leadership roles and responsibilities

Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

One of the main roles of leadership is to motivate and support employees in their daily tasks. Besides that, there are many other aspects to this job profile. Let's have a look...

The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it. ―Theodore Roosevelt A team will definitely perform its best if it is guided by a good leader. Leadership is considered as one of the most essential aspects of the corporate process. Here, we are talking about leadership in general terms, such as a team lead, a practice head, or anyone from the top management of the organization. Every leader, depending on his position in the company hierarchy, has a set of roles and responsibilities. However, there are some very general responsibilities that a leader has to consider. Few of such responsibilities are providing motivation to the employees, resolving conflicts and employment discrimination, and similar others. Leadership Development Leadership development is a crucial function that a top-level executive has to follow. This includes setting up leadership down in the hierarchy line of the company. The top-level executive has to strategically plan and set line managers for different processes. And the same responsibility goes for the line managers as well. Planning and Implementation Planning and implementation should also be carried out by leaders of the company or a process. For example, the company director should plan the standard processes in individual practices of the company. In addition, he should also meet with other top-level officials and prepare policies for the smooth running of the firm. Employee and Process Assessment Employee management is a typical role of a corporate leader. For example, a project manager is responsible for how his team members perform. On the other hand, a director may be responsible for managing the departments, and making sure that they are working fine. Employee Motivation It is a fact that a leader without employee motivation skills is not a leader at all. A leader should obligatory motivate employees to overcome their weak points. He should encourage them by all means possible, such as appreciation mails, financial incentives, employee recognition awards, and similar methods. Decision Making Be it any leader, he certainly needs to have decision-making skills. These skills are very important, as he is the one on whom the final decisions rest. However, decision making should be supported by strategic planning and thinking. A leader can always consult with his peers before taking related decision. Conflict Resolution: There may be times when a leader might be required to address to a complaint by an employee against another employee. In such situations, the leader's conflict resolution skills show their significance. He should consider resolving the conflict with a professional attitude, impartial thinking, and total understanding of the situation. Problem Solving The need for problem solving usually arises in the daily work of the managers. A problem can relate to a hurdle in the project deliverables or any other process matter. Here again, the leader has to think professionally, obtain complete understanding of the problem, sort out and compare probable solutions, and finally reach one. These are the most essential leadership roles and responsibilities required for managing a company and employees. There are other minor roles too, such as being a liaison between the top management and employees, a good communicator, a good listener, and most importantly, a good guide.

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