games that are similar to animal jam

10 Games That are Similar to Animal Jam

Animal Jam is one of the popular games aimed at kids and teens. If you are in search of games like this one, those like Habbo and Neopets should be on your list. This article gives you some games similar to Animal Jam.

The revenue collected by Animal Jam memberships is donated to animal conservatories by National Geographic.
Animal Jam is a multiplayer online game (MMORPG) by Smart Bomb Interactive that has got kids hooked. It takes place in the world of Jamaa, where the players can explore different regions. Each environment is different from the rest with museums having different exhibits. The kids once registered, are given animal avatars with randomly generated names according to their avatar and are called Jammers. Players can accessorize their house and even adopt virtual pets. They can talk to each other using Jam-a-Grams or Safe Chat, a filtered chat which restricts the use of any foul words. Gems are used as a form of currency within the game to buy gifts or trade between players in a store called the Diamond Shop. One of the main benefits is that your kids won't be exposed to online advertising as the site adheres to a strict policy. It serves as an important educational experience to learn about different animals and their habitats. There are different avenues within the game, which let the players view videos. The Sarepia Theater lets the players watch fun and educational videos on animals. Brady Barr's place lets the kids experiment with different colors, go on expeditions, and learn about land-dwelling creatures. Tierney's Aquarium lets you learn about underwater creatures and lets you touch some animals in the aquarium. Overall, this game is fun. If you want more games like Animal Jam, scroll through the list below.
Games similar to Animal Jam
Fantage is a MMORPG released in April 2008 by Fantage, Inc. It lets the players create a cartoon-sized avatar of their real self. Targeted mostly at the 6-16 age demographic, it lets the players explore the virtual world of Fantage, consisting of 16 locations on its map. The players are allowed to customize their avatars as well as interact with each other at social events inside the world. But to get access to more than the standard wardrobe, you need premium membership. It has mini-games which you can play with other members as well as your pets, as well as educational content in conjunction with games which makes learning fun. It has created many mobile applications like Fantage Bullseye, Fantage IDFone, and Fantage Fish Fish for the iPhone. Website:Fantage
Habbo is the largest Finnish social networking service for teenagers. It was previously known as Habbo Hotel. The players can create their own Habbo character, design hotel rooms, meet friends, plan parties, play games, and look after pets. Though targeted at a different age group, the exposure and learning experience offered is similar to that provided by Animal Jam. Habbo has many features and has earned a big user base.
Club Penguin
The game was developed by RocketSnail Games and later distributed by Disney Interactive. In the game, you play as anthropomorphic penguins who are given a customary igloo. The players can interact with other players as well as decorate their igloos with the help of in-game currency. A game was launched on the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS, wherein the currency earned in the game can be used in the online version as well. This game has more than 200 million users and counting. Website:Club Penguin
If magic and wizardry garner your attention, then Wizard 101 is the game to play. The players choose to start their journey out of the seven magical schools of Ice, Storm, Fire, Death, Life, Myth, and Balance, each with its own unique set of spells. The game includes a hobby to train pets. It is a role-playing game created for young players. These factors make it a game similar to Animal Jam. It led to the development of Pirate101, which is also a choice of people who like playing Animal Jam. Warning: It may leave you under an addictive spell. Website:Wizard101
Marapets is an online game where you take care of your virtual pet. This game teaches kids to be more compassionate towards animals. You can own 12 pets at the same time. Website:Marapets
Dogzer is an online game that lets the players take care of a virtual dog. There are different breeds of dogs to choose from. The main objective of the game is to compete with other players and win the dog championship. If you are a dog lover, you wouldn't want to miss this tail-wagging adventure. Website:Dogzer
Neopets lets users take care of virtual pets. The game takes place in the world of Neopia. The virtual world has its own sense of time. You can trade items or buy more stuff which will increase the interactions between you and your pet using Neopoints, the in-game currency. Users can earn Neopoints by playing games of different genres such as puzzle, action, and luck with different users. It even has its own community in which users can chat, make friends, or share tips about the game. Website:Neo Pets
The game is played in the island of Panfu, where the users play in the avatar of pandas. This game is aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 13. Players can chat with each other and go on different quests, while enjoying the comforts of a safe environment. Website:Panfu
Moshi Monsters
Mind Candy developed this online game aimed at children aged between 6 and 14. You can adopt a monster as your pet and choose from six virtual monsters, Diavlo, Luvli, Katsuma, Poppet, Zommer and Furi. You can explore this virtual world and gain currency known as Rox by solving puzzles. Website:Moshi Monsters
BittyBay is a virtual animal kingdom in which the players can meet new friends and collect items and avatars. It is an multiplayer online game, which is safe for kids and teens. Website:BittyBay
Some more games that are similar to Animal Jam (in the sense that they are based on the animal theme and are created for kids) include Switchzoo, Mondo Zoo, Wolf Quest, FeralHeart, and Webkinz. Enjoy!

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Это первоклассное место для азартных игр - Вулкан Победа официальный сайт

Если вы хотите погрузиться в атмосферу веселья и адреналина, обязательно посетите портал Вулкан Победа официальный сайт, где яркие эмоции и бесконечное веселье. Заведение дружелюбно относится к своим гостям, дает им большое разнообразие качественных игровых автоматов и хорошие бонусы. Его двери всегда открыты, поэтому проблем с доступом нет.

Причины для игры в клубе

Опытные новички, а также подковы одинаково любят и ценят это казино. В чем причина? Здесь посетители найдут восхитительные эмоции, великолепные выигрыши и выброс адреналина. Чтобы начать увлекательную игру, не нужно изучать самые сложные инструкции. Правила просты и понятны по максимуму. Выберите достойную машину и начните ее немедленно. Круглосуточный портал готов к приему новых гостей, демонстрируя им изысканный ассортимент тренажеров и уютных игровых комнат.

Корпоративные преимущества:
Чтобы победить, нужно только верить в удачу и всегда быть на положительной стороне.
Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
Управлять устройствами легко, панель с кнопками не поставит геймера в тупик.
Заманчивые награды и приятные бонусы.
Поглощая самую сильную положительную энергию этого раздела, вы можете вернуться к обычным вещам с полной силой. Но время от времени возвращайтесь сюда на сладкий и чарующий отдых.
Удивительно роскошный отдых прямо по соседству.

Чтобы поймать свою удачу, вам не нужно идти в стационарный игровой клуб. Вы можете попросить удачу на свидание прямо за монитором компьютера в вашем офисе или дома. Или вы можете крутить барабаны со своего мобильного устройства, имея доступ только к глобальной сети.

Любой адреналиновый энтузиаст может испытать невероятную удачу на Вулкан Победа официальный сайт. Часы отдыха пролетят незаметно, оставив интересный и незабываемый опыт, а также солидное дополнение к кошельку. Почувствуйте очарование рискованных приключений среди одноруких бандитов от лучших производителей.

Азартные приключения предназначены для удовольствия, а не разочарования, поэтому вносите на игровой счет только ту сумму, с которой не жалко расставаться.