kindness quotes and sayings

Kindness Quotes and Sayings

Kindness is one of the greatest virtue of human beings. Here is a compilation of some famous kindness quotes that tell us about importance of being kind.

Kindness is one such virtue which is advocated by all cultures, religions and castes in the world. In simplest words, kindness can be described as sympathy, consideration and willingness to help others. It is a divine virtue. There are several famous quotes and sayings by notable people in the world that help us understand the importance of kindness in our life. Inspirational Quotes about Kindness A word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain, while witty saying are as easily lost as the pearls slipping from a broken string. ~ George D. Prentice Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. ~ Diana, Princess of Wales That best portion of a good man's life: his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. ~ William Wordsworth Compassion is the chief law of human existence. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky The ideas that have lighted my way have been kindness, beauty and truth. ~ Albert Einstein Spread love everywhere you go: First of all in your own house... let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness. ~ Mother Teresa Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why, when I am in special need of help, the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim. ~ William Feather The center of human nature is rooted in ten thousand ordinary acts of kindness that define our days. ~ Stephen Jay Gould If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~ Dalai Lama One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion. ~ Simone de Beauvoir I choose kindness! I will be kind to the poor, for they are alone. Kind to the rich, for they are afraid. And kind to the unkind, for such is how God has treated me. ~ Max Lucado As much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. ~ Caroline Kennedy Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ~ Leo F. Buscaglia Everyone responds to kindness. ~ Richard Gere Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on; 'Twas not given for thee alone, Pass it on; Let it travel down the years, Let it wipe another's tears, 'Til in Heaven the deed appears; Pass it on. ~ Henry Burton Sometimes when we are generous in small, barely detectable ways it can change someone else's life forever. ~ Margaret Cho I feel no need for any other faith than my faith in the kindness of human beings...I am so absorbed in the wonder of earth and the life upon it that I cannot think of heaven and angels. ~ Pearl S. Buck Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness! ~ Seneca I hope you enjoyed reading these quotes. Lastly, Aesop has summed up beautifully and precisely in one of the greatest quotes on kindness: No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

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Причины для игры в клубе

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Корпоративные преимущества:
Чтобы победить, нужно только верить в удачу и всегда быть на положительной стороне.
Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
Управлять устройствами легко, панель с кнопками не поставит геймера в тупик.
Заманчивые награды и приятные бонусы.
Поглощая самую сильную положительную энергию этого раздела, вы можете вернуться к обычным вещам с полной силой. Но время от времени возвращайтесь сюда на сладкий и чарующий отдых.
Удивительно роскошный отдых прямо по соседству.

Чтобы поймать свою удачу, вам не нужно идти в стационарный игровой клуб. Вы можете попросить удачу на свидание прямо за монитором компьютера в вашем офисе или дома. Или вы можете крутить барабаны со своего мобильного устройства, имея доступ только к глобальной сети.

Любой адреналиновый энтузиаст может испытать невероятную удачу на Вулкан Победа официальный сайт. Часы отдыха пролетят незаметно, оставив интересный и незабываемый опыт, а также солидное дополнение к кошельку. Почувствуйте очарование рискованных приключений среди одноруких бандитов от лучших производителей.

Азартные приключения предназначены для удовольствия, а не разочарования, поэтому вносите на игровой счет только ту сумму, с которой не жалко расставаться.