broken blood vessels

Broken Blood Vessels

Dismissing broken blood vessels in any part of the body as a harmless medical condition is not a wise thing to do, as there are chances that it may be a symptom of some life-threatening medical condition.

The condition referred to as broken blood vessels is normally caused due to minor trauma, which ruptures the blood vessels below the skin. This trauma can be caused due to various reasons, including bumping or bruising. Blood vessel rupturing is also a common phenomenon in aging individuals. In most of the cases, the same tends to leave a visible mark on the individual's skin. Being right below the skin, it seldom goes unnoticed. The most prominent symptom of this condition is appearance of a purplish welt or blood spot, resembling spreading red cells, on the skin. The individual may also experience some pain when the affected area is touched. Although rare, there are numerous other causes of ruptured blood vessels, prominent ones being high blood pressure, malnutrition, prescribed medication, etc. Eye: Technically referred to as subconjunctival hemorrhage, it is typically characterized by reddening of the eye due to blood leakage into the space between the conjunctiva and sclera. Although, it is a painless condition, it's wise to consult a doctor, as there are chances that it is a symptom of some underlying medical condition, such as high blood pressure or skull fracture. It is generally a self-limiting condition, which heals on its own within a week or two. Face: Broken blood vessels in face, i.e., nose, cheeks, chin, or forehead, can be caused by several factors, ranging from aging and exposure to sun, to stress and medical conditions such as rosacea. Even though it is not harmful, it is easily noticed and hence, you may have to initiate medical treatment to get rid of it as soon as possible. Popular methods of treatment include administration of certain antibiotics and sclerotherpy. Hands and Legs: Blood vessels in hands and legs are most likely to be damaged due to any injury caused to the limbs. Accidentally bumping into something while walking, or using your hand to break something can damage them. For instance, if you use your fist to break a wooden board, it can leave the blood vessels in your fingers damaged. Like the ruptured vessels in any other part of the body, blood vessels in hands or legs can also heal on their own within a week or two. Brain: Although minor damage to the blood vessels in most parts of the body doesn't cause much harm, the same in brain can be very harmful―not just to the brain, but to the entire body. The implications of a ruptured blood vessel in the brain includes speech disruption, double vision, etc. It requires proper medical attention. Most often, the condition is accompanied by severe headache and blurring of vision. The healing time depends on several factors, including the part of the body that is affected. Normally, it takes 4 - 6 days for these blood vessels to heal on their own. You can resort to simple home remedies, such as cold compress, to speed up the recovery process. Although, the problem is not very serious, if the symptoms persist for longer duration, or if it causes a lot of inconvenience, you may have to consult a medical professional to initiate further treatment.

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