printable baby shower games your guests will surely enjoy

10 Printable Baby Shower Games Your Guests will Surely Enjoy

Tired of the same old sentimental baby shower games? Buzzle has compiled 10 crowd-pleasing games you can print and enjoy playing with the guests.

How to play the game
Just like any other word search game, this shower-inspired version is quite easy and fun to play. All they have to do is find the words from the list inside the letters grid, in an allotted time frame. Rows should be read forward, backward, diagonal or any path.
Choose the landscape option.
How to play the game
You can play the game on a variety of subjects like gifts received from guests, baby names, toys, baby items, and much more. Print the cards, write down the items depending on the subject you choose, distribute it during the party, and play a game of bingo!
Choose the landscape option.
How to play the game
A game of word scramble can include words related to babies, gifts, maternity, and baby items. In a specific allotted time, have the guests unscramble the words on the card to win the game.
Answer Key
1. Teether
2. Diapers
3. Motherhood
4. Mommy
5. Cradle
6. Rubber Ducky
7. Baby Bath
8. Breastfeed
9. Blanket
10. Milk
11. Playpen
12. Teddy Bear
13. Bassinet
14. Baby Walker
15. Shower Games
16. Feeding
17. Nursery Rhyme
18. Mobile
19. Baby Buggy
20. Doll
Choose the landscape option.
How to play the game
What do we have here? It's a list of popular nursery rhymes with certain key words missing. The guests have to fill in the blanks in a short amount of time, if they can remember the rhymes.
Answer Key
1. say, word
2. fleece, white
3. dock, ran, clock
4. tub, they, were
5. Horner, corner, Christmas
6. picked, pickled, peppers
7. Jack, Jill, hill
8. mice, mice, how, they, run
9. baker's, man
10. black, wool
11. itsy, bitsy, waterspout
12. farm, E-I-E-I-O
13. red, blue, sweet, you
14. Humpty, Dumpty, Humpty, Dumpty
15. raining, pouring, snoring
Choose the portrait option.
How to play the game
The definition of each candy bar has been given along with the answers on the card. It's up to the guests to find the correct candy bar names for every definition.
Answer Key
1. H - Almond Joy
2. E - Dots
3. F - M&M'S
4. I - Mr. Goodbar
5. J - Snickers
6. K - Twix
7. A - Tootsie Roll
8. L - Lifesavers
9. D - Mounds
10. C - Nerds
11. B - Butterfinger
12. G - 3 Musketeers
6. WHAT's in MOMMY-to-be's PURSE
Choose the landscape option.
How to play the game
This name of the game pretty much says it all. The only objective here is to see who knows mommy-to-be the most. Let the battle begin.
Choose the landscape option.
How to play the game
Celebrities are notorious when it comes naming their kids. Let's see how well our guests can pair the kids to their respective parents.
Answer Key
1. K - Louisanna Ray
2. O - Titan Jewell
3. N - Otis Alexander
4. G - Hazel
5. J - Isabelle Amarachi
6. M - Wyatt Isabelle
7. D - Rose Dorothy
8. A - Oliver Finlay
9. E - Saint Lazslo
10. C - Booker Jombe
11. F - Bodhi Ransom
12. H - Alena Rose
13. I - Briar Rose
14. B - Bear Blaze
15. L - Cricket Pearl
Choose the landscape option.
How to play the game
Can someone guess what's on mom-to-be's mind? Along with the guests, even the mommy will play this game. At the end of the game, compare the answers to see who got the most correct answers.
Choose the landscape option.
How to play the game
This game fits perfectly well for a girl's, boy's, or twins' baby shower. Once the cards are distributed, set the timer and have the guests write as many names as they can think of for each alphabet.
Choose the portrait option.
How to play the game
Once you print the cards for this game, you will see that we haven't provided any answers. Your job as a hostess is to interview the expecting parents and write down the answers. On the day of the shower, the guests have to guess which parent gave that particular answer.
Important Tip: If you're planning on organizing other games and activities during the shower, make sure they don't embarrass either the mom-to-be or the guests. Host the party in such a way that it helps break the ice (especially if guests don't know each other), is entertaining, and memorable for all.

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