constipation in newborns

Constipation in Newborns

In infants, constipation can be caused by a change in diet, as well as the insufficiency of fluid in the body. It can be cured easily with some easy and simple home remedies, which are discussed in this article.

For the first time parents, it can be a really troubling experience to find out that their newborn baby is constipated. But there is no reason to panic so much, as it is not uncommon for infants to get constipated. Even a slight change in the diet can result in constipation. Generally, newborn babies have their first bowel movement within 24 hours after birth, and they pass black or dark green-colored, tarry, and thick stool, which is called 'maconium'. In the subsequent days, babies start to pass lighter and softer stool, and by the fourth or fifth day of their life, their bowel movements become regular. However, certain factors can reduce the frequency of bowel movements in your newborn baby. Constipation in Infants Causes Constipation can be an indicator of dehydration, which can result from insufficient intake of fluid. Some babies can get constipated when they are introduced to formula milk, while others can develop this condition when there is a change in baby formula. Similarly, the breastfed babies are likely to get constipated, when they are given formula milk in place of breast milk. So, any change in their diet, as well as feeding schedule can cause constipation, as their body takes time to adjust to a change. Symptoms Constipation is usually defined as a condition characterized by the infrequent or irregular bowel movements, and the passage of hard stool or feces. So, hard and dry, pellet-like stool is the most common symptom of this condition. To pass such hard stool, one has to strain during a bowel movement. Straining during a bowel movement may be quite normal for newborn babies. But if they cry or grunt while passing stool, then it can be an indicator of constipation. Passing such hard stool can cause cracks or fissures on the skin around the anus, which can bleed occasionally during a bowel movement. So, if your baby is not pooping regularly or crying excessively during a bowel movement, then be sure to check for the presence of streaks of blood in the stool and diaper, or cracks on the opening of the anus. Home Remedies This condition can be easily treated with some effective home remedies. Breast milk is known to contain natural laxative, and hence, breastfeeding is considered one of the best option for treating constipation in babies. Even a bath or massage, especially gentle massage of the stomach can help the newborn relax, and pass hard stool easily. Many people on the other hand, suggest increasing the feeding time, while reducing the amount fed. This is believed to be effective in improving the digestion of milk. For formula-fed babies, the simplest remedy is water. Water will provide extra fluid to their body and help cure constipation. Some natural remedies like prune juice, flax oil, and karo syrup can cure this condition quickly, but they need to be administered only under the supervision of a physician. In the meantime, avoid certain foods like bananas, dairy products, apples, carrots, and squash that can cause this problem. Generally, constipation can be alleviated with some simple measures like breastfeeding and an increase in fluid intake. But if you observe cracks around the skin of the anus, as well as streaks of blood in the stool, then immediately consult a physician. If your baby is having infrequent bowel movements, and is passing hard and foul-smelling stool, then consider to get the condition medically evaluated. Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only, and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice.

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