balance exercises

Exercises to Improve Your Balance

Whether you're recovering from an injury or developing your overall strength, it's essential to perform exercises to improve your balance. Read the Buzzle article to find the exercises that provide a well-rounded fitness and coordination, and help you stay active.

Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury. The most integral part of these exercises is the interaction between your mind and soul through various movements. Your eyes, ears, muscles, and joints are all connected to the brain, which means your body has to make required adjustments according to each movements you make. To obtain perfect alignment, the body actually readjusts itself to keep that balance and make you more efficient so that you use less muscles throughout the activity. A more technical term for in balance is called proprioception. When you gain perfect proprioception, your body has the sensibility to understand where your body is in space and how it should react. Undergoing balancing exercises and training, no matter what your age may be, you gain the opportunity to improve the communication between your mind and body, and hence, improve your balance. Balance for Vertigo A person suffering from vertigo feels an illusion of dizziness or sudden motion. The feeling appears to be similar to being seasick and that the surroundings are spinning or falling. The feeling of being nauseous and want to throw up is very common with vertigo. If you suffer from vertigo, then perform the following exercises to bring back the balance you're looking for. Eyes
  • Look up and down for about 20 times.
  • Next, look from one side to the other for another 20 times.
  • The final exercise starts with holding one finger in front of your eyes at a distance.
  • Focus on the finger, slowly move the finger closer to you and back to starting position for about 20 times.
  • Start slowly and then try to speed it up, but only if you feel comfortable.
  • Keep your eyes open for all the head exercises.
  • Bend your head forward and backward for about 20 times.
  • Turn your head from one side to the other for about 20 times (as if you are saying no).
  • Once you start to feel less dizzy, repeat both the exercises while keeping your eyes closed.
  • Start slowly and then try to speed it up, but only if you feel comfortable.
  • While sitting in the chair, shrug your shoulders about 20 times.
  • To mix it up a bit, turn them to the right side and then the left side for about 20 times.
  • As an extension to this workout, bend down towards the floor (as if you are trying to pick something up) and then return to the sitting position.
  • Repeat this exercise 20 times.
Balance for Kids When you talk about exercising in front of kids, not many of them return the same kind of enthusiasm that comes from the parents. With child obesity risk elevating day by day, regular exercising is very important for kids. So what can parents do to "trick" them into working out? Why not merge the exercises with some fun activities. So, instead of purchasing new video games for your kid(s), give them:
  • Aerobie Squidgie Disc - Looks similar to a Frisbee; great water sport.
  • Trampoline - Trampoline exercises are perfect fun activity that integrates exercise with sport.
  • Snowboard or Surfboard - Depending on where you live, both the activities are perfect for balancing.
  • Jump Rope - Performing skipping rope exercises are beneficial and effective for complete balance.
  • Ski Machine - Stationary ski machine workout; perfect for kids who can also learn skiing.
These exercises help you decrease the risk of injury (no matter what you might be doing during the day) and improve your overall performance. Balanced strength and flexibility help you maintain a good, balanced lifestyle, for now and in the future.

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