child gps locators

Different Types of GPS Locators to Track Your Child

The safety of children is always an issue of concern for parents. And today, it has become all the more crucial. In the world full of uncertainties that we live in, GPS locators that help to track and monitor children have turned out to be highly effective child safety tools. No wonder their popularity is on a steady rise.

The Accuracy Factor The one most important feature that you need to look out for when buying a GPS tracking device to track your child, is accuracy.
The advent of Global Positioning System (GPS) has made it possible to track a GPS-enabled device and, in turn, the person using this device, anywhere in the world. This system uses 24 satellites that are orbiting the planet to facilitate the tracking process. Taking into account the ease with which it is possible to track the whereabouts of an individual using this system, it shouldn't really come as a surprise that it has become quite popular among parents. Now, parents can sit at home and monitor their children. It is perhaps the best example of advanced technology making our life simple.
GPS Locators to Track Your Child
GPS child locators are basically GPS-enabled devices which can help parents track and protect their children when they are out for some school activities, or when they go out of sight in overcrowded places. These locators range from wrist watches and wristbands to devices with small GPS tracking chip within, which can be easily concealed in their accessories.
GPS-enabled Watches
A GPS watch with child locator resembles a normal watch, but has an in-built GPS receiver which can be tracked with a handheld tracking device or on the personal computer. Some watches feature a panic button, which, when pressed, alerts parents and authorities. The hereO GPS watch, which is by far the best watch for kids in the market today, also comes with a tamper alert feature. If the child himself, or someone else for that matter, tries to remove this watch, it promptly alerts the parents. A GPS-enabled watch can save your child in a whole lot of emergencies. It's an ideal device for school children and adolescents. Popular models
hereO GPS Watch
FiLIP Smartwatch
RT01 Watch Locator
Nu.M8 GPS Watch
Caref GPS Watch
GPS Wristbands and Ankle Bracelets
A wristband locator is a wristband with an in-built GPS device, which can be either worn on one's wrist or arm. Similarly, an ankle bracelet locator is one that is meant to be worn on ankles. A good quality wristband or ankle bracelet locator is made from a skin-friendly fabric and hence, is safe for your child's skin. Most of these are waterproof, so you can make your child wear it even when it's raining or when they are near water. Furthermore, some models, such as the Tinitell and LG KizON, also come with a two-way voice feature, wherein the child just has to press the main button and hold it to talk to his parents. The locator tags are planted inside the wristband/ankle bracelet to avoid being misplaced. That, however, doesn't hinder the signal strength of the device. So, if your child wanders off somewhere, this device can help you to bring him back safely. It is an ideal device for small children. Popular models
Kidsport GPS
ReliAlert XC
GPS Trackers
Besides watches, wristbands, and ankle bracelets, you can also avail the services of dedicated GPS trackers which are available in plenty. These trackers feature a small transmitter which transmits the location of your child on a real-time basis. Though small, they have a powerful range and thus, can be used to monitor your children without them having the slightest idea about it. Most of these devices are accurate up to a distance of 10 ft, while some, like the LineViewGPS or Spark Nano, have a range of well under the 10-ft mark. As they are small, these GPS trackers can be easily planted in your child's clothes, bags, or even shoes. In fact, some of these devices are so small that they can be easily concealed and planted on your child without him realizing. These trackers come as a blessing in disguise when it becomes difficult to convince children that they are being monitored for their own safety. Ideally, you should go for trackers which come with features like two-way calling and panic alert. Popular models
Amber Alert GPS
Loc8tor GPS for Kids
PocketFinder Personal GPS Locator
eZoom GPS and Child Safety
iTrack GPS Tracker
Spark Nano 4.0
LiveViewGPS PT-10
Lok8U Freedom for Kids
Some argue that GPS tracking devices are tools used by parents to skip their responsibility. Maybe some parents do that, but in general it has proved to be an effective safety tool, helping thousands of children in distress, not just in the US, but across the entire world. If your child's safety is your priority and you haven't yet bought a child GPS locator, then now is the time to buy one. You never know, by not buying it you might be making your child vulnerable to a whole lot of hazards.

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