wall decorations for bedrooms

Wall Decorations for Bedrooms

If you are looking for creative wall art ideas for bedroom, then you have come to the right page. Through this article we will take a look at some of the ways in which you can decorate your bedroom wall.

The bedroom of your home is a place where you relax after a long day at work. It should have a soothing and tranquil atmosphere and to achieve that, you need the right decorating items. I have seen a lot of people using too many decorative elements in the bedroom, making it look cluttered and museum like. To avoid this, you need to make sure that you decorate your bedroom tastefully and keep away from too many knickknacks. The first thing you need to do while thinking of wall decorations for bedrooms, is the theme that you want. Asian inspired Zen bedroom decor is very popular right now and you can create it with minimum effort. Other bedroom decorating themes that you might like are cottage style bedrooms, modern minimalistic bedroom and a princess style bedroom. Whatever bedroom style you choose, it can be enhanced by the use of wall decorations. Here we will take a look at some wall decoration ideas for bedroom.
Bedroom Wall Decorating Ideas
Wall Painting Techniques
One of the simplest way to decorate the walls of a bedroom is painting the walls in a pleasing wall color combination and finish. You can also create a dramatic statement by painting one of the walls in a darker hue like cobalt blue, crimson, wine or aubergine. The rest of the walls can be painted in a complementary color. Experiment with different finishes and textures to create a unique bedroom wall. You can also opt for different wall painting techniques like sponge painting, strie painting or painting stripes and chequers in two or three different colors. These wall painting techniques do not require any prior knowledge of painting and can be done by you very easily.
Wallpaper as Wall Decoration
Does painting walls as wall decorations does not sound too appealing to you? Well, why not try wallpaper as decorations for your bedroom walls. You will be amazed at the sheer variety of patterns and designs of wallpaper that is available. You can even have your wallpaper personalized by having a design that matches with the curtains and upholstery of your bedroom. To create a dramatic statement in your modern minimalistic bedroom, cover only one of the walls behind the bed with wallpaper in a contemporary and bold black and white wallpaper pattern. Adding moldings to your bedroom wall when you have a high ceiling also works as bedroom wall decor as it makes the room look cozy and inviting.
Wall Hangings and Paintings
One of the most traditional ways of decorating walls is by Hanging wall art, painting and wall hangings. Choose an oil painting or watercolor painting that appeals to you and hang it on the wall just above your bed. You can choose a large painting or group together four or five paintings in attractive frames to liven up the bedroom. If you love textiles and prints, one very good way of using them as wall decor for bedrooms is to frame them with attractive and antique frames and hang them on the bedroom walls. Modern abstract paintings are ideal for adding that pop of color in a minimalistic bedroom, and landscapes and portraits are just right for an English cottage style bedroom.
Wall Murals and Mirrors
Are you artistically inclined? Then maybe you can create a beautiful wall mural for your bedroom wall. If you want something more understated, you can go in for stenciling a border on the walls of the bedroom or using lace covered in paint to create a unique detail on the wall. Whatever you do, just make sure that the end result looks graceful. A good wall decorations for bedrooms is to use antique silver frames that has a lot of details and use it to frame mirrors. Large wall mirrors hung on the bedroom wall makes a great style statement.
These were some ideas for wall decorations that you can take inspiration from. Use proper lighting to bring out every decorative element of your bedroom and use curtains and drapes to complete the look. A bedroom should always look tranquil and relaxing and you can give your bedroom that ambiance by using beautiful wall decorations.

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