best dogs to own

Best Dogs to Own

If you are contemplating the idea of keeping a dog as pet, there are certain things that you need to take into consideration ... not just about the dog, but also about your lifestyle. In this article, we put forth a list of the best dogs to own if you live in an apartment and have children.

It doesn't take a long time for your pet dog to become a member of your family, and therefore, it's important that you do thorough research before you bring home a dog. Each dog breed is different, especially when it comes to temperament. As a pet dog becomes a lifetime commitment, it is very important that the animal and his needs suit your lifestyle. After all, a small puppy that you bring home as a birthday gift for your kid, will soon become more or less like your baby. He will be around for a really long time. What Are the Best Dogs As Pets? There are many traits that you should look for when you are trying to answer this question. You need to consider the house or apartment you live in. If you live in a small apartment, you need to consider whether that dog is comfortable living in small spaces. If you live in an apartment, your neighbors might get annoyed with the persistent barking of your dog, and to avoid complains, you need to choose a dog that does not bark much ... or unnecessarily for that matter. Also, if you are a working person, as a result of which you won't have enough time to exercise your dog, then you need to consider getting a dog with low exercise needs. High energy dogs, which are bred for hunting and guarding, will have little options to vent out their energy in an apartment. The long hours of inactivity will frustrate them and things in your house might fall prey to their pent-up energy. So, for your own and your dog's safety, you need to choose a breed that does not get hyperactive and can manage living alone for hours. The dog size and dog grooming requirements are also to be taken into consideration. If you live in a small apartment, it won't be wise to bring home a large dog like the German Shepherd or Great Dane. Neither you, nor the dog will have enough space to stretch your legs. A dog with grooming requirements is not suitable for those who have very little time to spare. It will only cause the dog to have matted fur that will lead to some health problem and your expenses. If you have children, then it is very important to consider the temperament of the dog. If the child pulls or pinches the dog, it might irritate him and he might nip or bite in retaliation. Some dogs are possessive about their territory and things. They don't like sharing their food trays, water trays, and toys. While playing, if your child goes for the dog toy, it might not go down well with your dog. Best Dogs as Pets for Apartment Dwellers
Alaskan Malamute
Bassett Hound
Bichon Frise
Chihuahua Dog
Clumber Spaniel
English Cocker Spaniel
English Toy Spaniels
Great Dane
Italian Greyhound
Lhasa Apso
Miniature Pinschers
Newfoundland Mastiff
Old English Sheepdog
Scottish Terrier
Shih Tzu
Springer Spaniel
St. Bernard
Standard Schnauzer
Yorkshire Terrier
There are certain breeds that, despite being popular, are best avoided if you live in an apartment. These include the Irish Setters, Retrievers, and Pointers. Although, they are good with kids, they have high energy levels that do not suit apartment life. You should also avoid Hounds. They are not just highly enthusiastic, but also are very noisy. Even the Beagle, Coon Hounds, etc., make a lot of noise that will not be appreciated by your neighbors. Collies, like Border Collies, Bearded Collies, and Shetland Sheepdogs, are herding breeds that get really bored with apartment life. They need open space to let out their energy. If they cannot do this, they get destructive. The same problem is faced with Siberian Huskies, as they are sled dogs and need to be active. Without work, they get bored and destroy things around them. Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, and American Pit Bull Terriers are guard dogs that do not suit apartment life. They grow up to be really large and require a lot of training. Terriers, too are happy and lively dogs that tend to be very noisy and therefore, are unsuitable for an apartment. The same is the case with Dalmatians. Best Dogs for Kids
Basset Hound
Bernese Mountain Dog
Bichon Frise
Boston Terrier
Boxer Dogs
Cairn Terrier
German Shepherd
Great Dane
Irish setter
Labrador Retriever
Old English Sheepdog
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Shetland Sheepdog
Shih tzu
St. Bernard
West Highland white terrier
The following dogs are not considered to be very good with small children. They may do well with considerate, older children, but that's when they are raised as pups.
Afghan Hound
Alaskan Malamute
Border Collie
Cairn Terrier
Chow Chow
Giant Schnauzer
Jack Russell Terrier
Miniature Pinscher
Miniature or Toy Poodle
Yorkshire Terrier
You need to study a lot in detail about the particular breed before you get it home. Dogs will be the best companion you'd ever find; the most faithful, loyal, and dedicated friends.

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