easy instructions to draw a heart

Easy Instructions to Draw a Heart

When you wish to draw a heart, there are a variety of designs, styles, and illustrations you can follow. With this Buzzle post, we will be going over 6 different, yet easy-to-follow ways that will help you draw a heart in a jiffy.

Mid-century Love The first depiction or drawing of a heart symbol was sighted during the mid-13th century in a manuscript of Roman de la poire, wherein the lover is shown kneeling and offering his heart to a damsel.
If you happen to type 'heart drawing' in any search engine, you will find countless tutorial sites with images and videos. And since you have chosen our site to learn the skill to draw a heart, we will make it a point not to disappoint you in any way. With 6 types of designs to draw, the only thing you need to do is follow the instructions. * Use the index given below to navigate through the page in order to find the drawings.
Before we provide you the step-by-step instructions to draw a heart, grab a few sheets of paper, pencils, and eraser. Clear some space on your workstation so that you have ample space to accommodate your laptop (to read this article) and draw simultaneously.
STEP 1 Using a ruler, draw an inverted triangle in the middle of a paper.
STEP 2 Next, draw 2 semicircles on top of the triangle's base.
STEP 3 Now, draw the heart around the circles and triangle, and join the ends at the bottom.
FINAL STEP Finish the drawing by either shading it with pencil or adding colors.
STEPS 1, 2, & 3 The first 3 steps to draw a heart with banner will be similar to that from the basic heart we initially created.
STEP 4 Draw 2 parallel, slightly curved lines across the middle of the heart. Extend the lines on either side of the heart as shown in the image above.
STEP 5 Connect the top and bottom lines of the banner along with the sides.
FINAL STEP Once you've completed the heart and banner, you can write a message on the banner and add colors to the whole drawing.
STEP 1 In this illustration, we will be using a different method to draw a heart. First, draw a single circle to create one-sided heart shape.
STEP 2 On the other side, draw two parallel lines that ends near the middle of the half heart.
STEP 3 Over the curve of the heart, make a small triangle.
STEP 4 Join the half heart shape with the triangle we just drew with two parallel lines.
STEP 5 Now, draw another circle on the other side and join the lines of the heart at the bottom. Also, make an arch where the arrow is being pierced through the heart.
STEP 6 In this step, add details to the arrow head and fletching (top and bottom, respectively).
STEP 7 Draw 2 arched triangles to give the heart more depth.
FINAL STEP Finally, you will complete the drawing by adding colors to the heart and arrow.
STEPS 1, 2, & 3 The first 3 steps to draw a heart with wings and flames will be similar to that from the basic heart we initially created.
STEP 4 To create flames, draw 2 curved lines from the bottom of the heart and join them at the top.
STEP 5 Draw the actual flames around the shape we just created.
STEP 6 Now we move on to the wings. Create the top outline (feathers) of the wings from behind the flame, on either side of the heart.
STEP 7 Add details to the wings by drawing short, vertical lines all the way across.
STEP 8 Using the space provided by the vertical lines, complete the bottom half of both wings.
STEP 9 Extend the wings by drawing longer, vertical lines below the previous step.
STEP 10 Similar to step 8, use the vertical lines to draw and complete the feathers on both wings.
STEP 11 Fill your choice of colors in the flames.
FINAL STEP Complete your heart drawing with wings and flames by filling color in the wings as well.
5. HEART with BOW
STEPS 1, 2, & 3 The first 3 steps to draw a heart with bow will be similar to that from the basic heart we initially created.
STEP 4 In the middle of the heart, draw a small rectangle with curved edges.
STEP 5 On either side of the rectangle, draw the bow using curved lines.
STEP 6 Extend 2 ends of the bow at the bottom, and add couple of lines on either side of the rectangle. This will give your bow some depth.
FINAL STEP Finally, draw 2 parallel lines on either side of the bow that wraps around the heart.
STEPS 1, 2, & 3 Somewhat similar to the first 3 steps of basic heart drawing, create 2 circles slightly apart from one another. Complete the individual pieces by completing 2 separate halves of the heart.
STEP 4 On the inside of the 2 halves, make crooked lines in such a way that if both pieces were joined together, it would fit properly.
FINAL STEP Now you are ready to complete the broken heart drawing by coloring it.
Make a handmade card for your loved ones, or fill a scrapbook with colorful heart designs. As you keep practicing the steps, you will able to draw a heart without looking at the instructions; and eventually, move on to other advanced drawings.

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