chlamydia pneumoniae treatment

Chlamydia Pneumoniae Treatment

Chlamydia pneumoniae is one of the leading causes of pneumonia. Its treatment involves use of antibiotics and other medication. Here is detailed information about it.

Before we try to understand this condition, it is essential to make it clear that Chlamydia pneumoniae and Chlamydia are two entirely different conditions. Chlamydia pneumoniae is a type of bacteria which causes pneumonia. While, on the other hand, Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacterium. As there has been a lot of confusion between both these conditions and their causes, Chlamydia pneumoniae is renamed as Chlamydophila pneumoniae. What is Chlamydia Pneumoniae Chlamydophila (formerly chlamydia) pneumoniae is a type of bacteria which is one of the leading causes of pneumonia in people. The type of pneumonia caused due to this bacteria is known as Chlamydia pneumonia. This condition is commonly found in teenagers and young adults. This type of pneumonia occurs when the airways or the lungs (except the bronchi) get inflamed due to bacterial infection. It is known as atypical pneumonia as it is caused due to bacteria other than the streptococcus pneumoniae (which is the most common cause of pneumonia). The walking pneumonia, also known as Mycoplasma pneumoniae is also another example of atypical pneumonia. The symptoms of Chlamydia pneumonia are similar to that of other respiratory disorders or even flu. For e.g., fever, cough, chills, muscle pain, shortness of breath and nasal congestion are some of the prominent symptoms of this condition. It should also be noted that Chlamydia pneumoniae is a contagious condition, and can be spread from one person to the other through respiratory secretions like cough, saliva and even through the fecal-oral route. Let us now take a look at the treatment of Chlamydia pneumoniae. Treating Chlamydia Pneumoniae As the symptoms of this condition are similar to several other respiratory disorders, it is difficult to diagnose Chlamydia pneumoniae. However, one should remember that as it is a contagious disease, as long as symptoms appear, it is essential to look for quick medical treatment. Chlamydia pneumoniae can be treated with the help of antibiotics as it is a disease caused by bacteria. Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Clarithromycin, Levofloxacin are some antibiotics that are used for the treatment of Chlamydia pneumoniae. Secondly, the doctor will also prescribe decongestants for clearing nasal congestion. Thirdly, cough medications are also prescribed along with these medications to relieve cough. Similarly, anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen are prescribed to get rid of pain and muscle aches. It should be noted that any form of atypical pneumonia is not as severe as typical pneumonia. Therefore, even in this case, hospitalization is rarely required. On the other hand, one of the best natural treatment method includes taking complete rest. Taking rest is essential for strengthening the immune system to fight the bacterial infections. The person should also stay indoors, but, have fresh air circulating in his room. Following a proper diet, rich in vitamins and minerals; and having adequate amounts of water also helps in quick recovery. An ongoing or long-term antibiotics regimen is helpful in treatment of Chlamydia pneumoniae that persists for a long time. In chronic cases, or otherwise, it is advisable to complete the entire course of antibiotics in order to get rid of the infection completely. Different methods are used for Chlamydia pneumoniae treatment, like a combination of antibiotics, other medications, diet and rest. However, one should remember that if left untreated, it can lead to severe lung damage or even meningitis. Therefore, it is wise to look for quick and proper medical treatment, in case any of these symptoms are observed. Take care!

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