how to make crutch pads

How to Make Crutch Pads

Crutch pads can be made using inexpensive and readily available materials. The main function of a crutch pad is to reduce the pain and discomfort, specially under the arms, caused due to the continuous holding of crutches.

Suffering from leg injuries can be quite annoying since it restricts mobility and also hampers the daily routine. After a while the doctor may advise the patient to use crutches for movement. This medical equipment helps the individual to move about, without putting much stress on the injured foot. Though this helps a lot, there is one thing which is not so good about crutches and that is the pain and discomfort it causes when it is held. The under arms gets affected the most with all the friction, pressure and shock caused due to the crutches. The skin under the arms may also get chaffed and welts or abrasions may also appear. Though you can get rid of these with the use of talcum powder or body lotion, but won't it be nice to permanently address this problem? Now you can reduce this uncomfortable feeling with the use of crutch pads. Before you fix the pads to the crutches, check for the place which causes maximum discomfort and cover it accordingly. Tips for Making Crutch Pads In order to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling while holding the crutches, you can mask the metal and wooden holding with crutch pads. There are many materials with the help of which you can make your own crutch pads. This is one of the inexpensive ways to provide comfort to your aching arms. Even though you have fixed the pads to reduce the pain, you must endure that you are able to use them quite comfortably.
  •  Before you cut out the material for creating the underarm crutch pads, take measurements of the crutch tops so that you cut just enough material to cover the crutch pads. For the forearm crutch pads, cut out circular piece of material so that it fits snugly into the gap.
  • Once you are done with the measurements, cut out enough material for padding the crutches. You can use gel inserts, similar to the ones in sports shoes, egg crate padding foam and even use small pillows to tape the crutches.
  • Cut the material, if you are using egg crate padding foam, with the help of scissors after measuring the crutches. After you have cut it out, cover the top of the crutch and with the help of a masking tape, fix it firmly. Wind another layer of the duct tape if you feel that the pad has not been stuck firmly to the crutch.
  • You can also use glycerin-based gel pads, which are commonly found in computer mouse pads. This is another excellent way to get rid of the pressure with the squishy, soft gel of these pads. It also provides quick relief from the pressure experienced in the underarms.
  • In case you have to create crutch pads for kids, you can make the crutches more attractive. How? You can purchase soft toys, which may fit the crutch tops. Make sure that the eyes and other fittings on the soft toy does not poke the child. So for this you can align the toy in such a manner that the eyes stay out of the way of the underarms. This will also make the crutches look cute.
You can also purchase crutch pads from stores. However, before purchasing make sure that the crutch pads rating is satisfactory and has a large customer base. With these comfortable crutch pads, bid goodbye to the pain and discomfort in the underarms. What's more, you can also design your own crutch pads making it look trendy.

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