computer parts information

Computer Parts Information

The computer parts information provided in this article is meant to help you out in deciding the right components that you need to choose for your computer.

Undoubtedly, each and every component in a computer is indispensable, however, making the right choice regarding the configuration of these components is what's important. What do you look for when you go to purchase a PC or a laptop for yourself? Of course, the answer is configuration. Besides, various manufacturers offer such good configurations at such reasonable prices that you really need to make a very wise decision before choosing between any of them. Therefore, this article gives you some information about computer parts. Grouping of Computer Parts The information about computer parts mentioned in this article can be divided into a few groups. The groups mentioned out here may not be the standard way, how the various manufacturers divide their components list into. But, this grouping methodology will help you in classifying the most indispensable components, for which you cannot settle down at a low value. This will make the data in this article a bit more clearer to understand. The groups are as follows:
  • Output Parts: This is no doubt a standard way of defining the output devices. Monitor, printer, and scanner are the most common output devices.
  • Input Parts: The components, like keyboard, mouse, etc., which are used for feeding in data and instructions to the PC are called the input devices.
  • Processing Parts: The processor is the only processing component of your PC.
  • Input Output Connectivity Parts: The I/O parts and USB ports are the ways or means through which a PC can connect to other peripherals.
  • Memory Devices: The memory devices consist of the RAM and the secondary storage devices. Another memory called the cache memory is also included in the memory devices.
Description About the Various Parts Processor This component deserves to be explained first of all. Because this is what makes a computer what it is. All the processing of information takes place in the processor. When you are buying a PC, remember to choose a processor with a high frequency. A frequency of 2.2 GHz means that the PC takes 1/(2.2 X 109) seconds to process one instruction. So, a higher frequency will mean that your processing time will decrease, hence increasing the speed of your computer. There are various types of processors available in the market. A 64 bit processor has a frequency of twice the frequency mentioned in your processor speed. For a 32 bit processor, a frequency of 2.2 GHz will mean exactly 2.2 GHz, but for the same frequency, a 64 bit processor will have a frequency above 4 GHz. The next important group, that deserves its place in this article is the memory devices group. Let us take a look at them. RAM The Random Access Memory is the primary memory of your PC. This is often also referred to as the main memory, in fact, when the term 'computer memory' is used, it does not mean the hard drive, but the RAM. Any information that you want to access from the secondary storage devices first needs to be loaded into the RAM before being accessed by the processor. Thus, it can be easily understood that a good amount of RAM will definitely enhance the performance of your machine. Hard Drive All the information that you want to store in your computer is stored in the hard drives. The hard disks can be broadly classified into two types, SATA hard disks and PATA hard disks. The SATA hard disk is a serial device, while a PATA hard disk is a parallel device. SATA hard disks are faster than PATA. The information can be stored and accessed at a very high speed. Owing to the age of digitalization, it is important that you see to it that your hard disks have good amount of memory capacity. Cache Memory This is the memory that comes in between the RAM and the processor. The size of the memory is not very large. It is usually in single digit MB. Certain logics are used to enter the most used information to the cache. The processor can access the cache memory, even before accessing the RAM. Hence, see to it that the PC you are willing to purchase has a sufficient amount of cache too. Graphics Card If you are into gaming then, a graphics card is something that will help you a lot. It takes off a whole lot of pressure from the RAM. It makes the processing speed faster and can handle graphics. The size of the graphics card comes in MB. There are in fact some games which won't run in your computer without a graphics card. Keyboard This is among the input devices. It is used for entering data. Obviously, nobody needs an explanation as to what the keyboard is. The question is what to look for in the keyboard. Nowadays, the keyboards provide a wide array of other functional keys, besides the normal keys. There are keys to handle multimedia applications as well as gaming applications too. Purchase a keyboard that has all these functionalities included in it. Mouse The pointing device of your computer, the mouse is the reason why most of us have forgotten almost all the keyboard shortcuts. The application of a mouse mainly relies on the graphical user interface. The light detection mouse is something that everyone is interested in. In fact, the roll wheel mouse is almost out of use. Scanner What if you want to feed in information into the computer through some pages? Suppose you want a photograph to be uploaded in your profile on the social networking sites. What would you do? The answer is a scanner. A scanner allows you to scan hard copy of documents and feed them into your PC. Browse over the Internet to find out which are the best scanners available in the market. Monitor A monitor is an output device. Definitely, this is another device that does not need an explanation as to what it exactly is. Now, the question is, what are the features that you need in a monitor? There are basically two types of monitors, the LCD monitors and CRT monitors. If you are a gaming enthusiast and give a lot of importance to graphics and look and feel, then probably an LCD monitor is what you would want. LCD monitors may be a bit costlier than the CRT monitors, but the cost is worth it. As far as CRT monitors are concerned, if you are a bit tight on budget, you can settle down for a flat screen CRT, which will of course cost far lesser than an LCD monitor. Printer This is a printing device through which you can print out hard copies of documents. Though not extremely necessary that you should get so, but it is always preferable to get a printer if you are into desktop publication. Besides, they do not cost much nowadays. A laser printer gives you high performance as well as good quality hard copies of your documents at a very fast speed. So, if you are going to purchase a printer, try to get a laser printer. Input/Output Ports Input output ports are required for connecting to the external peripherals. A good number of input/output ports is very important. Now, it is the age of USB devices. See that you have sufficient number of USB ports to your computer. After all, you may need to attach an external USB mouse, your USB flash drive, and your mobile phone at the same time. Hence, it is important that you have sufficient number of USB ports. CD/DVD ROM This can be considered as an input as well as, an output device. You can get information through the CD or DVDs into your PC, or you can also write information into the same. It is very important that you have it in your computer. Take into consideration that you take a CD/DVD ROM, which can read as well as write DVDs. This is basically the PC parts checklist, that you need with you when you go for purchasing a computer. If you are going for a desktop computer, you can in fact ask for assembling the individual components. But if you are going for a laptop, you will have to check a lot more configurations and find out the best laptop deals.

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