nishiki rice nutritional facts and cooking tips

Nishiki Rice - Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips

You can enjoy Nishiki rice as sushi and steamed rice for the fact that it is zero on fat content. This Buzzle article gives you nutrition facts and cooking tips for this Japanese rice variety.

For all those who believe in the gluten-free diet, there's some good news for you all! JFC Nishiki rice is gluten-free.
Nishiki rice is a brand of Japanese rice produced by JFC International Inc., a California-based company. Although it is originally from Japan, it is presently grown in California. It is a medium-grained rice variety that is either white or brown. It is used for making sushi and sticky rice. For the white kind of rice, munsenmai is a milling technique employed for processing this kind of rice. In this technique, the rice is mixed with some water and heated tapioca. Then the tapioca and bran from the rice surface is removed after the aleurone layer (bran) is moisturized. There is no layer of powder or cornstarch on the grains. There is no need to rinse the rice before cooking because of this milling technique.
Nishiki Rice Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 42 g
Nutrient Amount Per Serving %DV
Calories 150 -
Calories from fat 0 -
Total fat 0 0
Sodium 0 0
Total Carbohydrates 33 g 11
- Calories 2000 2500
Total fat less than 65 g 80 g
Saturated Fat less than 20 g 25 g
Cholesterol less than 300 mg 300 mg
Sodium less than 2400 mg 2400 mg
Potassium - 3500 mg 2400 mg
Total Carbohydrate - 300 mg 375 mg
Dietary Fiber - 300 mg 375 mg
How to Cook Nishiki Rice
Ingredients Nishiki Brown Rice, 1 cup (Makes 4 servings) Directions to cook • Take a cup full of rice in a vessel and add about 2 to 3 cups of water to it. • Keep on medium heat and let it boil. • Now bring down the heat to low once the rice boils. Cover the vessel with a lid and simmer for 50 minutes until the liquid is absorbed and evaporated. • Remove from heat and allow it to cool for 10 minutes. Serve hot.
Nutrition in Nishiki Rice; Cooked
Serving Unit Protein Fat Calories
½ cup 2 0 107
¾ cup 3 0 160
1 cup 4 0 213
1½ cups 6 0 320
How to Cook Sushi Rice
Ingredients • Nishiki white rice, 1 cup • Rice vinegar, ½ cup • Sugar, 3 tablespoons • Kosher salt, 1 teaspoon Directions to cook • Put rice into a sieve and rinse it under cold tap water. • Now let the water drain from the sieve so that the rice dries up. • Now, in a vessel, take the washed rice and add 4 cups of water to it. • Place the vessel on a low flame and let the rice cook. • For the dressing, add vinegar, sugar, and salt in a saucepan. Keep it on low heat. Let the sugar and salt dissolve. Allow the mixture to cool. • Transfer the steamed rice in a bowl. Pour the prepared dressing over it. Mix it well until every grain of rice is coated with it. • Mold it into sushi rolls or eat with chopsticks.
Nutrition in Sushi Rice; Cooked - Nishiki
Serving Unit Protein Fat Calories
½ cup 2 0 80
150 g 5 0 253
1 cup 3 0 160
1½ cups 6 0 320

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