low carb snacks on the go

Low-Carb Snacks On the Go

Today's fast-paced lifestyle leaves little time to cook food, let alone cook diet-specific food. Here, we have some low-carb snack options that you can easily carry and have in between meals, or while on the go.

Every now and then we get the urge to snack between meals. When one looks around, the easily available and tempting options consist of chips, cookies, doughnuts and the like. As a result we end up munching on these unhealthy foods. The problem is that most of us have a habit of cooking and eating meals that are healthy three times a day, however not much thought is given to what one should eat when hunger strikes between meals. Sometimes people might control their hunger till they reach home and have dinner. However most of the time they tend to grab some kind of fast food that are high in carbohydrates, sugar and salt. If one wants to stay in good shape is looking to keep a watch on their weight, low-carb snacks are a much healthier alternative. Owing to a lack of time, one might not be able to prepare healthy foods to snack on. For such a situation there are several ready-made options. All it takes is a little bit of discipline and you can find yourself enjoying these snacks, which will prove beneficial for your health. So, here is a list of low-carb snacks for kids as well as adults, which is a healthy way of satisfying your hunger. • Nuts and Seeds Nuts like peanuts, almonds, etc., contain very little carbohydrates and are high in fiber, proteins and healthy fats. You can buy these nuts in bulk, but take care that you do not eat too much of them. Also, avoid the different types of nuts that are available in the market including fried, salty, spicy, etc. and stick to the plain ones. Apart from these nuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds makes for some tasty low-carb nibbles. However, just like nuts, before buying these seeds just check if they have some added flavors or sugar in them. • Fruits Fruits can be bought easily and most fruits are low in carbohydrates. Make sure that the fruits you choose contain less sugar also. Fruits that contain low carbohydrates include, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, grapes, lemon or lime, cranberries, papaya, grapefruit, guavas, melons, apples, dried apricots, etc. • Raw Vegetables Another choice is eating raw vegetables like, broccoli, celery, cabbage and cucumbers. Plain vegetables might not be a very appealing option for some, so to add some taste to these raw vegetables, you can choose a low-carb dip or even some peanut butter. • Cheese Cheese is also said to be a great low-carb snack. Opt for cheddar or cottage cheese which you can eat along with certain fruits or raw vegetables. There are also cheese sticks available in the market which you can add to your snack list. • Sugar Free Candies Sugar-free candies as well as sugar-free jello are good snacks with low levels of carbohydrates. These can be a great way to indulge your sweet tooth without adding on the pounds. • Yogurt It is easily available, just make sure that the yogurt is low-fat, does not contain sugars and has 'good bacteria' present. These bacteria continue to eat away at the lactose (which is a form of sugar) in the yogurt and thus reduce the amount of carbohydrates. • Eggs One really great snack idea is hard-boiled eggs. This is the simplest snack you can make and even carry to your workplace for a quick bite. • Beef Jerky and Pork Rinds While opting for beef jerky ensure that it does not contain added sugars. To enjoy pork rinds, it is better to have it with cheese or with some low-carb dips. You can always experiment by combining the above options to create different flavors for yourself. Now with so much variety when it comes to low-carb snacks, you can no longer make excuses for choosing fast foods over these healthier options.

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