how to make an origami crane

How to Make an Origami Crane

Origami can be a lot of fun, for the kids as well as for the parents and teachers who guide the kids through the activity. This article gives step by step instructions on how to make an origami crane. Refer these pointers to create the perfect one.

Origami is a fun way of creating beautiful 3D models with a single piece of paper. You can make origami flowers, birds, animals and many other creative things by simply folding the paper in a specific manner. Origami cranes make wonderful gift tags and can be used as decoration items as well. According to a Japanese legend, a person who makes thousand such origami cranes is granted a wish by the crane. These simple instructions will guide you efficiently through the whole process of making an origami crane. Read and learn. Step 0 Before starting, you need to select the type of paper that you want the crane to be made of. You may use paper made specifically for origami or any other kind of paper with the texture and color of your choice. Step 1
Place the square piece of paper on the working surface. If you are using an origami paper, which is colored on one side, begin with the white side facing up. Step 2
Rotate the paper 45 degrees and fold it into half to get a triangle. Unfold to get a crease joining two corners of the paper. Similarly, make another crease to join the two other corners of the paper and again unfold it. Step 3
Fold the paper into half to get a rectangular shape. Unfold it to get a crease in the middle of the paper. Now, rotate the paper by 90 degree and fold it into half again. Step 4
Unfold the paper and flip it over. You now have two creases, perpendicular to each other in a 'plus' manner. Step 5
Bring the sides as well as the top corners to meet the bottom point, so that the sides fold inwards along the creases and the paper looks like a diamond. Step 6
Now, fold the top layer of the sides along the center crease. Flip the paper over and repeat the step to get a kite shape. Fold the top triangle of the kite downwards. Unfold all the folds made in this step. Step 7
Lift the bottom point of the diamond and flatten the paper along the new creases, to bring the edges towards the center. Step 8
Flip the paper over and repeat the above step. You get a tall, thin diamond. Step 9
Place the diamond in such a way that the part which is separated in the middle, is to the left. The two separated flaps will be the neck and tail of the crane. Fold the top layer of the sides along the center crease. Flip the paper and repeat the step. Step 10
Fold the top layer of the right side over the left side. Step 11
Fold the lower triangle upwards in a reverse fold. Flip the paper over and repeat the step. Step 12
Again fold the right side over the left side. Flip the paper and repeat this step. Step 13
Now fold the upper triangles down on both the sides, to make the wings of the crane. Step 14
Pull the neck and the tail slightly apart. Step 15
Using another reverse fold on the neck, make the head of the crane. Pull the wings slightly apart and flatten them a bit. Your cool origami crane is all set to fly! This was all about folding a square piece of paper to make an elegant bird. Now, that you know how to make an origami crane, get ready to hit a thousand, and make a wish! Who knows, the crane might just be grateful to you! All the best!

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