acupuncture for allergies

Acupuncture for Allergies

Fall, winter and spring are the seasons of allergies. Acupuncture not only treats the allergies, but also helps in maintaining the balance of the body. Scroll down to know how to use this traditional method of medicine.

Allergies are caused, due to pollens of flowers, grasses and weeds. The most common symptoms of allergies are itchy eyes, sneezing, running nose, headaches and fatigue. There are over the counter medicines that are available, but most of them have a number of side effects. At the same time, these medicines are neither able to improve the overall health of the patient, nor prevent any further allergies. On the other hand, acupuncture not only cures the allergies but any further allergies are also prevented. Read about acupuncture treatment for allergies further but before that, let's see in brief what are allergies. What are Allergies? An imbalance in the immune system is said to give rise to allergies. They are also a sign of over reaction of the immune system to certain allergens. Normally, seasonal allergies are triggered due to wind borne allergens. Acupuncture helps in preventing the occurrence of infection and it also helps in healing the tissues of the sinuses. It treats the root cause of the allergies and does not merely suppress the symptoms. Acupuncture for Allergies Acupuncture is one of the oldest and commonly used medical procedure, which is used to treat a variety of problems. The term acupuncture means treating a variety of health conditions by stimulating a variety of anatomical points. There are different schools of thought namely Chinese, Japanese and Korean, when it comes to the use of acupuncture. In the traditional Chinese Medicine, allergies are related to the wind. The symptoms of which go as rapidly as they had come. According to the traditional medicine, people who do not have resistance to colds and other respiratory infections are more susceptible to allergies. If a person has chronic allergies, it is due to problems with the spleen, kidney or lungs. Laser Acupuncture These days there are also laser acupuncture therapy for treating allergies. In this therapy, the allergens are identified and then laser is used to stimulate the bio-meridian points on the body. The points are actually same as the acupressure and acupuncture points. Needles or lasers are used to stimulate the points. In case of any blockages, they are unblocked. This helps in strengthening the organ, so that it is in a better position to counter the allergen. The laser, which is used in this treatment, is often cold laser. However, this method is disputed, as according to some, this method does not have any scientific backing. Acupuncture for Food Allergies Acupuncture can be used to treat food allergies too, as it helps in restoring the normal immune function of the body. Needles are inserted into certain meridians or acupressure points in the body. This causes the blockages on the pathways to be removed, which in turn results in restoration of harmonious balance and free flow of life force throughout the body. According to some, food allergies are as a result of allergy to specific proteins present in the body, rather than juices, present in the food. Along with acupuncture, it is recommended to eat immunity enhancing food. The food should be rich in vitamin C, magnesium and beta-carotene. Acupuncture for Seasonal Allergies The corresponding points are used to unclog the sinuses and mucus membranes. The results of this treatment vary from one patient to another. Some patients notice a difference in their condition within a few days of the treatment, while some see the difference after a series of treatments. A 20 minute acupuncture treatment is given once a week for six weeks. The points, which are stimulated are points of the large intestine, gallbladder, lung and liver. Acupuncture for allergies will help in restoring the immune system and also, will not have any side effects. However, if a patient has severe case of allergy, it is recommended, that you talk to your health care professional about it. At the same time, it would not harm to note the credentials of the acupuncturist, with whom you plan to take the treatment. Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

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