leg extension machine

Leg Extension Machine

The leg extension machine is one of the best exercise equipment for working your quadriceps. The range of motion and the positioning of the body on the machine is very helpful in isolating the leg muscles and giving them a good workout.

The leg muscles are one of the biggest and most used muscles in our body, we use them regularly to stand, walk, run, etc. To stimulate the leg muscles it is necessary that you use weights that will put a good strain on them and a leg extension machine is the safest way to do it. The machine allows us to isolate the quadriceps and work them by adjusting the weights with the help of a lever. The seating platform on the machine also allows it to be used by people of different size. Side bars provided on the machine give the user an added advantage to stabilize and restrict the movement of the upper body. Using the machine for quadriceps exercises is recommended by many fitness experts. Leg Extension Exercise For the leg extension workout regimen you will need to use the machine in the gym. Also remember to do 5-7 minute warm up exercises before you start with your weight training program. Correct form and technique is important to avoid workout related injuries. Here is how you do leg extension workout
  • Adjust the weight according to your requirement on the machine and sit on the machine with your feet under the leg rest.
  • Adjust the rest platforms and make sure your legs are pointed forward and the leg rest is on your shins for this leg exercise.
  • Once you have adjusted the platform, your legs will be bent in a 90 degree angle, now hold the side bars with both your hands to ensure that your body doesn't move when you extend your legs.
  • Now, extend your legs using the quadriceps muscles, extend them as much as you can, and hold the position for 1 count. Then, slowly return to the start position, remember do not move your body, just move your legs.
  • Exhale as you are extending your legs and inhale when you are bringing them down.
Of all the fitness equipment in the market today, the leg extension machine is the best for a good lower body workout. This machine is also a great addition to your home gym as it won't take up much space. Here are a couple of reviews of some of the better leg extension machines in the market today. Body Solid The Body Solid Cam series machine allows you to perform a leg extension workout, and can also be adjusted so that you can do the seated leg curl exercise. This ability of this machine lends itself perfectly, to allow the user to get a complete leg workout with a single machine. The price of this machine is around the USD 345 mark and many reviews across exercise equipment websites, recommend this machine for commercial as well as personal use. Champion The Champion Selectorized Leg Extension/Curl machine is also a dual purpose machine, and as the name suggests can be used for leg extension or curl exercises. What sets this machine apart, from most other machines in the market, is that it has two extra adjustment setting which assist rehabilitation training programs. However, the approximate price of the Champion leg extension/curl machine is around USD 980, which is higher than some other machines in the market today. Multisports This machine comes with a manufacturers warranty for home users, which is one of its selling points. The Multisports Range of Motion (ROM) leg extension/curl series machines are made from heavy gauge steel to provide strength and stability. The machine is also priced at USD 459 which is reasonable, considering some other machines available in the market. The use of a leg extension machine for a good lower body workout, or for leg rehabilitation programs, is quite extensive because the range of motion and the positioning of the body on this machine helps strengthen the leg muscles. However, it is always advisable to consult your physician before starting any workout regimen.

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