others that look just as great. One such fence is the split rail fence. It is a very rustic looking fence which is made by splitting wooden logs lengthwise. Split rail fencing is generally seen in ranches or in the countryside where there is an abundance of wood. Split rail fence consists of 2 - 4 rails, with the two rail variety being the most common and popular. These type of fences can be used while landscaping a garden. The best thing about using split rail fences for landscaping is that they are relatively easy to construct and as such you can install it yourself. How to Landscape with a Split Rail Fence Landscaping with split rail fence requires a bit of imagination and creativity on your part. The first thing that you need to do is plan the layout of the garden and visualize how a split rail fence can be used to beautify the garden. Here are some ideas to get you started. A very good way to use a split rail fence in landscaping is to install a simple two rail split rail fence along the perimeter of the garden. If your garden is large, then you can install the split rail fence on one side of the garden that does not overlook the street. The long horizontal lines of a split rail fence, give the illusion of a larger space. To make the garden look attractive, plant large shrubs along the perimeter of the fence. A great landscaping idea with split rail fence is to use it to demarcate and decorate a flower bed. This idea works in a formal flower garden like a formal knot garden. Outline the sections of a flower bed by installing a rustic split rail fence. A low split rail fence works best in such a project, allowing the colorful flowers to be seen despite the fence. A variation of the split rail fence is a split rail fence with stone posts. This type of split rail fences can be used around the outer edges of the garden to demarcate the property. Just make sure that you soften the look by planting rows of colorful climbing roses. The contrast of vibrant colors against the straight lines of a split rail fence looks very attractive. If you have a walkway or pathway in your garden, then make it more visually attractive by installing a split rail fence parallel to the walkway. If your walkway is curved one, then install a zigzag patterned low split rail fence. If you think that wood is too expensive for this project, you can opt for vinyl split rail fence. Sometimes to make the landscaping more alluring you need a focal point. This is specially true in case of a small landscaped garden. A split rail fence when paired with a matching arbor and gate makes a good accent in the garden. A gate and arbor can be made with the same wood material that is used for constructing the split rail fence. These were some landscaping ideas using split rail fence. A split rail fence is a beautiful minimalistic fence that is not overly ornate or formal. Installing a split rail fence in your garden can give the landscape a rustic and country look. If you are lucky enough to have tall trees in your garden, then incorporate the split rail fence with the trees to get the natural country ambiance.

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