constipation and nausea

Constipation and Nausea

Constipation and nausea, for most people, are two different conditions. But in some cases, they could be related. Let us know how from this article.

Constipation is marked by infrequent bowel movements, and passing hard stools. It also causes a great deal of strain during bowel movements. Nausea, however, is not a condition, but a symptom. This may be caused by several medical disorders, and constipation is one of them. The reason constipation and nausea are related is because in severe constipation, the food has nowhere to go but up thus, it triggers nausea and sometimes, vomiting. Symptoms As nausea is already a symptom in itself, here we would discuss the other symptoms of constipation. Common ones include passing three stools a week or even fewer than that, and experiencing hard stools. As mentioned, straining excessively is also one of the classic constipation symptoms, and so is a feeling of blockage or fullness in the rectal region. One more symptom is the feeling of incomplete evacuation even after a bowel movement. Causes Factors which may cause constipation may also cause nausea, or the constipation itself may cause it. When the contractions in the colon muscles are slow, the colon may absorb excess water. This causes the stool to become hard and dry, which in turn, slows down their propulsion through the intestines. This is what is known to be the cause of constipation. This happens when there is not enough fluid or foods rich in fiber in the diet. Pelvic floor dysfunction is a medical disorder which also causes constipation. This condition causes the muscles responsible for moving the food in the intestinal tract, to work out of coordination. And this causes the affected person to strain during most bowel movements, even when the stool is softer. To add to this, other factors may include dehydration, delaying bowel movements, illness and frequent use of laxatives. Occurrence of constipation coupled with nausea in pregnancy is also common. The nausea caused is typically a sign of morning sickness, and constipation is believed to occur due to hormonal changes. Treatment When constipation is cured, nausea gets cured automatically, if it has been caused by the former. In most cases, you do not have to get medical help for treating the condition. A few changes in diet and lifestyle does it all. First of all, include good amounts of fiber in your diet; at least 20 - 35 grams daily. Fiber rich foods include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. Regular exercise help stimulate intestinal activity and prevent constipation and nausea, as well. Make it a point to drink at least 8-9 glasses of water everyday, and increase the intake of other nonalcoholic fluids, while reducing the intake of the alcoholic ones. This would help softening the stools and treating constipation. As mentioned, delaying bowel movements despite an urge to do so is also one of the causes of the stools becoming hard and dry. So whenever you have the urge, do not ignore it. Before considering laxatives, ensure that you have exhausted all other options for treating constipation. These medications must be considered as a last resort. This is because, if laxatives become habit-forming, without their help the person won't be able to have normal bowel movements. You can also benefit from constipation home remedies which include mango juice, cabbage, figs dipped in water, dates with milk and guava to name a few. Constipation and nausea is not a serious medical concern, and subsides easily with the help of a few lifestyle and diet changes, and using some home remedies. However, needless to say, if treating constipation fails with the tips explained here, then it would be wise to call for medical help to rule out severe and potential problems.

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