month of july facts quotes and trivia

Month of July: Facts, Quotes, and Trivia

July reminds us of the hot summer days. The warm sunrays, buzzing bees, and holidays! But, there's much more to this month. In this Buzzle article, we bring you some less known facts, quotes, and trivia to test your knowledge, about the month of July.

1. July is named after a famous Roman general. Who is it?
Julius Caesar
2. In J.K. Rowling's book, what is the character Harry Potter's birth date?
July 31, 1980
3. Which is the famous sport tournament that takes place in July?
The Wimbledon Championship
4. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. Which was the name of their spaceflight?
Apollo 11
5. In the Northern Hemisphere, days in the month of July and August are considered as the hottest days. What are they called?
Dog days
6. Other than the water lily, another flower is regarded as the birth flower of July. Which is it?
7. What does the birthstone ruby signify?
It is a symbol of love, passion, strength, and confidence.
8. There is a monument named 'July Column'. Where is it and what does it signify?
It is in Paris signifying the Revolution of 1830.

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