donkey kick exercise

Donkey Kick Exercises

A light exercise for the lower back and the gluteal muscles, donkey kick exercises can really work wonders. Read the Buzzle article to see how you can perform them with ease at your home.

"Exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate. The world wasn't formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them."
Lee Haney, former IFBB professional bodybuilder
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury. The gluteal and the lower back muscles are often one of the more difficult areas to sculpt and work on. Women generally want to tone these muscles, while men often suffer from lower back pain. The donkey kick works on your abs, butt, legs, and arms all at the same time. It's one of the quick and easy exercises where your entire body experiences a burn, and avails the advantage.
Exercise with Straight Leg
  1. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Bend over from the waist, and place your palms flat on the floor.
  2. Keep them at least 3 feet away from your toes.
  3. First, raise your right leg as high as it can go, and bend the left knee to support it. Push yourself up with the right leg to imitate a handstand. Your body needs to swing up in the air.
  4. Slowly, come back on your right foot without making any jerky movements. Do 10―12 kicks of 2―3 reps on each leg.
Exercise with Bent Leg
  1. Kneel on the floor, hold your palms, keep your elbows shoulder-length apart, and knees together. This is called the resting position where you will support your weight on the forearms.
  2. Keep your right knee bent, and slowly lift it and place it behind the other foot. Raise it toward the ceiling, and hold the posture for few seconds. Make sure you're breathing at a normal pace.
  3. Bring your right leg back to the resting position and repeat on the left leg. Do 10―12 kicks of 2―3 reps on each leg.
Exercise with Stability Ball
  1. With the ball placed in front of you, place your shin over it and lean down to the floor with your hands flat on the floor. Your body makes an "L" shape which bends from the waist.
  2. Bend one leg from the knee to extend it backwards for a kick. Don't point your foot, but keep it flexed. Without arching your back, extend your leg in a way that it becomes parallel to your back and hips.
  3. Without jerking your leg, bring it back to the resting position. Keep your back muscles tight while doing the exercise. Control your movement by breathing as normally as you can. Do 10―15 kicks for 5 reps on each leg. Once you've mastered the exercise, don't let your leg touch the floor for a high-intesity workout.
Make sure you keep an eye on your posture during the exercise. Incorrect posture and forms like swinging your legs too high, twisting your back, or lowering your head can cause injuries. Conform to the correct techniques and you will definitely see changes in the lower back and the gluteal muscles.

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