carrot juice benefits for skin

Carrot Juice Benefits for Skin

The orange-colored, horn-shaped root, carrot has many health benefits. This article elaborates on carrot juice benefits for the skin and overall health.

Did you know that earlier carrots were grown for their aromatic leaves, and not for their roots? But, today carrot is more preferred for its root!
Carrot juice is awesome because it offers a lot of benefits for our overall health. However, it can really help to improve your skin health too. You can use it internally for detox or externally to get rid of scars. Regular consumption of carrot juice will help you get an even complexion. Let's discuss the various carrot juice benefits for skin.
Importance of Regular Consumption
Consuming carrot juice regularly, for a long-term will lead to well-hydrated glowing skin. Thus, the skin will not get dry and skin conditions like eczema can be avoided. Also, long-term use of carrot juice will avoid pre-mature aging because of its rich antioxidant content. So, you will prevent wrinkles, and those who have wrinkles will see a reduction in the intensity of wrinkles and dark skin spots.
Carrot Juice Skin Benefits
Pottasium-rich carrot juice prevents skin dryness
Carrot juice helps to reduce blemishes and scars
Drinking the juice keeps body and skin well-hydrated
It's a common ingredient in many skin-care products
Carrots contains essential oils which help in good digestion, and thus prevent acne
It has anti-inflammatory property, and helps to revitalize and tone the skin
Drinking the juice regularly will keep your skin moisturized, smooth, soft and supple
Carrot juice is also helpful for treating uneven skin tones, which occurs due to pigmentation
Vitamin A, necessary for tissue growth is in abundance in carrots and you can avoid supplements
Antioxidants prevent skin problems like eczema, dermatitis, wrinkles and even rashes
Carotenoids and antioxidants increase the skin's immunity against sun and help in healing sunburn
Vitamin C helps in collagen production, which improves skin elasticity and prevents wrinkles
Other Health Benefits of Carrot Juice
• Vitamin A in carrot is essential for good vision. • A lot of research is going on to find out a possible association between carrot juice and cancer. Carrot juice contains many essential vitamins and minerals which help in the prevention of cancer. • Drinking carrot juice removes indigestible fibers from the body. • Carrot juice increases the overall immunity of the body. • A daily intake of 1 cup of carrot juice also helps in the prevention of heart diseases, and reduces the possibility of a stroke.
Carrot Juice Facts
Many people tend to apply carrot pulp to their skin topically to get rid of blemishes/scars, however carrot juice benefits better for skin health if consumed internally.
Carrot is rich in nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C. A cup, that is about 240 ml of carrot juice, contains only 90 calories.
So drink 1 cup (8 ounces) of carrot juice daily but do not drink more than this amount, as it won't be absorbed by the body. Also, over-consumption of carrot juice can turn your complexion yellowish-orange temporarily.
Diabetics should drink less amount of carrot juice, because it contains a lot of natural sugar.
If you don't like the taste of carrot juice, mixing carrot juice with other food juices is a good idea. Some tasty combinations are carrot and orange, carrot and mango, carrot and blackberry, banana and carrot, beet and carrot, pineapple and carrot, etc. In this way you are including more nutrients in the juice, and at the same time you will be making it more appetizing.
For gaining the maximum benefits of carrot juice for skin and overall health; always try to drink juice made of fresh carrots. Avoid bottled carrot juices. I am sure, now that you know the various carrot juice benefits, you would also include a daily cup of carrot juice in your diet, for a healthy skin and body.

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