career counseling

Career Counseling

Career plays an important role in every individual's life. Education and many other factors shape the way your career moves forward.

Individuals have a wide choice when it comes to choosing the career of their choice. At the same time, a wide choice leads to confusion and people need help in choosing the right occupation that fits their interests, skills, and personality. You can take the advice of a career counselor to understand which field or domain you may choose based on your skills and personality. Career counseling is a vast niche field that involves helping individuals choose the right vocation based on their individual interests, personality, skills, and values. Counseling comprises career placement, planning, learning strategies, and student development. Personality Evaluation Some preliminary tests are conducted by career counselors to understand the psyche or personality of an individual. These tests comprise various questions that will help the counselor understand your area of interest, skills, values, and what kind of occupation excites you. There is no right or wrong answer in such tests; it is only a method of expressing your individuality. Various types of tests that determine your interests, personality, motivational factors, and your aptitude help the counselor gain a better understanding of your professional interests that may not be explicit. Each test is designed to provide them with the appropriate information, so that they can give feedback that ensures you choose the ideal career and achieve success. Personality tests are the most common test used to specifically determine your inclination for a certain type of occupation. Such tests focus on the psychological aspects of an individual and measure their personal characteristics, emotional makeup, and stability. It can also help you self-evaluate yourself and understand where you stand in the career planning process. Intelligence Quotient Depending on the choice of career you make, you also need to evaluate your IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Intelligence tests determine how smart you are, which is a prime indicator of your analytical skills, logical thinking, and of course intelligence! Every organization looks for a smart worker rather than a hard worker as an employee. A smart or intelligent employee adds a lot of value to the organization by channelizing his/her individual objective towards the larger interests of the organization. The Best Fit! Career counseling primarily involves identifying the potential of an individual and mapping the same to an appropriate occupation in order to leverage the individual's skills towards building a successful career. To put it simply, it is the process of finding the best fit to make an informed professional choice that suits an individual's personality and skills. For example, an extrovert who can get along with people very easily can excel at a job that involves meeting and interacting with people. S/he can work very well in a team/ group. Alternately, an individual with an analytical mind who is good with numbers can excel in a banking job or any job that involves analysis and interpretation of financial data. If you are someone who loves meeting different kinds of people and are good at analyzing and judging a person to a certain extent, and more importantly, can provide unbiased feedback and advice to individuals, then you can become a career counselor. Additionally, it is essential that you have a deep understanding of the dynamics of various domains and the current requirements in every industry in order to help aspiring freshmen to shape themselves accordingly. It is generally observed that individuals excel at something when they do it with passion. It is vital that you enjoy what you do on a daily basis to perform well. The best way to choose your vocation is to speak to a career counselor to understand your strong points and to continue in that direction. An informed decision is the best decision.

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