types of meditation music

Types of Meditation Music

There are different types of meditation music that you can use for different purposes. This article sheds light on the various types...

In general terms, meditation is the act of concentrating on good thoughts going on in our mind, and promoting mindfulness in ourselves. It is a very good method of keeping our mind calm, and living a peaceful life. It can provide motivation, helps in stress management, and has many other emotional and physical benefits. One of the complementary aspects associated with meditation is music. Music and Meditation For centuries now, meditation has been performed while music was being played. However, it doesn't necessarily require music to be played in the background. Music creates a perfect ambiance for the individual to concentrate, and can simply aid with the purpose of meditation. There are different types of meditation techniques used all over the world. As a result, different music is used. Types of Music Used in Meditation Classical Music This type of music is traditionally used for meditation in several countries all over the world. Generally, classical music is soft and smooth to the ears, so the person can effectively concentrate. There are many classical tunes composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Abbey Simon, Markus Stocker, Severin Blazer, and many other well-known classical musicians, that are used while meditating. Gregorian Chanting and Primordial Sounds Gregorian chanting is a style of baritone singing. It has been used in meditation for centuries by many religions. Most of the chanting used nowadays relates to the music used between 900 to 1300 CE. Primordial sounds are also a kind of chanting, which helps the person achieve the ideal mindset. The most popular primordial sound is 'Om', which is majorly used in India for meditation. Nature Sounds Nature sounds are probably the best music for meditation. In order to use natural sounds during meditation, you can go to a quiet place such as a garden, a forest, or a hilltop. Another option is to purchase audio CDs of nature sounds. These CDs sometimes have a combination of classical music and natural sounds, which can enhance the concentration and the calming effect. Instrumental Music Be it any type of meditation, instrumental music is certainly a suitable complement. This consists of music from various musical instruments, such as the classical guitar, violin, sitar, chimes, piano, harp, flute, and other such mellifluous musical instruments. You can choose from a wide range of instrumental music CDs. Christian Music: If you are a devout Christian and want to meditate while concentrating on your God and Jesus, you can use Christian music. Usually, Christian music includes a blend of traditional Christian tunes and soft instrumental music. It is generally used in churches. You can even use this music in your daily prayer and meditation at home. You may find Christian meditation music CDs in many stores. If you take a look into the music stores in your locality, you will surely find CDs exclusively meant to be played during meditation. You may even get VCDs with inspirational quotes and sayings to enhance your experience. Whatever music you choose, remember that it should be soft and soothing to your ears, and should help you calm down and concentrate on what goes on in your own mind.

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