jogging tips for men

Jogging Tips for Men

Jogging is one of the best ways to stay in shape. If you are thinking about taking it up, this Buzzle post will give you some useful jogging tips for men.

Unarguably, jogging is one of the best cardiovascular exercises that helps you burn calories and stay fit! Jogging is a refreshing experience which prepares you well for the day ahead. Here are some jogging tips for beginners, and especially for men, who are thinking of taking it up seriously. Looking to Shed Some Pounds? Jogging to lose weight is an excellent and a healthier idea as compared to other weight loss programs. The reason is that if you jog regularly, you lose weight at a steady and healthy pace. On an average, jogging burns about 10 calories per minute. The number of calories may differ as there are certain factors involved―age, weight, medical history, jogging pace, etc. Now let's say that you follow a 30-minute jogging routine daily for 6 days a week. This will help you burn about 1800 calories in a week; a pound of body fat is 3500 calories. So, if you maintain your jogging routine for 2 weeks, you are guaranteed to lose about one pound of body fat steadily. That is, provided your calorie intake is steady and in check over the course of time. Before Jogging, Comes Important Tips Here are some basic tips for men which they should take into consideration for an invigorating and safe jogging experience. Early Jogger Catches Less Traffic Starting out early in the morning or even at dawn is a wonderful idea. That way, you encounter less traffic on the way and can get to breathe loads of fresh air untainted by smoking gas guzzlers. Make sure that you warm up and go through some stretching exercises before you start jogging. This is important to prevent cramps and sprains later. Wear Loose, Comfortable Clothing Wear loose and preferably layered clothing. Men tend to sweat a lot and if you feel too hot while jogging, you can get rid of a layer of clothing on the way. It is important that you do not let body heat get trapped. Also, during winter, it's a good to have extra layers of clothing to keep you warm. Wear Comfortable Shoes Choosing the right jogging shoes is very important. Do not wear any random pair of shoes which you have. Spend time in choosing the right pair of shoes which are neither too tight nor too loose. Your feet should be comfortable from the inside. Consult a Doctor if You have a Heart Condition or Other Issues If you are afflicted with heart problems, joint pain, disc problems in lower back, sciatica, or other such disorders, it is essential that you consult a physician before starting to jog. Tips for When You're Jogging
  1. As you're starting out, aim at jogging at least 8 to 15 miles each week. This will increase your aerobic capacity/stamina.
  2. Do a good warm-up exercises before you begin as it will give your body a signal about what's to come next.
  3. Same goes for cool down exercises as it heart rate and blood pressure fall gradually.
  4. While jogging, your hands should be at waist level, lightly brushing your hips on either side. Keep your posture straight, head up, back straight, and shoulders level.
  5. Keep a steady pace where you can breathe easily and can even carry on a conversation with someone.
  6. For beginners, the run-walk technique works wonders. The trick is to run/jog for a while and then walk for a short distance.
  7. Decide on how much you wish to accomplish each day, week, and month. Doing too much too soon will only leave you frustrated, undetermined to continue the next day, tired, exhausted, and perhaps in some pain.
  8. Make sure you breathe in through your nose and mouth in order to get enough oxygen to the muscles.
In order to wake up and go for a jog in the morning requires a lot of motivation! If you can beat the inertia that prevents you from waking up early, there are rich health dividends that you can get through jogging. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.

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