constipation and headache

Constipation and Headache

Many people experience constipation which can be quite irritating. On top of that if constipation and headache occurs together, it can really frustrate a person. This article provides some information about the causes for these conditions to be experienced jointly. It also includes some home remedies to treat the same.

Experiencing constipation and headache together can be quite a nightmare. If you are in such a condition, before finding out the ways to treat them, there are two things that you should consider. Firstly, it is possible that the headache that you are experiencing is totally disconnected to constipation. In that case, you will have to treat both the conditions separately. A second possibility is that your constipated condition is causing headaches, i.e. both the conditions are inter-related. In such a case, treat constipation first and the headache will automatically go away. Causes Stress If you are experiencing stress and tension due to any reason, be it personal or professional, it could cause both these conditions to occur. Worries, depression, and mental strain play havoc with our digestive system and hence, cause constipation. Stress headaches are pretty common among people these days. Toxins When a person is affected by constipation, the waste does not get eliminated from the body. This leads to retention of wastes in the intestines, thus, causing the release of various toxins in our system. In some people, these toxins cause headaches too. Dehydration Dehydration or insufficient intake of fluids may be another reason for them to occur together. Insufficient intake of water and fluids may trigger a migraine attack. A person experiencing a migraine attack experiences severe headaches. There is another reason why dehydration or lack of water causes headaches. When the human brain detects that the amount of water in the body is too low, it produces histamines. Histamines cause pain and tiredness in the body, thus leading to headaches. Hormonal Imbalance Hormonal imbalance in the body can also cause this. Pregnant women are especially known to experience both of these conditions together. Many women experience constipation and hormonal headaches, just before their periods, due to the hormonal changes that take place in the body. Treatment Since, headaches are primarily experienced as a result of constipation, in order to treat both these conditions, treatment of the latter is essential.
  • Keep your body hydrated, by including lots of fluids in your diet. Drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday. Include coconut water and fruit juices in your diet too. High-water content in the body can treat both of these conditions.
  • Eat a fiber-rich diet. High-fiber food items such as vegetables, fruits, and grains, speed up the process of passage of wastes through the bowel. A consistent high-fiber diet can even cure chronic constipation and headaches which are caused as a result of it.
  • Include such food items in your diet which are rich in sorbitol such as grapes, apples, prunes, raspberries, and apricots. Sorbitol aids in softening the dry feces and thus, it can be eliminated easily.
  • Physical activities such as exercises, running, or jogging, if undertaken everyday, also help in increasing the bowel movement; thus, curing constipation and the resultant headache.
  • Constipation and headaches that are experienced because of stress, can be relieved by adopting various relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and yoga. Sleeping for 7-8 hours everyday and taking regular breaks, while working can provide relief from headache.
Following the aforementioned remedies might prove beneficial to treat the mild cases at home. However, if both these conditions persist even after all the possible measures have been undertaken or if the constipation becomes chronic and the headaches become severe, it is recommended that you contact your physician for proper treatment. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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