bathroom decorations country style bathroom decor

Country Style Bathroom Decor

Bathroom decorations will help you to relax and also give you the feeling of serenity. If you are thinking of renovation, you can choose from various bathroom decorating ideas. Here are tips to have a country style bathroom decor.

Nowadays, bathrooms are modeled in a luxurious style as people wish to make it lively and comfortable. Decorations for every element in the bathroom are available today. Bathtubs, shower stalls and wash basins in different designs, patterns and materials are available. Wash basins are prominently found in creative shapes, colors and designs. Shower stall curtains, lights, flooring, etc. can also be modified according to the theme. Many people go out of their way while decorating a bathroom. Luxurious decorations also include installing a television, refrigerator or a treadmill in your bathroom. Country style home decorations are quite popular and preferred. Country style decor is characterized by a rustic, natural and earthy look. Let us look at a few decoration ideas for the same. Country Style Bathroom Anything antique or old will automatically give a country-style look to the bathroom. Therefore, shop for accessories in the bathroom that are of vintage or antique style. Replace the modern accessories with old or wooden ones. Wooden and iron cabinets and towel bars are most suitable for country style bathroom decor. You can even put wooden chests or shelves or a bathroom vanity if you have a large bathroom. Countertops made of marble or granite look elegant and contribute to the decor. White porcelain faucets, large bathtubs and printed fabric shower curtains are perfect for a country style or rustic bathroom decor. If you wish to install vinyl curtains, shop for the ones with dark colors or those having a floral or nature themed designs. Do not have bright-colored paint or wallpaper for the walls as softer shades will be more apt to the theme. Basic colors without any combinations can be used. The color of the bathroom flooring should match the walls or you can even go for old-fashioned tiles. Bathroom lighting with soft colored lights will add a softer look to the decor. You can even buy a chandelier or some old-fashioned lamps which will be just perfect in a country style bathroom. Wooden photo frames, wooden pegs and plaques, large engraved mirrors, cotton towels, rugs, etc will create a country style ambiance in the bathroom. Scented colorful and decorative candles will also add to the beauty of your bathroom. If your budget does not allow entire bathroom remodeling, you can just add these old-fashioned accessories to decorate. You can even have a wicker basket for storage purposes. It is recommended not to add any luxury bathroom decoration accessories like a television, as it will definitely look out of place. Buying Bathroom Decorations All these accessories are available in vintage or home furnishing stores. Once you have an idea or theme fixed in your mind, shopping will be easier and also a lot of fun. You may even come across something fancy or something unique which would be perfectly suitable for your country bathroom decor. You can have your bathroom made or remodeled in any theme using well-planned decorating ideas. Bathroom decoration ideas that are followed should be such that they should appeal to the eyes, but, should also succeed in serving the purpose. Functionality and usefulness are basically important while the overall look comes later. This decor will help you have a feeling of living at a countryside in your metropolitan area.

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