bathroom shelving ideas

Bathroom Shelving Ideas

Here are some of the best bathroom shelving ideas for you. These will not only help you organize the toiletries and other essential items in the bathroom, but will also help to play up the bathroom decor.

There are a number of options available in bathroom decor. Adding storage to the bathroom, no matter whether it is small or large is a point to consider while remodeling. You need to place a lot of essentials in it and with proper storage arrangement, these will stay well-organized. Having ample storage arrangement will ensure that it does not look cluttered. Shelving is a good idea of adding that needed storage space. It also adds to the decor. Bathroom Shelves Possible Placement Options You can have the best shelving when you plan it properly. First, consider the placement options. Check the free spaces available in the bathroom, where you can have the shelving. Remember that it will mainly be used to place essential items, so they have to be accessible. Like having the toothpaste, brush, and hand wash above one of the bathroom vanities is essential. Having soap, scrubs, body wash, and loofah near the shower is essential. Same goes with the bathtub, all essentials must be kept near. So, arranging shelves near the shower, bathtub, and basin for placing the necessary items is important. You could install small-sized glass shelves on both sides of the vanity mirror. Material Used A mix of shelving patterns can be used for the bathroom. It is best to keep uniformity in the materials used. Another idea is to choose the material according to the background, where you are adding shelving units. Like shelves on a tiled marble surface can be those of marble. Those inside a glass shower stall can be made of glass. The ones above a wooden vanity can be made of the same wooden material and finish. Types of Shelving Units There are various types of shelving units that you can consider adding to the bathroom for perfect storage. One of the storage tips is to install these in the corner. You can have 3 to 4 of them, one above the other. One of the best and most popular ideas is to have wall mounted shelves. Fix them at a comfortable height. You can install them to form beautiful patterns. A zigzag or 'S' pattern looks awesome. Simply have wall to wall shelving to hold the toiletries. You could also check out the free standing ones which are the best pick for large and spacious bathrooms. You could place these in the two corners. You could opt for storage cabinets. When mounted on walls, storage cabinets don't take floor space and help to pack in all those items which are lying here and there. Finishing Touch Well, making those shelving units look beautiful is important to enhance the look of your bathroom. You can use designer brackets for beautifying the units that are made from glass. For wooden ones, you can choose colors matching with the rest of the decor, for an overall decent appearance. For closed storage, use decorative handles. You can place decorative pieces on the topmost shelf. You could opt for two independent shelving units besides the door, mirror, or window and place show plants or a fresh flower vase over it. Nicely rolled towels and folded bath suits will look perfect on the open shelves. Make sure that all the items are placed neatly on them. With the aforementioned ideas, you are sure to have a great looking bathing space. Place some aromatherapy oils and potpourri on them and get ready for a relaxing and refreshing bath.

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