isokinetic exercise

Isokinetic Exercise

Isokinetic exercises are very popular. They add resistance to the exercise, which gives better stability to the muscles.

There are three types of very popular exercises, since the past couple of years. They are Isometric, Isotonic, and Isokinetic exercises. However, these should not be used interchangeably. This was first known as accommodating resistance exercise. This term was first introduced by Hislop and Perrine in 1967. The resistance, which is now used, is variable in proportion to the change in muscular capability at every point in the range of motion. The variation of resistance is controlled so that at any given time, resistance equals the product of the muscular strength. Basics Isokinetic exercises are performed with a specialized apparatus, which provides variable resistance to a movement. This ensures that no matter how much effort is exerted, the movements take place at a constant speed. They are often used to test and improve muscular strength and endurance, more so after an injury. They work on the idea that the highest degree of muscle contraction is to be achieved, but at the same time, there should be free range of movements in the limbs. Types There are two main types of machines, which are used to perform these activities. The first type is known as a Dynamometer. This machine is very familiar to the clinicians. Here, the speed is controlled, while resistance is variable according to the amount of force that is applied throughout the range of movement. Immaterial of the force applied by the individual, the speed of the movements do not change. Hence, the motion is kept at a predetermined velocity. The second type utilizes change in the moment arm of the selected resistance, which coincides with the change in moment arm of the muscle effort and also the change in tension due to muscle length change. The resistance is hence, able to take care of the continuous changes in muscle force that occur throughout the range of movement of the muscles. The changes made to the resistance arms on the machine are determined and pre-set to coincide with the average strength curves for various joint actions. However, these machines need not be used compulsorily. The activities can also be done using the stationary cycle. When you do it with the cycle, you will only allow a certain number of revolutions per minute. This helps in setting the level of resistance and also prevents the individual from pedaling very fast. After you get used to it, you can accommodate more resistance and the setting can be altered. Benefits
  • Since it is possible to control the resistance, it is possible to set the level of resistance in order to challenge the body, but not strain or pull the muscles of the arms or legs.
  • The benefits derived from the workout are maximized.
  • The other benefit is that, they promote the release of endorphins into the blood stream. Many times, it is noted, that people are fatigued after a workout, but due to the release of endorphins after these exercises, the person will feel rejuvenated and energetic.
  • The range of motion increases considerably after making them a part of your daily workout schedule.
  • Although they do not directly target the abdomen, chest, or buttocks, these areas do benefit indirectly.
To sum it up, medical dictionary states: Isokinetic exercise is a dynamic muscle activity, which is performed at a constant angular velocity, where the torque and tension remain constant while the muscles shorten and lengthen. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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