yoga stretches for sciatica

Yoga Stretches for Sciatica

To get rid of shooting pain suffered during sciatica, yoga stretches prove to be very useful. The only hitch is that the yoga stretches have to be performed diligently, everyday, to get rid of the pain...

Sciatica can fast become a debilitating condition. In this condition, a person will experience shooting pain in the lower back and the side of the leg. This is often caused due to an inflamed sciatic nerve or due to irritation of the sciatic nerve. Along with pain, a burning sensation may also be observed in the lower back and the sensation may also radiate into the leg. However, doing yoga stretches for sciatica help in alleviating the condition. It is important to note that in most cases, sciatica is caused due to a tightened piriformis muscle. This muscle starts at the base of the spine and continues to the top of the thigh. It is this muscle, which enables the outward rotation of the thigh. Since this muscle is not stretched often, it tightens, which in turn exerts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Lumbar spine problems and chronic dehydration are also common causes of sciatica. Pregnant women may also suffer from a sciatic nerve problem, as the growing fetus exerts pressure on the nerve as well. Yoga Poses for Sciatica The aim of the yoga stretches for relief from sciatica pain is to work the piriformis muscles and lengthen and strengthen the muscles. These sciatica relief exercises will work the lumbar spine as well as work the hamstring muscles, which in turn will help in relieving the pain.
Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog
This pose can easily pass off as one of the most well-known of the yoga poses. Come down on all your fours. Place your hands such that they are a little away from you. Slowly lift your knees off the floor, as you extend your elbows and knees. Now try to reach your hip bone as high as you can towards the sky. Make sure you are not collapsing in your shoulders. Try to bring the heels towards the floor. Initially it will be very difficult, but eventually you will find peace in this posture. To come out of the posture, slowly come down on all your fours in table top position and then come out of the posture completely. A person suffering from back or shoulder injury or wrist problems, should consult their health care professional before practicing this pose.
Sukhasana - Easy Pose
Although the name of this yoga stretch for sciatica is easy pose, you should not be fooled with it. To do this stretch, you will have to use a fold of thick blanket, which has at least 6 inch thickness. Now sit on the edge of the blanket, with both your legs extended out straight in front of you on the floor. Cross your legs, such that your right foot is under the left thigh and vice versa. Your feet should be on the blanket itself, so that your feet are well supported. Keep your spine straight and sit in the position for as long as you can. Then gradually change the crossing of the leg with the opposite leg on top. In other words, if your right leg was crossed on top of the left leg, now let the left leg be crossed on the right leg. When you are sitting in this position, make sure your spine is straight and you are not slouching.
Utthita Parsvakonasana - Extended Side Angle Pose
To do this stretch come into a lunge with the right leg in front placed at the center of the yoga mat. Now turn the left foot, such that heel of the right leg is perpendicular to the arch of the left foot. Now slowly lower yourself, so that the right thigh is parallel to the floor and the right knee is placed exactly above the right ankle. Then extend the right hand in front of you as much as you can. Slowly lower your right hand till it is placed on your right ankle. You may choose to keep a yoga brick next to your right leg and place your right hand on the brick as well. Your left hand should be extended out straight above your head, as depicted in the image. Hold the position for a few seconds, before you release and repeat the exercise on the left side.
Baddha Konasana - Bound Angle Pose
This may seem as a very simple stretch, but it is one of the most effective stretches for sciatica. Sit on the floor with both your legs extended out straight in front of you. Now slowly bend your knees, such that the sole of the feet are facing each other. Press the soles into one another and now try to bring both the feet closer to yourself. Hold the toes of both your legs and as you breathe deeply, let the legs drop into the floor. Do not press your legs into the floor as you may injure your leg. Sit in this position as long as you can.
Virabhadrasana II - Warrior II Pose
Come into a lunge with the right leg in front to complete this stretch. There should be about 3.5 to 4 feet distance between your feet. Now turn the left foot such that it turns 90 degrees and is perpendicular to the right foot. Extend your hands out straight. Make sure your right thigh is parallel to the floor, but make sure that the right knee does not cross over the right ankle. Sit in the position as much as you can and tuck your tailbone. Look to the right or straight in front of you and stay in the position for a few seconds, before you come out and repeat the stretch on the other side.
Utthita Trikonasana - Extended Triangle Pose
To do this sciatica stretch, stand with your feet about 3.5 to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms, so that they are at shoulder height and parallel to the floor. Turn the palms of the hands, so that they are facing the floor. Pigeon toe the left foot and duck toe the right foot. In other words, turn the left foot slightly inside and turn the right foot completely to the right. Lock the knee caps and bend down towards the right from the hip joint. When your bend down make sure both sides are equally long. Place your right hand either on a brick placed in front of the right foot or on the shin bone, with your left hand extended out straight towards the ceiling. Both the knees have to be locked in this position. Hold this position for a few seconds, before you release to repeat the same on the other side.
Ardha Chandrasana - Half Moon Pose
This stretch is an extension of the extended triangle pose. The only change you will have to make is that you will have to place the hand, either on the floor or on a yoga brick. It is advisable to place the hand on the brick for better support, when you are new to the stretch. Place the brick about 1 foot away from the body and gradually lift your left leg off the floor, so that you are balancing your weight on the right hand and right leg. Try to shift the weight a little onto the standing leg, by keeping the knee locked and flexing the foot. This is also a balancing posture, therefore initially you may find it difficult to balance yourself in the posture, but with practice it will indeed become easier.
Supta Padangusthasana - Reclining Big Toe Pose
Lie down on your back with both the legs extended out straight. Bend the right leg into your belly. Now take a yoga strap and loop it around the ball of the right foot and gradually extend the leg up in the air. Gradually try to pull the right leg towards your nose. Slowly lower the leg and repeat the same on the other leg as well. When you are doing this stretch, it is important that both the legs have to be straight at all the times. You can also try to do this stretch with both the legs at the same time.
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - Upward Facing Dog
One of the simplest, yet one of the effective of the sciatica stretches. Lie with your stomach on the yoga mat. Both your legs have to be extended out straight. Place your palms exactly below your shoulders, so that a person standing should not be able to see the palms. Inhale and lift your upper body off the floor as you straighten your arms. When you are in this position, make sure you are not collapsing your shoulders and you are not throwing your head back. You can throw your head back if you have been practicing the pose for a very long time, under the guidance of your yoga teacher.
Vrksasana - Tree Pose
This is as much a balancing posture as much a posture for sciatica. Stand with both the feet next to each other. Shift your weight onto the left foot and lift your right leg off the floor. Now gradually lift your right leg and place the right foot on the left inner thigh with your toes pointing towards the floor. Once you feel grounded, slowly extend both your hands up in the air and try to balance the position for as long as you can. Repeat the same on the other leg.
Before you practice any of these yoga stretches for sciatica, it is important that you consult your health care professional about the same. It is advisable to practice these stretches with a yoga teacher itself, to ensure they are practiced correctly. If there is a lot of discomfort noticed while doing any of the stretches, come out of the stretch and talk to your yoga teacher about the same.

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