large indoor plants

Large Indoor Plants

Plants give a distinct natural appeal to any place, especially so when grown indoors. The information presented in the following article would definitely help you in growing large indoor plants at home.

It is possible to grow large plants indoor, provided that favorable conditions are provided to them. Palms, ficus, citrus, and rubber tree are some of the commonly grown plants at home. There are many species that can be grown indoors. One should look after the drainage needs and light requirements of these plants in order to facilitate proper growth. The information about various large indoor plants provided below would help in growing them at home. Palm Palm is known to have different shapes and sizes. These plants can reach a maximum height of 20 feet. Chinese Fan palms and Areca, which grow to a height of 5-6 feet, can also be grown at home. The needs of different palms vary according to the regions in which they originate. For example, the desert palms cannot survive if they are over-watered. Few other palm trees need a cool and moist environment. Unlike most of the palms, kentia and parlor are tolerant to low temperatures. These large-leaf indoor plants need a well-drained and sandy soil. Citrus The different types of citrus that can be grown indoors include lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, etc. Except for the Calamondin orange plant, most of the citrus varieties can grow more than 6 feet tall. These plants need to be protected from spider mites and vinegar flies. Citrus require less amount of water in winter, so watering is recommended only if the soil has dried out completely. Norfolk Island Pine The Norfolk Island Pine, as the name suggests, is a subtropical plant. It thrives in a temperature range of 50-70°F. The plant should be kept near windows, where it receives filtered sunlight in the morning. A mixture of sand, potting soil, and peat moss would be perfect for planting it. Organic fertilizers need to be used in the active growth phase. Rubber Tree Rubber tree is one of the large indoor house plants and can also be found in offices, malls, etc. Just like any other tropical plant, low light and a well-drained soil is good for the growth of rubber trees. Scales and mealy bugs are the pests which affect the rubber tree. These pests feed on the sap of this plant and excrete honeydew, which results into the growth of sooty mold on the surface. Dracaena The genus Dracaena contains 40 species of succulent herbs and trees. Most of the species of this genus have their origin in Asia, while some of them are found in Africa & Central America. Dracaena marginata needs very less floor space, and is commonly used as a houseplant. It requires bright light and a well-drained soil that is watered moderately. Dieffenbachia The basic requirements of this plant are availability of consistent light throughout the year, high humidity, and temperature in the range of 60-70°F. Watering the plant when soil has partially dried is recommended. Ficus The ficus plant grows well in an area which receives bright sunlight. The amount of watering should be increased and lowered in summer and winter respectively. The soil should not become soggy from over watering, as it is not good for the healthy growth of the plant. The growth of roots of ficus needs to be checked periodically in order to determine whether it requires transplanting in a bigger pot. Bamboo Bamboo grass can be grown in containers having width of 24" and length equal to or greater than that. Depth of the container should be around 18". The reason behind using the practice of container gardening is that the bamboo has shallow roots that grow laterally. Providing plenty of natural light is recommended for bamboo. Osmocote, which is a slow release fertilizer, can be used for this grass. Bamboo needs plenty of water, however, the soil used for growing it should be well drained. Among the different types of plants we grow at home, large plants have special needs. These grow to a greater height than other plants, such as shrubs, also have roots that grow deeper. The water requirements of these plants should also be taken into account for a healthy growth.

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