quiz to find which dog breed is right for your personality

Quiz to Find Which Dog Breed is Right for Your Personality

When it comes to getting a dog home, there's much more that you need to consider than just its looks or cuteness. Like humans, even dogs have different personalities, which makes them behave in a certain way. Wouldn't it be wonderful to own a dog who's just like you? Take the quiz in this Buzzle article to know which dog breed best suits your personality.

Chances are, like most people, you can't be slotted into any one category. Your personality is probably a mixture of these qualities. If you get near equals, for example, a near equal number of a's and b's, then dog breeds in either of the categories will suit you. However, it is advisable that you treat this quiz as a starting point, and do your own research on dog breeds and their behavior, to gauge which breed suits your personality the best. Always remember that whichever dog you select, it should be for life (Your dog's life!). So, think hard and consider your choices very carefully before getting your pooch home.

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