brazil facts

Brazil Facts

A fast-growing economy and a region known for its diverse flora and fauna, Brazil is also the largest lusophone (Portuguese-speaking) country in the world. Facts presented in this article take into account the details pertaining to geography, climate and environmental issues.

Quick Fact!
About 60% of the Amazon rainforest (total area is 5.5 million sq. km.) lies in Brazil. The total area of the Amazon river basin is 7.5 million sq. km.
One of the biggest democracies in the world, Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world. Total area of Brazil is 8,514,877 sq. km. and it has an estimated population of 191,796,000. Brasilia is its capital city while 'Real' is the currency. Official name of Brazil is the Federative Republic of Brazil. The countries that share boundaries with Brazil are Suriname, Guyana and Venezuela on the north, Bolivia & Peru on the West, Colombia on the northwest, Uruguay on south and Paraguay & Argentina on southwest. Brazil was conquered by the Portuguese in 1500s and this huge land mass remained their colony till 1815. Index Interesting Facts about Brazil Geography and Climate History of Brazil Culture Environmental Issues Soccer Tourism Flag of Brazil
Interesting Facts about Brazil
Let us have a look at some interesting information about this country through facts presented below. Earlier, the southeastern region of Brazil had a dense forest cover. Today, this region is the most populous in the country and hosts major cities. The variety of animals found in Brazil is greater than in any other country in the world. The different climatic zones of Brazil are home to 600 species of mammals, 1,600 bird species, 1,500 species of fish and 100,000 insect types. The largest wetland in the world, Pantanal is situated in western Brazil. This area is marked by the presence of small islands and flooded lagoons. The historical landmarks of Brazil provide great scope for the development of tourism in this country. It was earlier believed that Asians were the first to settle down in what is today's Brazil. However, as per new evidences, traces of older settlements have been found (around 32,000 years old). The first attempt to overthrow the Portuguese regime by Brazilians was made in 1789. Although the rebellion was crushed, it started off a movement towards the freedom struggle. Finally, in 1822, Brazil attained the status of a sovereign state. The king was however, expelled in 1888. Dilma Rousseff was the first woman to become the president of Brazil; she assumed office on 1st January, 2011. Length of Railways (2011): 28,538 km.
Geography and Climate
Brazil shares its borders with every country in South America except for Ecuador and Chile. The Atlantic Ocean lies to the east of Brazil. The long coastline of Brazil is dotted with many beaches which attract tourists from across the world. Diverse climatic zones and topography is one of the specialties of this country. The different topographical features of Brazil include the mountains, plains, highlands and scrublands. One of the most complex and extensive network of rivers is found in Brazil; there are eight drainage basins in this country and their water flows into the Atlantic ocean. The important rivers of Brazil are Amazon, Parana, Iguacu, Sao Francisco, Negro, Madeira, Xingu and Tapajos. The varied topography of Brazil has led to the development of diverse climatic conditions. However, major portion of this country hosts a tropical climate. As per the Koppen Climate Classification system, Brazil has the following climatic subtypes: tropical, equatorial, subtropical, semiarid, temperate and highland tropical. More about Brazil can be understood through following paragraphs.
History of Brazil
It is said that human settlements of Brazil could be 30,000 years old. There is a consensus among scholars that cave paintings found in Brazil are at least 11,000 year old. One theory about the decimation of Brazil's large, indigenous population is that of the spread of diseases like smallpox brought by European settlers. The two population groups which survived these diseases were the Tupian-speaking agrarian society and the other who led a nomadic life. The Portuguese, led by Pedro Alvares Cabral arrived in what is today's Brazil on 22nd April, 1500. The population of native Americans at the time of arrival of the Portuguese was around 7 million. Brazil became independent in 1822. Peter I was the emperor of Brazil. The federal republic in Brazil was established in 1889; formation of the federal republic took place as the result of overthrowing the monarchy.
Today's multi-ethnic society of Brazil has evolved through a long process of cultural mixing that started during the colonial era. The mestizos are people who belong to the race formed in the colonial era when Portuguese settlers married native American women. The Mulattoes are people who descended from African slaves and Portuguese settlers. Portuguese, the official language of Brazil is widely spoken in this country; this language is therefore, an integrating factor in the diverse and multi-ethnic society of Brazil. Many words of Native American and African origin have been incorporated in the Portuguese language that is spoken in Brazil. Native American languages spoken in Brazil are the Tupi, Carib, Arawak and Ge. Over 60% people of Brazilians practice Roman Catholicism. Other religions followed in this country are Protestantism and Spiritism. According to the beliefs held by followers of Spiritism, the spirit survives after death. The institution of family holds great importance in the culture of Brazil.
Environmental Issues
The natural resources of Brazil make it one of the richest countries in the world. However, deforestation is the cause of concern for today's Brazil. The problem of air and water pollution in cities like Sao Paulo and Rio De Janeiro also needs to be addressed. Mining activities conducted in an improper manner have led to the degradation of the environment; water pollution too has increased due to mining. As per the government reports of 2005, 20% of the Amazon rainforest has been cleared. Measures like banning the products obtained from illegally deforested areas are taken to preserve the wilderness. The different measures taken by the Brazilian government have helped reduce the rate of deforestation from 27,000 sq km/year in 2004 to 5000 sq km/year in 2010.
It is the most popular sport played in Brazil. This country has won the soccer World Cup 5 times in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002. It was in 1894 that soccer was introduced in Brazil by Charles Miller, an Englishman (born in Brazil). Pele (full name: Edison Arantes do Nascimento), who is considered the greatest soccer player in the history of this game hails from Brazil. The highly-rated Brazilian soccer team of 1970 was known for its improvisational skills. Today, soccer is not just a sport, but also an art through which Brazilians express themselves. In the words of Gilberto Freyre, "The Brazilians play football as if it were a dance...for [they] tend to reduce everything to dance, work and play alike." It gives us an idea of how deeply this game is impressed in the culture of Brazil. *Note: Pele's parents had named him after the famous inventor Thomas Edison. But, they had dropped the 'i' from 'Edison'. On Pele's birth certificate, however, his name incorrectly appeared as 'Edison Arantes do Nascimento' and not 'Edson Arantes do Nascimento'.
The popular tourist destinations in Brazil are the Amazon forest, the Pantanal (a wetland whose major portion lies in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul), historic places in Minas Gerais and the beaches of Santa Catarina and Rio de Janeiro. Tourism in Brazil began to flourish since the year 2000. Although the rate of growth of tourism slowed down in 2006, revenue generation has seen a steady rise i.e from USD 3.9 billion - USD 4.9 billion between 2005 and 2007. The receipts from the tourism sector in 2011 reached a figure of USD 6.77 billion.
Flag of Brazil
The flag of Brazil has a green background with a yellow rhombus in the center. This rhomboid shape incorporates a blue disc which is embedded with 27 stars and a curved band. The 27 stars represent 27 states of Brazil while the curved band is inscribed with the words, Ordem e Progresso which means Order and Progress.
The huge land mass of Brazil, plenty of natural resources and most importantly the human resource of Brazil offer great scope for development. The facts presented above also point to the grave problems like deforestation. It is therefore, important for the government and people of this country to strive for a green and prosperous Brazil.

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