ancient greek costumes

Ancient Greek Costumes

The Ionic and Doric styles formed the basis of the ancient Greek costumes. The Doric style came into existence first, followed by the Ionic style. The article below highlights some of the ancient Greek costumes.

The legacy of attire dates back to many centuries. From ancient times, people of the world have used different costumes to adorn themselves; though their style and form have changed significantly over the years. Different clothing has been used in various traditions. For instance, the attire of the kings, especially the battle armor worn by them, contained detailed work on leather. Similarly, pale and light-colored clothes were worn at tragic times. Moreover, the tradition of wearing robes was introduced by the priestly class. Greek Attire
  • The ancient Greeks loved to drape themselves in different types of cloaks and apparels.
  • Known for their elegance and beauty, the costumes of the ancient Greeks were different for different occasions, and were also available in various fashions.
  • Right from theater to religious rituals and ceremonies to grand banquets to celebrations of victory, and even funeral ceremonies, the ancient Greeks had special attires meant for each occasion.
  • This shows how costumes were an integral part of the ancient Greek society, in that they were not only associated with social status, but also with power and emotions.
Costumes of Ancient Greece The Greek clothing involved a lot of drapery and required great precision and attention to detail. Different variants of costumes from the ancient Greek culture have found their way into the books of today's designers, who happily implement them into their works. Following were some of the most popular items of the ancient Greek apparel.
Greek Theater Mask
In ancient Greece, the masks used in theater were made of clay. Linen was also used in making some types of masks.
Maidens Wearing Chitons
The Chiton, a robe worn by the ancient Greeks, was a comfortable garment made from wool. It had two versions, one up to the thigh and another till the ankle. The sleeves of the robe were designed in such a way, that they allowed the arms to flow freely. Chiton was worn by both, men and women.
Athena Wearing Peplos
The Peplos was a loose outer garment worn by the ancient Greek women. It consisted of large, rectangular piece of cloth that was folded vertically, and then hung from the shoulders. It was held together at the waist by a belt.
Man Wearing the Himation Over the Chiton
The Himation was another long piece of cloth that the Greeks draped themselves in from shoulder to ankle. It was generally worn over the Chiton.
Apollo Draped in Chlamys
They loved to wear cloaks, which were also called Chlamys. These were draped in different styles around the body. The colors most commonly used by the ancient Greeks were gray and violet. White was a color that was used in some traditions. Pins and brooches were used to hold the clothing together.
Hermes Wearing a Petasos
Petasos, a kind of headgear similar to a hat, was preferred by the men in ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks gave a lot of importance to their footwear. Sandals were a prominent part of the Greek civilization, and different kinds of leather was used to make them.
Krepis was a popular form of footwear worn by the Greeks. These boots had laces, which were tied around the shin, and were very helpful for walking the rocky terrains.
Greek Bride Wearing the Wedding Gown
The elegant wedding gowns worn by the Greek brides were known for their simplicity. Even today, gowns worn at weddings are influenced by the ancient Greek designs. Clothes worn in the ancient Greek era paved the way for fashion in the years to come, thus making a significant contribution to the world of fashion.

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